The Emmys and the Gender Wage Gap When Michelle Williams accepted a 2019 Emmy for best actress in a limited series or TV movie for her role as … Last month we saw Kate McKenzie become the Chief Executive of Chorus. Does he deserve the promotion, the pay increase? Not only have we risen to the challenge of becoming more educated, women are being encouraged into areas like science, technology, engineering and maths which have traditionally been male dominated, we’re participating more in the labour market, we have the fourth highest participation rate in the OECD. The gender pay gap is a multifaceted problem. They might get a small pay rise but they won’t move as high up their pay band as when men negotiate. When we come back to government we'll return with a bold agenda. And we are committed to an industrial relations system that can address the gendered undervaluation of work and to improve the wages of low-paid women. As a society, we have consistently undervalued women's work. I am reaching out to you because we need your help. Labor has been considering this idea for some time and we believe a strengthened version, with the drafting problems removed, may have some merit as part of a suite of other measures. That’s a high level extrapolated gure based on average full-time weekly earnings for men and women. Penny Wong As Finance Minister, my role is often seen as a dry one: watching government spending closely, keeping the Budget on track, saying no to other ministers, and chasing efficiencies. Without gender equality, we will never achieve any of the global goals. We'll restore the penalty rates, cuts to which have disproportionately impacted women on low incomes. The government have been asleep at the wheel on this issue. Given at the joint Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank and European Central Bank conference on Gender and Career Progression . In the past, a substantial proportion of the gender pay gap was due to factors such as differences in education, the occupations and industries that men and women work in, or the fact that women are more likely to work part-time. One of the most effective and quickest ways to narrow gender pay gaps is through minimum living wages (or wage floors) and universal social protection. I don’t judge others who sit in different places on the spectrum – they of course get to judge me, but that is called politics. And then we'll have the evidence base to help us better understand how government policies impact women. Sixty per cent of people who gain tertiary certificates and diplomas are women. Women. Now, I don't know whether that's because the Greens don't have the capacity for detailed, low-profile policy work or whether it is because they simply don't think it's important. We want to end gender inequality, and to do this, we need everyone involved. Our former Finance Minister, now Prime Minister, Bill English is a good example of someone striving to do better for women. But this is the point: the Greens don't have a coherent, well-developed set of measures to properly address the gender pay gap, and yet that is what this bill purports to do. I want to talk for a moment about the annual wage review that is currently being undertaken by the Fair Work Commission. And I think that alongside being the Minister for State Services I can actually get a lot done around pay equity and pay equality in the Public Sector. Tweet; Wednesday, 1 July, 2015. Der Verdienstunterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen – der unbereinigte Gender Pay Gap – war damit um 1 Prozentpunkt geringer als 2018 und fiel nach den jetzt revidierten Ergebnissen erstmals unter 20 %. We will set a stretch target of 50 per cent representation of women in senior Public Service roles by 2025. You are a very important audience. Frauen haben im Jahr 2019 in Deutschland durchschnittlich 19 % weniger verdient als Männer. So let’s take a look at some of the positive examples from employers about what they are doing to change their behaviour and encourage women because there is some really great work being done in both the private and public sectors. They'd say that this is just a case of the market at work, but this is actually a case of the market not working. To ensure that women's voices are heard by government, we will boost funding to the six national women's alliances, which represent over 180 women's organisations. Closing the Gap is one of my top priorities as Minister. They will staunchly declare that they are not biased and that they actively promote women. This is not how you behave if you are serious about addressing an issue, but the scope of the bill alone shows us that the Greens are more concerned about being seen to be acting than they are about actually making a difference. They’ve set a target of 50 per cent of police recruits being women. It might be that some colleagues on the crossbench and some colleagues in the Greens seats would say the same thing. They’ve launched a TV show called “Women in Blue” to highlight police as a career for women. Accordingly, it offers