Brezhoneg. This list is an overview, a list for quick reference, but probably not exclusively what you need to plan your alphabet. Breton is a Celtic language spoken in Brittany, France with only about 200,000 speakers, making it severely endangered. Find Diacritics Lets you select a set of Latin letters and/or diacritics and searches the Unicode database for precomposed characters. (I can't find my Cyrillic keyboard). At least that’s what Lang says and I can confirm this based on my own experience. This document lists the original vocabulary written in the Toki Pona Script. In btransliterations, we generally prefer using й over the palatalizing letters, so Brian becomes Брайан (not Браян) and Yolanda becomes Йоланда (not Ёланда). write translation in English-Toki Pona dictionary. For example, {jan Susan} would be "(the person named) Susan". Problem 5: w. Most Slavic languages don't have /w/ and use /v/ instead, which they write with the letter в. Belarusian has ў, but it's exclusive to diphtongs. Many of them have less curly shapes which makes them more ideal when writing on wood boards or similar. What does being a native speaker have to do with it? Toki Pona is a constructed language created by Sonja Elen Kisa.This document proposes a script for Toki Pona following the philosophy of the language. Can't understand the "logical language", and already studied almost all Toki Pona … Oct 14, 2012 - Explore Matthew Martin's board "toki pona" on Pinterest. I do think that the southeners' j-solution looks much better than й or the palatalizers, but there are far more easterners (including past me) to whom j as a Cyrillic letter is alien, so I have to support their inelegant method too. Even though Russian is the most commonly spoken language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet, I think that all the other languages outweigh it. Kazakh (Cyrillic) Kazakh (Latin) Kenga Kenyang Khana Khasi Khorasani Turkish Khwe Kigiryama Kikongo Kikuyu Kimbundu Kimré Kimîîru Kinyarwanda Kipfokomo Kipsigis Kiribati ... Toki Pona Tonga (Mozambique) Tonga (Zambia) Tooro Toro So Dogon Toura Trinitario Tsakhur Tsikimba Tsimané Tsishingini Tsonga Tswa Tswana Tumbuka Tumulung Sisaala It has been tested to a fair extent, but some bugs may still remain. The problem is that almost every other language uses e as non-palatalizing, and Ukranian uses the similar-looking є as palatalizing. Cyrillic script has many similar letters to Latin and many letters are simpler than their Latin counterparts. It can be learned in a few hours. Teaches the Russian Cyrillic alphabet along with Library of Congress-style transliterations. This means that adapting toki pona for an alphabet only requires picking 14 letters (or sequences of letters) that would correspond to the same or similar sounds. o luka e poki "o ante." Perhaps "иjо лоjе jан" is more readily readable than either of "ийо лойе йан" and "иё лое ян"? toki. Moreover, I am also familiar with Latin, Chinese, Korean, Cyrillic, Batak, and Arabic scripts. The following repository contains some UTF8-ready dictionaries for the spell checker feature of Sublime Text. How to count in Toki Pona, a constructed language designed to … With just 120-123 words (depending on how you count), I didn't think it was possible to say anything. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. That goal is to distil thought down to its very essence by means of as small a vocabulary as possible. kon sewi li toke e ni: o alasa e ma mama sin. Only e. Problem 2: i. Ukranian has і (also pronounced /i/) and и /ɪ/, and I've heard that Kazakh distinguishes between those two letters in a similar fashion, but nearly everyone else uses just и. See more ideas about toki, language, fictional languages. I have taught students from various countries, and I know that everyone learns languages differently. The use of a good unicode font (such as Arial Unicode MS) is suggested. Problem 4: ja, je, jo, ju. Kung ang mahalin ka ay bawal, ito'y napakasakit. Cyrillic for English - (Сарилик фоьр Иңглиш) is an adapted Cyrillic orthography to write English using ь as schwa, so 'sofa' would be written 'соьфь'. not my regular handwriting — that doesn’t allow for lower-case letters; so whenever i need to write something with lower-case letters (such as in exams. Latin to Cyrillic (not a toki pona specific tool. I mainly do research on language learning methods. ... Latin, Latin or Cyrillic, Cyrillic, Greek, other simple LTR alphabets, Indic, other South Asian, Syllabaries, Hangul, Japanese scripts, Sinograms, Hebrew, … Introduction. I'll leave it as an aesthetic decision. Q: (Capital Cyrillic letter) A: (Lowercase Cyrillic letter) (Capital LC transliteration) 2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The cards come in two forms: 1. Adapting toki pona to Cyrillic. Read about it in Business Insider , The Guardian , Wikipedia , The Globe and Mail , The Atlantic , The New Yorker , ساسة بوست . 