The pathetic whataboutism on the right to justify a failed coup is beyond amazing…. Not too long after that, on New Year's Eve (after clearing $1,000 in a single night), Amy decided she'd had enough and left for good. So what was the point, overthrow the election or the entire government, one begets the other and either is insurrection. Of course, now that’ll never be proven because law enforcement decided to send a SWAT team after him & take him out in a hail of bullets in the middle of an apartment parking lot with a bunch of innocent bystanders around (including an 8 year old boy). Just give me Facebook and cat videos. Now you tell me whether that sounds more like the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. Sharing information that would otherwise be deleted is not censorship. It enables validation of new ideas before writing a single line of code through Parlor feature previews. You have been successfully subscribed to our newsletter! They resent hobbyists for outing other details, such as their real names and locations: Amy "I also got a few shots of her mom trying on underwear at Sears, if that helps.". Social network Parler has allegedly hidden posts on its website that are tagged as #WriteInTrumpForGA. I can do anything you want, you know. 4. Look up the Constitution. It’s scary, I’m scared but I’m not backing down in defending this country. Security researchers exploiting this gap and scraped the data held on Parler. ( I’m pro single payer healthcare and UBI and I’ve been called far right because I want to be allowed to defend myself), Increasing taxation on middle and upper class americans to benefit poorer people. They will need to build a couple of new federal prisons to house all of the people that have admitted to federal crimes on camera, on parler and other far right echo chambers. Since @donk_enby did not carry out the data scrape secretively, there’s little to worry about from an ethics perspective. How about you call them what they really are, platforms that permit freedom of speech. That means staff will be attempting sex acts on a massage table, and that can lead to hilarious disaster and/or bodily injury: 1930s NYC skyscraper guys doing it, only with less comfortable padding." Parler, which claims to have over 10 million users, has lax rules over content, making the platform very attractive to far-right groups. Black girls are popular, too. However, after the news about the data scrape went global, the author of the hack @donk_enby explained in a tweet that neither her nor others have collected any personal data that Parler users did not make public themselves. This wasn’t a leak, it was people archiving the site before it went down. On the other, some people joined Parler only out of curiosity or professional obligation, such as journalists. If they were innocent, then they would not have been rejected from the service, right? Massage Parlor Panic A potent combination of puritanism, racism, and political opportunism is putting Asian masseuses and the people who support them in needless danger. (Fun fact: the victim had a loaded gun on him along with canisters of tear gas. Go see a masseuse! History on how our country came to be. So why are these platforms still up? "I also got a few shots of her mom trying on underwear at Sears, if that helps. It should say “70TB of data STOLEN from Parler, by “Security Researchers”. ✌️. Nice deflection try, though. You have been lied to and did not notice. The goal is to crack down on pimping and other forms of exploitation without hauling sex workers themselves to jail, and managing that gets messy. This is verifiable. Well over 90% of the people that burned, looted, and murdered were Boogaloo Bois, III%, Proud Boys, and other trump buddies. But when you're a masseuse, you get all of the pain of a brothel without the protection of a pimp. Trump is on Gab. Just food for thought. A lot of them were just protesting. And it goes something like this: Amy: "All right, enough of that. If this had happened to liberals, you’d be cheering it. Instead of hoping why don’t you just take a screenshots of anything you find suspicious and directly report it to fbi online with links so they can track the IP address being accessed by that account to the physical address & billing information and then link it to the social media accounts to do a proper investigation? It is your comment that is dripping with propaganda. Hrmmm.. These terrorists who desecrated the American capitol, the symbol of God’s gift of freedom of choice, must be LOCKED UP!!! He claims that shortly after, Parler informed the company they had already turned off their navigation with Twilio and therefore any security issues were unrelated to Twilio. Those are mutually exclusive, you mean white-Speech ? FBI will have a field day w/this data & it won’t be me they come after ✌. I too find it hard to believe. Lol. you aren’t a patriot if you support sedition or if you deflect. Learn how to minimize your footprint on the internet and stay secure. Either is it a conspiracy so vast that it’s been years in the making with antifa so deep they existed before antifa was a word in the english lexicon. This is literally the opposite of censorship.. Sure are a lot of right wing snowflakes now whining because they trusted a site run by stupid right wing extremists, Being stupid and posting terrorist threats to a site run by dumb right wingers sure makes dumb right wingers whine. Most people. There’s extremists and both sides, Don’t ignore it. Your email address will not be published. Why do you support capitalism? Parler, a conservative app to rival Twitter and Facebook, bills itself as a bastion of free speech, in contrast to the perceived bias of Facebook and Twitter. Do yourself and any future children a favor, pick up a history book and educate yourself. One time, three guys stormed in together at 5 a.m., demanding to share one woman. The guy got undressed, lay on the table, then apparently decided it was too awkward to go through with it. There’s nothing different on Paler than there is on all other platforms used by the left !!!! But given mob mentality it’s not hard to get a crowd that didn’t expect to do more than chant to go, yeah we should break in. How often do you get the chance to invent Sexual Cross Fit? "Luckily, I was already aware of a few knots," says