In 1891 he was obliged to suspend the service of the public debt and make arrangements by which the bondholders accepted a reduced rate of interest. The mosaics of the choir (547) are due to Justinian, and, though inferior in style, are remarkable for their splendour of colouring and the gorgeous dresses of the persons represented, and also for their historical interest, especially the scenes representing the emperor and the empress Theodora presenting offerings. The same skill you have that we would help you learn to use is also of interest to those we are trying to protect humans from. Read below for advice on how to write a letter of interest, get a template to download, and review sample letters of interest for a variety of circumstances. In fact, their differences had been so great that she hadn't taken his interest seriously at first. For the Rostov family the whole interest of these preparations for war lay in the fact that Nicholas would not hear of remaining in Moscow, and only awaited the termination of Denisov's furlough after Christmas to return with him to their regiment. After this, Peter seemed for a time to take no further interest in Alexius. A2: Say that you are killing time before a meeting. Hardly. I HAVE TRIED FROM THE BEGINNING TO TALK NATURALLY TO HELEN AND TO TEACH HER TO TELL ME ONLY THINGS THAT INTEREST HER AND ASK QUESTIONS ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF FINDING OUT WHAT SHE WANTS TO KNOW. No one who controls you has your best interest in mind. Beit Jibrin is in the centre of a district of great archaeological interest. The theological interest which attaches to the idea of the preAaronic king-priest in these typical applications is practically independent of the historical questions suggested by the narrative of Gen. Archbishop Longley said in his opening address, however, that they had no desire to assume "the functions of a general synod of all the churches:in full communion with the Church of England," but merely to "discuss matters of practical interest, and pronounce what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future action.". And so he thought it necessary to take an interest in these things and to question Pierre. The subject has a special interest for Italy, which is devastated by malaria, and Italian science has contributed materially to the solution of the problem. of Bourg), a building in the Romanesque style of Burgundy, and that of Nantua (12th century), are of architectural interest. He’s a great actor. Daniela folded her hands in her lap, her irritation at him replaced by interest. To be sure, I take the keenest interest in everything that concerns those who surround me; it is this very interest which makes it so difficult for me to carry on a conversation with some people who will not talk or say what they think, but I should not be sorry to find more friends ready to talk with me now and then about the wonderful things I read. How he expected to achieve that by feigning interest in the goats was a mystery, but at least he cared enough to make an effort. Letter of interest for your target company following a positive encounter: For a little while I halted at Hastie's gate, and watched with interest the northward rush of the afternoon express. To a less degree, the same is true of railways built for a special instead of a general commercial interest. He understood it was in their best interest to protect humanity. I thought you wanted to go, but when you declined, I decided I must have misinterpreted your interest. Could it be that his stoic personality was the very thing that kept her interest perked? interests in a sentence. In 1891, when the debt of the republic amounted to $87,789,973, or about £18,678,710, the government suspended payment of interest, and an arrangement was made with the bondholders. The following table, referring to lines of general interest, indicates the development of railways after 1885: ___________. I don't know, guess I never took an interest. No on both counts but he's been a person of interest in the past, because of his associates. ...You know our kind teachers take us to see everything which they think will interest us, and we learn a great deal in that delightful way. Tour lighthouses, play in the ocean, visit an aquarium, or stroll the boardwalk for amusements, food stands and a hundred points of interest. A letter of interest is a great way to get your foot in the door with a company you are interested in. Its existence was well-nigh forgotten by the people of Australia until the occurrence of its biennial meetings, and even then but slight interest was taken in its proceedings. She took an active interest in the political debate. After much discussion, they agreed on the wording: I understand you have an interest in the Lucky Pup mine in Ouray County, Colorado and may be anxious about what was found therein. Of especial interest in this respect are the numerous myths and legends scattered through these works. Martha showed little interest and had said hardly a word. The Vamp watched, interest on his features as the two women fought. best interest in a sentence - Use "best interest" in a sentence 1. Blind Carabidae form a large proportion of cave dwelling beetles, and several species of great interest live between tide-marks along the seashore. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Certainly. c i t. Amongst the places of interest round Marienbad is the basaltic rock of Podhorn (2776 ft.), situated about 3 m. His chief interest from the first, however, lay in the religious question. Speaking of preying on those weaker than you, I have an interest in your … patient. In spite of Howie's stepfather's sudden interest in his previously despised and now deceased son, Julie became heir to her fiancée's home and assets. Some guy, who obviously had more interest in her than the art, got a little touchy-feely. Giddon was silent, giving all his attention to his food, but Tammy watched Lisa with interest, twirling her fork in her eggs and squirming in her chair. English words and Examples of Usage use "interest in " in a sentence He has very little interest in his children. One fact of some interest is not generally known. It is very important to show that you are interested in what your partner is saying. In spite of the predominating interest in stock-raising, intensive cultivation of the soil is practicable where the water supply is sufficient. Examples of Interest in a sentence. Jennifer, ignorant to the significance of the second entrance, expressed little interest in the opening. Was it medical interest that drew him closer, or an interest in the baby? Monday morning while she was feeding the horses, Brutus was watching the hills with unusual interest. Present participle for to feel sympathy or empathy for the suffering of others. A new consolidated debt of £20,500,000 was issued at 32% interest, and, as security for payment of interest, 45% of the customs receipts at Montevideo was assigned. It is philosophy harnessed to a practical and religious interest. In addition the increased size of the American freight car has diminished the interest on the first cost and the expenses of maintenance relatively to the work done; it has diminished to some extent the amount. Given that she had no money or belongings that might possibly be of interest to the people of this planet, how could she bribe or pay someone to take her home? Each evening Justin dropped by on his way home, and each day she was more convinced that his interest in her was genuine. The first, a religious romance of remarkable interest, may owe its preservation to the charm of its style, the others to the accident that they were attributed by mistake to a famous apostle. Worst of all was the façade of romantic interest. New friends gathered round him who took a keen interest in his researches. Even so, shared interest didn't define their relationship. Gibbons would have been suspicious if you told him to keep quiet about your interest in Corbin. All the affectation of interest she had assumed had left her kindly and tear-worn face and it now expressed only anxiety and fear. The interest accruing from it is added to the yearly sustentation contributions, and forms a central fund for ministerial support. Between veterinary school and the animal safari that had been Alex's dream, it should have been no surprise that they had common interest. Interest in a sentence 1. But a romantic interest attaches to the wreck of the " Wager," one of Anson's fleet, on a desert island near Chiloe, for it bore fruit in the charming narrative of Captain John Byron, which will endure for all time. Now, with Quinn's interest piqued, we were a committed pack of five dedicated to seek answers, wherever they might lie. In 1788 Lieutenant Bligh of the "Bounty" spent some time at Tahiti, to which island the historical interest now passes. 5. Of more general interest, however, are his labours in pure mathematics, which appear for the most part in Crelle's Journal from 1828 to 1858. So long as we felt his loving presence and knew that he took a watchful interest in our work, fraught with so many difficulties, we could not be discouraged. de Tencin, but they are above all of interest in the picture they afford of the writer's own tenderness and fidelity. Rhyn hesitated, unable to shake the disturbing sense that Katie's interest came from her resolve that this was the last time they'd see each other. Why don't you leave me your name, and if Mr. Bylun believes it in his best interest, he'll return your call. Carmen had shown little interest in their financial status. Helen has the vitality of feeling, the freshness and eagerness of interest, and the spiritual insight of the artistic temperament, and naturally she has a more active and intense joy in life, simply as life, and in nature, books, and people than less gifted mortals. To the temple came the poor farmer to borrow seed corn or supplies for harvesters, &c. - advances which he repaid without interest. I’m a big fan of Tom Hanks. I spent a lot of time at the conference networking with other teachers who share a similar interest in vocabulary development. It was strange how something like those diamond earrings could stir her interest in the wedding, but it did. It appears so to us because we see only the general historic interest of that time and do not see all the personal human interests that people had. She held her breath and stayed still, praying their interest was passing, and they'd move on. We have from him one mythological burlesque, the Amphitruo, and several plays dealing with domestic subjects like the Captivi, Cistellaria, Rudens, Stichus and Trinummus; but most of his plays depend for their main interest on intrigue, such as the Pseudolus, Bacchides, Mostellaria. If you can't interest the family in the sights, you're sure to succeed with a warm, delicious bowl of lobster or clam bisque at one of the many seaside restaurants. As Katie had pointed out, if she had shown a healthy interest, she would have detected something. show consideration for. Walmer Castle was for long the official residence of the lord warden, but has, since the resignation of Lord Curzon in 1903, ceased to be so used, and those portions of it which are of historic interest are now open to the public. And this movement of reconstruction of which Prince Andrew had a vague idea, and Speranski its chief promoter, began to interest him so keenly that the question of the army regulations quickly receded to a secondary place in his consciousness. The renewal of interest in classical literature was shown in the prohibition of the study of sophistry by any scholar under the age of eighteen, unless he had been pronounced proficient in grammaticals. showing interest. 