8 26 149 2 published: 31st december, 2019 last edited: 31st december, 2019 created: 22nd december, 2019. this is based on my handwriting. The creator of toki pona is jan Sonja, which isn't me. Excepted Lojban and Toki Pona, all have Romance-based lexicon and "european" grammar so easy to understand. See more ideas about Toki, Language, Fictional languages. Lingua Franca Nova is additionally defined in Cyrillic script.. Letter inventory. тасо она ли ике тава токи Инли! re: Problem 2: Belarusian actually only uses ⟨і⟩, having no ⟨и⟩ in the alphabet. The cards come in two forms: 1. One could simply read more to avoid something like this, but I thought that it would be better if a native speaker like me did the job for them by explaining what I already know. A table for comparison of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets to find overlapping and very similar-looking letters. Toki Pona is artificially designed to enable simplification of the language, while maintaining a fair bit of the complexity of expression. Teaches the Russian Cyrillic alphabet along with Library of Congress-style transliterations. Mar 7, 2016 - Explore Hazel Dodds's board "Toki Pona" on Pinterest. toki pona:" in front of the text written in tokipona. All of the above are transliterations of the classic Lorem ipsum, letter by letter or its closest approximation. A lot of things were completely straightforward: Problem 1: e. Russian has two e-sounding letters: е and э. Е palatalizes preceding consonants and is pronounced /je/ if there are none, э doesn't. а а а. сина кэн кэпэкэн ситэлэн "ў" лон ними "ўилэ" эн ними "ўэка". I like that Russian (which I studied for a while at university) has upper and lower case letters that are for the most part identical. Many of them have less curly shapes which makes them more ideal when writing on wood boards or similar. Since the root vocabulary is only 118 words, my idea to map each root word to one Unicode character appeared to be a feasible task. Russian (Cyrillic), Greek, Armenian Lorem Ipsum. sitelen pi ike mute, an über-cursed way to write toki pona. For example, here’s how they can be converted to Greek and Cyrillic: Latin Most Russians can pronounce у as /w/ in borrowings like Уинстон (Winston), but uw clusters pose perhaps the worst aesthetic problem so far (suwi becoming сууи looks confusing and just ewwwwww). Note: since Cyrillic is used not only for Russian, but also among other Slavs, I'll be taking them into account as well. In Russian, those can be written either as йа, йэ, йо, йу, or я, е, ё, ю (and even though /ji/ is an illegal in toki pona, I think the Ukrainian letter ї deserves a mention). kama pona tawa kulupu pi toki pona lon lipu Wesi! токи пона кепекен сителен Килили ли пона севи. Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. ), i use this style.. i know that in places it looks a bit broken. Postby janLesa » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:12 am, Postby janKipo » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:27 am, Postby jan_Pusa » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:17 am, Postby janKulisa » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:00 am, Postby janKipo » Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:07 pm, Postby janSalo » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:18 am, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests, Signs and symbols: Writing systems (hieroglyphs, nail writing) and Signed Toki Pona; unofficial scripts too. I had an thought that what if Toki Pona would be written in Cyrillic script? The engine converting from Latin (reverse transliteration) is two Perl scripts, lat-koi (for Russian) and lat-koi-ukr (for Ukrainian). It came to France during the Early Middle Ages. Dictionaries for Sublime Text. This applies to Esperanto, Interlingua, Quenya, Slovio, Sona, Tokipona, Volapük. ), Press J to jump to the feed. kama pona! Some sections that list names (e.g. Toki Pona is a constructed language with a specific goal. Here is the final result (adjusted to my preferences): What do you think of that? It was my attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words. ми пилин е ни: сителен Лоси ли пона тава токи пона ен токи Епеланто ен токи Лосупан. The Toki Pona cleartext revealed on the sandraandwoo website: soweli meli li nimi e ni: soweli meli li toki poka kon sewi. However, they have never been used much. I don't think it changes the final verdict, but it's something to note. Lorem Ipsum dummy text based on artificial languages. On the other hand, it may look a bit ugly in ij clusters: ийо doesn't look hideous to me (in fact, it is иё that seems worse), but maybe that's just beause such a cluster appears in Russian adjectives like Английский and Русский, and how ё isn't commonly used in formal texts. View Catalogue. jan | kulupu jan | pali | ma | moku | musi | sona | soweli en akesi | tenpo pini | toki. As an example, here is the introduction text from the Facebook gropu of toki pona … Only в. Cyrillic script has many similar letters to Latin and many letters are simpler than their Latin counterparts. (And if you know about any more weird Cyrillic stuff (especially in the less explored non-Slavic languages), I'd love to hear about it!). It is based on words and other things that exist in all Slavic languages.The idea is that Slavs from any country can understand it without learning it first. Signs and symbols: Writing systems (hieroglyphs, nail writing) and Signed Toki Pona; unofficial scripts too Signoj kaj simboloj: Skribsistemoj (hieroglifoj, ungoskribado) kaj la Tokipona Signolingvo; ankaŭ por neoficialaj skribsistemoj It also serves as a writing system for some non-Slavic languages, but I'm not as familiar with them. I like how you broke down every single thing that may be argued here! more importantly, re: Problem 3/4: you've considered whether to use "palatalisers" if you have chosen ⟨й⟩ for /j/, but what about if you go for ⟨j⟩ instead? lon. They probably just looked up "Cyrillic alphabet transliteration", found something Rusocentric and pasted it into some piece of code that produces a table of syllables or a transliterated dictionary. ми кепекен э сителен Э лон ними Э/Эн/Эсун. April 11, 2017. This is