no protection for workers who are directed to keep their pay confidential by their employer or any workers whose company policies or procedures require them to keep their pay confidential. One wonders what they have been doing since the Senate committee reported. We know that we need a strong and comprehensive plan for gender equality to address the persistent and shameful gender pay gap in Australia today. One significant discrimination problem the world population is battling, takes… 50.7 per cent of school leavers with NCEA level 2 or above are girls. Despite regulations being in place, organizations continue to practice gender inequality in the form of lower pay and less promotions for its female employees. Authorised by Senator Jenny McAllister, Australian Labor Party, Canberra. You do not solve the gender pay gap by just putting the phrase in the title of the bill. And sure enough – once Treasury was challenged they always found good women candidates. They'll take the lead in bringing forward the views, voices and issues of Australian women, in particular women from marginalised and disadvantaged groups. If in another decade we actually want the 12 per cent gap to have reduced – then it starts with all of us, including you and your attitudes. Der Gender Pay Gap ergibt sich gewöhnlich aus der durchschnittlichen Differenz zwischen den Bruttostundenlöhnen aller beschäftigen Männer und denen aller beschäftigten Frauen und wird berechnet als prozentualer Anteil am Verdienst der Männer. The causes of the gender pay gap are complex. It's very important, and the commissioner's decision will make a difference to millions of Australian workers and many, many women. It’s 2017. The majority (80 percent) of the gender pay gap is now driven by what the research calls “unexplained” factors. This is where the Fair Work Commission's annual wage review comes in. The official website of the New Zealand Government. It’s simply about paying her what she is worth. Beschäftigte in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei, in der öffentlichen Verwaltung sowie in Betrieben mit bis zu zehn Beschäftigten werden nicht berücksichtigt. He said: … it seems to me that the bill has a number of potential flaws in some respects—seeking to go too far and in other respects not going far enough. The current gender pay gap is 17.6 per cent. • Women’s competences and skills are undervalued, so women frequently earn less than men for doing comparable jobs - that is, jobs of equal value. This bill is what happens when you draft policies on the basis of what they'll look like on a Facebook post rather than how they'll impact on the people who depend on you. Again, as drafted, this bill won't fully protect workers who disclose their pay. Being an average, the gender pay gap can only provide an overall picture of gender inequality in total pay for employment. As Professor Pacheco will tell you, between 64 to 83 per cent now can’t be explained. Closing the gender pay gap requires a package of measures, central to which is decent work. It’s fantastic to hear those stories. As Chris Till said in his introduction, 80 per cent of your membership are women. Tweet; Wednesday, 1 July, 2015. He went on to say that the flaws in the drafting of the bill meant: It does not, as the explanatory memorandum claims, in my view, 'make sure that workers are allowed to tell their colleagues what they are paid if they wish to without fear of retaliation'. And in 2020, ... Emma Watson's gender equality speech at the United Nations. The gender pay gap is a high level indicator between the different earnings of men and women. In her submission to the committee, Professor Marian Baird, a gender employment relations specialist, and her colleague, Ms Alexandra Heron, suggested that the bill be amended to ban pay secrecy clauses to make the intention clear. What it means in practice is that workers with very similar experience and workers with very similar levels of education are paid different amounts depending on whether they work in a male- or a female-dominated field. You are a powerful group of people, you do the hiring. Pay scale… This government cannot point to a single thing that they have done to improve pay for low-income women. I am really enjoying being the Minister for Police. The ACTU also made this suggestion during their appearance before the committee, stressing the importance of making workers aware of their rights to disclose information about pay. Within Government we’re doing things like making Careers New Zealand part of the Tertiary Education Commission. Gender-Pay-Gap: Frauen verdienen weiter deutlich weniger als Männer Im Schnitt erhalten Frauen 20 Prozent weniger Lohn als Männer. • Direct discrimination explains why women sometimes still earn less than men - when women are paid less than men for doing the same job. Judge her on what she contributes to the business or organisation, not on her gender. The headline gender pay gap compares average full-time weekly earnings for men and women across the entire population. The second recommendation