2. The Narrenschiff of Sebastian Brant was essentially German in conception and treatment, but his hundred and thirteen types of fools possessed, nevertheless, universal interest. They ended up in the living room, watching a baseball game in which neither had a lick of interest. Startled by his interest, she looked towards the stairs. One of the keys, if not the most important one, to building successful relationships is your ability to show a sincere interest- both in the person and things that are important to that person. Before coming, however, to the history of federation, and the evolution of the Labour party, we must refer briefly to some other questions which have been of general interest very soon after the gold discoveries, the European miners objecting strongly to the presence of these aliens upon the diggings. The princess felt this, and as if wishing to show him that she did not even dare expect to interest him, she turned to his father. At Rennes Descartes found little to interest him; and, after he had visited the maternal estate of which his father now put him in possession, he went to Paris, where he found the Rosicrucians the topic of the hour, and heard himself credited with partnership in their secrets. Her latest film has generated a lot of, 18. They didn't show any interest in the bones. In this connexion it is of interest to note that, both in the Mediterranean islands and in West Africa, dwarf elephants of the African type are accompanied by pigmy species of hippopotamus, although we have not yet evidence to show that in Africa the two animals occupy actually the same area. She found it difficult to sustain the children's, 11. George, prince of Wales (lord warden, 1903-1907), was the first lord warden of royal blood since the office was held by George, prince of Denmark, consort of Queen Anne. There was little interest in another round of Monopoly. You share his interest in this book? Though Princess Mary and Natasha were evidently glad to see their visitor and though all Pierre's interest was now centered in that house, by the evening they had talked over everything and the conversation passed from one trivial topic to another and repeatedly broke off. First of all, the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence, me-> I. If his interest in her was feigned, what harm was there in playing along? interest in allowing Mangasha to be of Tigre. The total cost was $10, 000, plus 14%, 16. Deidre stared with renewed interest at the woman she created. Although the bill drawn up by the convention of 1891 was not received by the people with any show of interest, the federation movement did not die out; on the contrary, it had many enthusiastic advocates, especially in the colony of Victoria. Other things being equal, that route is best which will serve the district most conveniently and secure the highest revenue; and the most favourable combination of curves and gradients is that by which the annual cost of conveying the traffic which the line will be called on to carry, added to the annual interest on the capital expended in construction, will be made a minimum. Choose the best letter of interest sample that fits with your situation, but don’t simply copy the example word-for-word. On the other hand, faith has no special interest in claiming that we can compose a biographical study of the development of Jesus. The cura tori or curatoli (factors) receive 40 a year, with a slight interest in the profits; the stockmen hardly earn in money and kind 13; the muleteers and underworkmen get between 5 to 8, plus firewood, bread and oil; irregular workmen have even lower wages, with a daily distribution of bread, salt and oil. he asked, interest on his face. The object of both was to collect all halakhoth having a practical importance, omitting all those which owing to circumstances no longer possess more than an academic interest, and excluding the discussions on them and all agada. Of more interest is the imperfectly known Wynyardia, from older Tertiary beds in Tasmania, which apparently presents points of affinity both to phalangers and dasyures. Comparative Migration Studies. I remember how unbearable I used to find the inquisitiveness of my friends' children; but I know now that these questions indicate the child's growing interest in the cause of things. Usually we rely on Betsy's sole decision as a method of choosing a case but the wide spread interest in this kidnapping caused her to share it with all of us. The sentence, which comes amid an ongoing protest movement that has seen unprecedented public criticism of the monarchy, was swiftly condemned by rights groups. Public interest centred for some years round the allegation that he lived a double life and was identical with Mr T. The scenery in and about the city is noted for its picturesqueness, and this, with its delightful summer climate and historic interest, attracts a large number of visitors during the summer season. His eyes reflected interest, so she continued. It was an overall combination of respect and interest. Wynn leaned forward, interest on his face. What's the Dawkinses' interest in all this? (from, among) " … My husband always looks out for my best interest. The authorized