a fan site. Script. lipu sona pi toki pona li pona li ken pana e sona mute (tenpo ni la lipu sona pi nanpa 719 li lon). I comprehend Italian, Tok Pisin, Toki Pona, and Elefen quite well. Read more: How to use Microsoft SwiftKey with more than one language If a language is shown on the list below, but you can't see it in the … But don't expect me to write correctly on only one of them even if I can understand them. of countries) have not been copied here as names are simply written in Latin script. That's certainly a good approach to problems like this one. Interslavic is a constructed language meant to be used by Slavic people.It is like a modern version of the Old Church Slavonic language of the 9th century. Writing is a learned skill for everyone, even in one's native language. Useful phrases in Toki Pona. Most IALs use Latin script for their standard writing. The most foolproof way would be to make a language from scratch, but that's one of the harder ways. The engine converting from Cyrillic encodings is a Perl script cyr-conv. There are many reasons to write tp in non-standard alphabets, but, if you want people to just read what you write, sticking to Latin is probably the best plan. Toki pona only uses 5 vowel and 9 consonant sounds. That is strongly preferred, but if you really want to, you can use і. Toki Pona (~200): Language with ~120 words. I know that this has been done before, but I haven't seen anyone give a comprehensive reasoning behind their decisions, or even an actual native speaker's attempt, so I decided to be the first one to come up with a system and explain its logic and be a native speaker of one of those languages. Another advantage is that й encourages words like linja to be pronounced more like /lʲinjə/ than /lʲinʲə/ or /lʲiɲə/. (Welcome to the Toki Pona subreddit! The use of a good unicode font (such as Arial Unicode MS) is suggested. The name has to be mangled into Toki Pona phonotactics, though (basically CV, with a fairly small set of possible C, though a word-initial V syllable is allowed and syllables can also end in "n"). Catalogue - Breton. wan la meli suli la ona li jo e oko pimeja. sona nasa Not to bore you with a sinpin pi nimi mute: unicode lets you stack diacritics on characters using combining characters: ͣ ͤ ͥ ͯ ͨ ͬ ͫ ͆ ͦ ͩ ͮ ͭ ͧ ͪand you can stack them on top of each other, too. Feel free to make derivatives to the extent you can or want to. pali pona | actions and lifestyle | agado kaj vivstilo. Problem 3: j. tenpo nanpa walu sike pini la ona li open lon li kon sewi li kute e kon sewi. Numbers in Toki Pona. With only 123 words, Toki Pona allows you to think more clearly with simplified thoughts. by language (Russian vs. Serbian and Macedonian Cyrillic)), and on personal preference. It uses both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts and has over 2 millions speakers. Also adds machine-readable tags identifying the text as being written in tokipona. For more information, see here. The Southerners just avoid this problem by employing ј. I leave the palatalizers (я, е, ё, ю) as discouraged but permissible as an aesthetic decision. The Easterners use й, while the Southerners (generally) use ј, and neither of them seem to be okay with switching to the other one. To transfer information either to a storage device, such as a disk, or to an output device, such as the monitor or a printer. The latter group works similarly to how I described е above: they palatalize the preceding consonant and are read as /ja, je, jo, ju/ when there are none. sina wile sona e seme?. Q:(Lowercase Cyrillic letter) A: (Capital Cyrillic letter) Jump to phrases. A collection of useful phrases in Toki Pona, a simple pidgin-like language invented by Sonja Elen Kisa in 2001 and based on universal human experience designed to express as much as possible with just 120 words. lipu li ike tawa sina la sina ken ante e ona. These letters are also mostly absent from South Slavic languages (except for Bulgarian). ni li lipu Wikipesija!. The Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Android currently supports 500+ languages, and you can enable up to 5 languages at once. It depends on the degree of difference you need, on font, on shape conventions (e.g. There's a much greater chance someone in the class would know German than Quenya, or how to read Cyrillic as opposed to Tengwar. Q:(Lowercase Cyrillic letter) A: (Capital Cyrillic letter) Most IAL writing systems use only letters from the ISO basic Latin alphabet, but there are some exceptions.. Volapük originally had three additional letters ꞛ, ꞝ, and ꞟ, devised by Schleyer himself. Most of them were downloaded from the Open Office list.Credits to the people working on these! Tengwar Visually compressed, but still has a squiggle per sound. Q: (Capital Cyrillic letter) A: (Lowercase Cyrillic letter) (Capital LC transliteration) 2. I know that this has been done before, but I haven't seen anyone give a comprehensive reasoning behind their decisions, or even an actual native speaker's attempt, so I decided to be the first one to come up with a system and explain its logic and be a … I do admit that one of the reasons why I mentioned it is because I wanted to make my opinion seem more valid, but I thought that the lack of explanations (in-depth or not) of others' conversions comes from the fact that they don't know the Slavic languages as well as native speakers. All Content create by me is Creative Commons, by Attribution. Like how you count ), I use this style.. I know that everyone languages. 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