relates to the gender pay gap – a sustaining problem not just here but globally. Der Gender Pay Gap ist die Differenz des durchschnittlichen Bruttostundenverdienstes (ohne Sonderzahlungen) der Frauen und Männer im Verhältnis zum Bruttostundenverdienst der Männer. This broadly mirrors trends in the gender pay gap. When writing your essay, decide which specific aspect of the problem you want to analyze, what your approach to writing will be. That one is interesting. The Greens' report indicated that these concerns should be addressed but, disappointingly, they remain in the bill as we re-examine it today. We will take action to protect university students from sexual harassment and sexual assault. Although the intelligence agencies are not bound to disclose their figures, we believe it is important to be as open as possible about our progress. Speech on Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap. People justify not giving women equal pay or opportunities by telling themselves that women can perform physically, mentally, emotionally as well a men. The gender pay gap is not an issue that is limited to the Arab World; it has its share of debates worldwide, even in Hollywood. Women around the world currently earn about 20-30 per cent less on average than their male counterparts. We'll provide $15.2 million to the Australian Bureau of Statistics to conduct the time use survey in 2020 and again in 2027. The Auckland University of Technology, on behalf of the Ministry for Women carried out some research which is being released today. You are involved in setting pay rates. This essentially means that women earn 26% less than men … It might surprise you to know this, but even as Deputy Prime Minister I still sought out a mentor, outside of politics, to provide me with support and advice. That's more subtle than straight-out discrimination against individual women. They have been hopeless. It’s a measure of inequality and captures a concept that is broader than the concept of equal pay for equal work. Gender Pay Gap Across the World “I think every female knows it, and they all know it is happening, but nobody wants to say anything[...]”(Koerner) , says Rwvvffvafg-fdadd89s[p9s8ps8ssowan Blanchard, an actress, as she explains her thoughts on the global effects of the gender pay gap on singers. 1/1 Park Avenue Drummoyne 2074 NSW © 2016 Jenny McAllister, Authorised by Senator Jenny McAllister, Australian Labor Party, Canberra. The UK is lagging behind other countries on gender pay gap reporting and must urgently catch up if it’s to see faster progress on equality between men and women, a new report has found.. I'll go through some of the problems. Employers now measure and report their progress on gender equality over time under Labor's Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. It said it would take more than 200 years before women and men worldwide have economic parity. Nothing. We on the Labor side know that as a sole measure it simply does not go far enough in dealing with the disparities in wages between working men and working women in Australia today. It arises from a complex mix of cultural and economic factors, which range from gender segregation in the workplace through the availability of flexible working conditions to outright discrimination. Gender Pay Gap Apparently that women are "different" than men. Gender pay gap widens in 4 UK government departments. It arises from a complex mix of cultural and economic factors, which range from gender segregation in the workplace through the availability of flexible working conditions to outright discrimination. Thank you Mr Speaker. I’d like to acknowledge Chris Till and the Human Resources Institute for hosting me. In fact – those traditional reasons play a very small role, around 20 per cent can be explained for these reasons. Australian workplaces are highly gender segregated. I reluctantly accept that it won’t change overnight. Only our comprehensive strategy, not a piecemeal strategy, will achieve gender equality in our workplaces. It's not an answer to just say, 'Oh well, men and women choose different career paths.' Feminism means different things to different people these days. And indeed, when Alison Booth and I did a randomised audit study , in which we sent out fake CVs varying the gender of the name and applying for entry level jobs in occupations such as hospitality and sales, we found that women had an edge on those low paid entry level jobs. This is wrong—this is not the advice provided by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency—and I want to talk through why it's wrong. The gender pay gap is the percentage difference between men and women’s median hourly earnings, across all jobs in the UK; it is not a measure of the difference in pay between men and women for doing the same job. Our challenge is to hire a person based on merit, to give women as many opportunities as men and to pay them what they are worth. Individual choice is not a remedy to this, and many women have no choice. The report found many areas in which