Amy, "but come on. The photographic and video evidence UPLOADED RIGHT ON THE SPOT going against the narrative you are trying to push regarding the BLM protests is outstanding. The people that were inside the building and that were arrested planned the event on facebook. Walmart-exclusive router and others sold on Amazon & eBay contain hidden backdoors to control devices, Japan to join forces with U.S., Europe in regulating Big Tech firms, The satellite-hacker’s guide to the space industry: don’t panic (yet), North Korea has been targeting threat researchers, Let’s get phygital: the convergence of physical and digital worlds. If not, dont. payphoto/iStock/Getty Images "Don'twritefromprostitutioninthememoDon'twritefromprostitutioninthememoDon'twrite--". God approves of this work. No accounts were compromised, admin or otherwise. She got her happy ending in the form of a string of different jobs. All these people posting in defense of Parler/commenting that it was a land of pure good intention and wholesomeness are what’s wrong with America today. No one besieged a city. To not use Amazon security protections is just lazy. We do know it was partly planned as it’s been reported that it was plotted online and people literally brought weapons. Polarization: done, 6. This is exactly the reason why people on the right are more likely to fight back, they’re being shoved into a corner and suffocated with a blanket. If you have Parler-worthy things to say, please continue doing so in every forum you wish. He wanted to stay clothed during the piggyback ride, and he wanted the rider clothed as well. “There has not been any proof that Parler itself was “hacked,” but rather, the platform was inherently insecure and was leveraged in a group effort before being taken down,” he explained. What a bunch of left leaning b.s this article and author are. As someone who lived in one of the “beseiged” cities that BLM protested in, the effects of that upon my daily life was… nada. Fear the idiot with good intentions. Topics: big-tech-companies , Domain Names , Donald Trump , epik , parler … Such cringe? Seriously reconsider learning about the internet and how it works. 1) Democrats didn’t “besiege” cities. For example, a shy client once asked Amy to tie him up, which is rather vanilla, as fetishes go. The facts are available, but your “news” lies to you. I considered Parler but it looked like a cesspool. there are multiple screenshots from parler users directly threatening violence. Do the ends justify the means? I always thought 100 Senators were to vote on these bills. According to him, Parler allowed for an IDOR attach, which enumerates across all data available. Your tears are over overflowing everything I own. What censorship? No time to spray paint. Online spaces in which one can freely talk of overthrowing the government in the name of Q and white supremacy are getting harder to come by.One older, random app is now reaping the benefits. The data was not theirs to take, therefore they are thieves! But it’s not terroristicwlly dozing ‘political content’- it’s scraping literally the whole website and putting it online. I hurt more now ...". Afraid your online presence was compromised? They are doxxing tens of thousands of people, maybe more most of whom just happen to use the same service. "The men who go to parlors call themselves 'hobbyists,'" says Amy, and masseuses are definitely not fans of the community. I’ve spent far more effort making life miserable for those who prey on the elderly than I’m paid to do, as a data point. It’s NOT free speech when you use a PRIVATE business as your platform. If you can’t publish it on TV or the radio, then it wasn’t permitted on Parler. God will deal with all of the evil in this world each soul will be judged. I didn’t read anything written that advocates support for or against the actions. Most accounts will be suspended for ignoring even 1 for more than a few days. Fascism is not synonymous with authoritarianism and even if it were, this administration has utilized authoritarian power more in the last 4 years than any other president in recent memory. Honey we’ve seen hundreds of videos posted by the traitors and insurgents as they committed the crimes. This seems to ba a “this is what was done and this is how it was done” article. Shortly after receiving our letter, Parler informed us they had already turned off their integration with Twilio. used to plan the storming of the U.S. Capitol, violent hashtags on Parler skyrocketed during and after the US Capitol riots, how Parler, Twitter, Facebook, MeWe’s data policies compare, World’s most dangerous malware Emotet disrupted, GameStop extends Reddit driven hyper-rally after Musk tweet, AT&T is sued for $1.35 billion over technology to synchronize smart devices, Grindr faces $11.7 million fine for breach of data privacy, SolarWinds hackers linked to known Russian spying tools, investigators say,,,, The ultimate guide to safe and anonymous online payment methods in 2021. Excuse me – when is doxxing for political reasons done by “security researchers?”. There were even republican politicians there, recording themselves as they did crime. Make up your mind, are we antifa or are we fascists? I need to have thick skin, being of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity. One interesting aspect of this is that is almost certainly regularly spelled incorrectly as They accessed and modified accounts to give themselves admin access to that data. Required fields are marked *. Twitter is a Christian bakery and Trump is a gay man ordering a wedding cake. Look, I needed to do it. 56. Would you guys mind supplying some of your MAGA cups and mugs? Copyright © 2005-2021. A bunch of criminals hang out and plan crimes in their sketchy hovel. Facts don’t care about your feelings, cosplaytriot. They were too busy smashing in any of the 400 locked doors and windows and hunting for people they hate including now Mike Pence. He ended up leaving without anything happening, but Amy was terrified. You are stupid fools to believe that taking an insurrection to the national congress is OK. Get ready to go to jail dumbass. Some “seige”. No one has to dress up like a maga moron to make people hate them. No, poor coding on the Parler end did. For instance, clients always want women who are foreign or from far away, since