women lag far behind today. As women of less value we are expected to have the more crappy jobs. We will raise representation of women on government boards to 50 per cent within the first term of government. In the private sector I’m told that companies like Fletchers, OPUS, Beca, Xero, Vodafone and Dimension Data are all actively encouraging women in their workforce through recruitment and retention policies, flexible hours, apprenticeships and marketing their industry to women. We will make sure that procurement rules are implemented effectively to ensure that all companies that are awarded government contracts meet the Workplace Gender Equality Agency's requirements. Yes, as women we can do more to help ourselves, of course we can – everyone can, men and women, CEOs, HR managers, teachers, parents and current employees. The question I always used to get women to ask themselves when considering a role was ‘why not me?’ When they look at the other male candidate who’s not as qualified but willing to go for it anyway – do they think he will do a better job than them? Women should be paid the same amount as men, especially when These are the harder to measure factors… B. innerhalb einer Altersgruppe, einer Branche oder eines Bundeslandes) ermittelt und daraus der Gender Pay Gap berechnet. / MI5 publishes Gender Pay Gap report 2020 Although the intelligence agencies are not bound to disclose their figures, we believe it is important to be as open as possible about our progress. I have to say – the findings of this study are actually really disappointing. Sixty per cent of people who gain bachelors and above are women. Evidence on the role of education on the size of the ethnicity pay gap is mixed. Gender Pay Gap BAG stärkt Anspruch auf gleiche Bezahlung. Published on 21 October 2019 Our Chief Economist Andy Haldane discusses how the UK’s gender and ethnicity pay gaps have changed over time, what’s been driving them and why that matters. It does not say if women and men with the same (or similar) jobs receive different compensations. I also knew some would question me about being the Minister for Women. Unbereinigter Gender-Pay-Gap. It's not, of course, the only example, and it's not the only example as it relates to women. We have made significant progress in recent years with the current gender pay gap being the lowest on record. There's a complex set of factors that push both men and women into gender-typical careers. We’ve become more educated. Research shows that much of the pay gap actually arises from structural discrimination that operates across whole industries and occupations. In this, as in so many other policy areas, the Greens have shown themselves to be disinterested in doing the detailed and unheralded work that accompanies all meaningful reform. He would still always choose the best person for the job – he just insisted on having the best to choose from. It is a form of gender discrimination present in many countries around the world, including, to a lesser extent, in the Western world. According to the United Nations, “If men and women played an identical role in labor markets, as much as $28 trillion, or 26%, could be added to the global annual […] There are some historical reasons for pay equity where women’s work was simply valued less than men’s contribution to the workforce. Two different theoretical approaches explain “legitimate” wage gaps: same-gender referent theory and reward expectations theory. Speech on Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap. Gender discrimination and the gender pay gap are still realities that women face on a daily basis. Do you question why women aren’t putting themselves forward for roles that they’re clearly capable of doing? Reviewing some essay samples, like the ones below, will prove helpful. In my teens and through my 20’s I was plagued by self-doubt and low confidence. The BBC’s newly published Gender Pay Gap Report reveals a shocking inequality in salaries paid to men and women causing media attention worldwide, and quite rightly so. But the figures are an important indicator of structural inequality. When we have closed the gender pay gap and women aren’t predominantly the victims of domestic and sexual violence I will look to close down the Ministry for Women. So it’s running a gender and ethnic diversity programme. That’s frustrating for me and not good for your business as you may have a potential applicant who can do 80 per cent of the role but you are going to choose from the bloke who can do 60 per cent. The gender pay gap is the percentage difference between average hourly earnings for men and women. We'll bring back the women's budget statement and we will convene a ministerial council of gender equality. Look at whether women are being promoted into positions they deserve, are you shoulder tapping people when they’re worthy of promotion? Labor is inclined to support it—we believe that pay secrecy is an obstacle to pay equity—but we have substantive concerns about the bill. We now know these factors only explain around 20 percent of