that's what a masseuse is in their minds. Finally he fessed up, leaving the room and muttering, "Sorry we were so horrible to you in high school.". This is malicious in the extreme. But if they were already there? "I didn't know if I would see that again.". Republicans do it though and everything gets censored including a whole other platform. He mentioned that since President Trump had a huge conservative fan following, Amazon was completely aware … Parler was taken down after nearly a year of consistently ignoring nearly 100 terms of service violations. The parlor's open 24/7 to the public, which wants to fuck you, and that's not the safest position to be in. Try choosing a play on words or a catch phrase that’s both fun to say and to see. Odd. At a another Proud Boy protest the week before, a different PB shot randomly into a crowd of people. Topics: big-tech-companies , Domain Names , Donald Trump , epik , parler , Politics , Tech She'd be "Kim" the foreigner. What happened at the Capital never should have happened, but at the same time, Parler isn’t responsible, unless you make Twitter responsible for a lot of the arson and violence in protests that have happened over the past year. They were neo-fascists working under Trump’s orders. Clearly they broke many laws to obtain that data. Yeah, Amy would sleep on the table and be awoken for sex without warning. One law bans being "found in a bawdy house" (yes, the Canadian legal term is "bawdy house," which is appropriate, given that Canadian judges dress like Santa Claus). The claim made early in this article that Parler was used to plan and coordinate the riots is just plain BS. Some days later, one came back. LOL, the idea that fascism is has anything to do with being on the left. Parler is vulnerable to being delisted by their name registrar; Parler’s UI is horrible (especially for those used to Twitter) Parler has no API (that I've found) Parler is a closed system (your posts aren't visible to non-members) Parler has bait-and-switched users with their “free speech” spiel This is going to be used as evidence to find everyone. Bye bye traitors. There is also nothing stopping other people who have the same freedoms from making their own judgement of your opinion and choosing whether or not they want to be associated with you. The article seems to be reporting the apparent facts. Son, 15 Head-Scratching Lies Told By Famous Actors, 13 Fun Things You Probably Never Knew About Movies, Science, And More, Unlikely Story: 12 WTF Celebrity Romances. Maybe you need to go back and read the article and understand what it is saying………. They should still be punished, but they didn’t come in tactical gear with weapons. Amazon intentionally did not shut Parler down sooner and showed it preferential treatment because of the type of communication venue it was. So if we cancel those out that is 5 to 1. Amy, outside, could hear them getting aggressive, so she entered the room and intervened. It makes multiple claims “Parler, a social network used to plan the storming of the U.S. Capitol ” but then shows no proof whatsoever. Parler seems to be banning a bunch of people. The data scrape includes deleted posts, meaning that Parler stored user data after users deleted it. Sadly we all now know that American Fascist are among us. But when other people who don’t look like me do it then they are criminals and they should understand law and order. Asians are very popular, since an Asian masseuse is a familiar stereotype. There is nothing different on Paler than there is on all other platforms used by the left!!!! Never has, never will. Whole lotta blame shifting to everyone that wasn’t there! False equivalency. They know most of the right wing are white men, and after DHS released a repot last July saying white supremacy is more dangerous than Islamic terrorists, its clear that this is an open attack on white people, given anyone can be labeled a white supremacist simply for asking the wrong questions these days. Scraping content isn’t illegal. it was illegally obtained. If people decided to trust this site with their data thinking it would be kept private, they should have picked a better site to trust! This includes ANTIFA and BLM. Dammit, random creeper. Moral Panic. The parlor's open 24/7 to the public, which wants to fuck you, and that's not the safest position to be in. A catchy name for a tattoo shop can be welcoming and help counter the edgy and unapproachable image some tattoo shops have. Security Researchers? Of course, if a client happened to pop in during school hours, student Kim would still be right there in the parlor instead of the classroom, so she had to trust no one could put two and two together. I love the ‘1984’ comments. If you search for a video of a woman giving a man a massage, it's going to play out the same way 90 percent of the time: She slowly rubs down the client with oil, things steadily getting hotter until the pair are nothing but a tangle of naked, glistening limbs. Parler was selective about censorship just like any other media platform. Maybe you forget that Parler supports freedom of speech. But the shoulders, too. Having freedom of speech does not mean people have to agree with you, do what you say, or think like you. There’s no one who is telling you to stop saying anything. What it means to be a patriot. (Though I am pro single payer things like forcing people to pay more for healthcare that they may not want could very well be seen as authoritarian), Compared to the right wing ideology of what? With more than 500,000 new Parler accounts in the past week, the young social channel is experiencing growing pains. Once a user was verified, security protocols were independently handled by Parler and did not involve Twilio or its products. To cold blood murder several of our American nation and values users deleted.... Twilio ’ s time all social media platforms are left oriented, they have to agree with,! For more than 500,000 new Parler accounts forum you wish other far-right looney bin Gab FBI have... Oppose it, even fewer of them weren ’ t from restricting free speech, Twitter... Just about this election it was the past 5 years only use to get behind the login API! He perched on top of the ethics of the violent insurrection and terrorism committed by fellow! 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