the current gender pay gap. If women changing careers isn't the answer, what is? This bill has remained unchanged since it was first introduced in September 2015, during the 44th Parliament. Some organizations may even go so far as to avoid recruiting women as far as possible. Citigroup's gender pay gap narrowed last year, as the US bank has pledged to promote more women into senior positions to tackle what chief executive Michael Corbat has described as an "ugly" number. It does not explain in itself why wage differences between men and women exist. Despite all this, the Greens have made no attempt to amend this bill as a result of the Senate inquiry which reported in November 2016, nor have they made any attempt to discuss this bill with the opposition to discuss how we might set about remedying these deficiencies. Thank you David for that very kind introduction and can I say on behalf of everyone, thank you Deloitte for hosting this event this evening. Beim unbereinigten Gender-Pay-Gap wird die Differenz zwischen den durchschnittlichen Bruttoverdiensten von Frauen und Männern gebildet. This is a definition of gender pay gap according to an Australian Government article, “A gender pay gap is the difference between women’s and men’s earnings, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.” Treasury has recognised that it can only deliver a high living standard for New Zealanders by listening to the viewpoints of all Kiwis. The mechanism that has exposed the gender pay gap is not speeches but law. I knew I was the right person for the job. We will work with the Australian Public Service Commission and the CPSU to promote more flexible working arrangements for both men and women in the Australian Public Service. For the past decade the Gender Pay Gap has stayed about the same at around 12 per cent. They include the differences in occupation and industry of employment, differences in the amount of work experience between women and men, and women’s qualifications relative to men. The Labor senators' dissenting report pointed out that these concerns should be addressed. We need to consciously work together to put this right. I asked to be the Minister for Women, it is a privilege to be an advocate for women and I think there’s much we can achieve. Understanding pay gaps - speech by Andy Haldane. They may of course be absolutely right, I tell them they should do a gender pay gap audit within the business and publish the results if they are that confident. I would be “too something” for just about everyone. The US bank's median pay for women globally is 74% that of the median for men, according to an internal memo seen by Financial News. News & Speeches / MI5 publishes Gender Pay Gap report 2020; Today, MI5, along with SIS and GCHQ, has published its Gender Pay Gap report. Pay is particularly bad in roles that mirror the work that women have traditionally done at home, such as care work. I’ve been the woman fighting for a promotion – you may have heard I did it quite recently – going for the deputy PM role. View -Speech_Brainstorming from AA 1Olivia Link - per 2 GENDER WAGE PAY GAP THESIS/POSITION STATEMENT: In 2019, women earn an average of $0.79 for every dollar a man makes, thus creating a gender When we have closed the gender pay gap and women aren’t predominantly the victims of domestic and sexual violence I will look to close down the Ministry for Women. Thank you Mr Speaker. The bill has flaws which ought to have been addressed: there's been plenty of time, and the fact that they haven't been reveals the Greens' lack of real commitment to this issue. We are pretty terrible at recognising the value of that work when it is done by family members. In the long run it may not even matter what field women choose. Below is the text of the speech made by Nicky Morgan, the Secretary of State for Education, on 8 February 2016. We’ve virtually eliminated the gap for full-time workers under 40 and the gap for the over-40s is shrinking too. It is not enough to be progressive on Twitter. When I worked in recruitment I used to challenge women to put themselves forward, to step up. Eliminating it may take a generation. I want to talk to you today about the Gender Pay Gap. So let’s talk gender pay. If we’re going to change this. I acknowledge that Senator Rice said she was willing to consider amendments, but that is not good enough. We also have more women in work than ever before: one million more since 2010, women’s salaries are rising, and there are now around over one million women-led SMEb… And we locked in more protection for women than 200 years before women and men with the current pay! Our workplaces prove helpful that want to speeches on gender pay gap, what is 's wrong long run it may not even what. That women are `` different '' than men $ 15.2 million to the recently-released annual gender... Strategy, not on her gender ” to highlight police as a career for women looks! Good afternoon, and Explanations by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. 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