colonial loans, omitting Algeria and Tunisia, during the period 1884f 904 amounted to 19,200,000, the sums paid for interest and sinking funds on loans varying from 600,000 to 800,000 a year. Prince Andrew spoke with some animation and interest only of the new homestead he was constructing and its buildings, but even here, while on the scaffolding, in the midst of a talk explaining the future arrangements of the house, he interrupted himself: "And of state interest to some extent," said Prince Andrew. They snuck around and found my name and began to push me, claiming public interest, national security, and all that bull shit. The Myrmecobius of Western Australia is a bushy-tailed ant-eater about the size of a squirrel, and from its lineage and structure of more than passing interest. Shaw (1900); The Protestant Interest in Cromwell's Foreign Relations, by J. The best historical narratives belong to Israel and Gilead; Judah scarcely appears, and in a relatively old poetical account of a great fight of the united tribes against a northern adversary lies outside the writer's horizon or interest (Judg. About 80,000 went in payments on all the estates to the Land Bank, about 30,000 went for the upkeep of the estate near Moscow, the town house, and the allowance to the three princesses; about 15,000 was given in pensions and the same amount for asylums; 150,000 alimony was sent to the countess; about 70,000 went for interest on debts. They alternated discussing what was happening in their lives while the other nodded, injecting a polite one word answer occasionally, just to properly pretend interest. There are a few creatures I've collected over the years that interest me. A man might make his wife a settlement by deed of gift, which gave her a life interest in part of his property, and he might reserve to her the right to bequeath it to a favourite child, but she could in no case leave it to her family. But no - if his intentions were ill willed, he would hardly have expressed his interest to an obvious town gossip. Pledges were often made where the intrinsic value of the article was equivalent to the amount of the debt; but antichretic pledge was more common, where the profit of the pledge was a set-off against the interest of the debt. The moral interest, which is so decisive on this question in the case of Kant, dominates Bishop Butler also. I shall do all I can to interest and stimulate it, and wait for results. services of general public interest, though not strictly indispensable. "You did take an unusual interest in Rhyn," Gabe said. The important mystery mentioned by the Rhetor, though it aroused his curiosity, did not seem to him essential, and the second aim, that of purifying and regenerating himself, did not much interest him because at that moment he felt with delight that he was already perfectly cured of his former faults and was ready for all that was good. Or why they were here in the first place, as they expressed zero interest in the beauty of the area; Ouray's main attraction. Of the expenditure a large amount is absorbed by interest on debt. 2 In the interest of safety, no smoking is allowed. "Something tells me it's in your best interest to help me regain my power," Jule noted. She is no ordinary child, and people's interest in her education will be no ordinary interest. The crown paid the landlord in obligations representing the capitalized rent, and the peasants had to pay the crown, for forty-nine years, 6% interest on this capital. Both of them had an interest in Xander's life, one out of spite and the other out of a sense of shared history. The solution of problems in simple interest confronts the pupils with new situations in which this principle can be applied. In the midst of Charles's debauched and licentious court, she lived neglected and retired, often deprived of her due allowance, having no ambitions and taking no part in English politics, but keeping up rather her interest in her native country. The stories about his personal life add interest to the book. His interest seemed to increase when she clutched the sheets to conceal her state of undress. The number injured is, indeed, a fact of interest, no less than the number killed, but comparisons under this head are unsatisfactory because it is impracticable or unprofitable to go into sufficient detail to determine the relative seriousness of the injuries. He expressed an interest in learning more about photography. Sarah asked the question with genuine interest. Alfred Langdon Elwyn has edited Letters by Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Others, Written During and After the Revolution, to John Langdon of New Hampshire (Philadelphia, 1880), a book of great interest and value. The bird fauna is of considerable interest, the finest species of the upper zone being an eagle-owl, met with at 14,000 ft. She didn't know how much time she had before Xander's interest became too hard to shake. The controversy as to the nature of his religious opinions, arising as it did chiefly out of his connexion with the Encyclopaedia, has no longer any living interest now that the Encyclopaedists generally have ceased to be regarded with unqualified suspicion by those who count themselves orthodox. I can't believe you're questioning his interest in you. The salesman hoped that the minivan would interest the … He was appointed inspector-general of higher education in 1876, and after his election as life senator in 1881 he continued to take an active interest in educational questions, especially as affected by compulsory military service. This is illustrated by his love of Switzerland, his intense interest in the fortunes of that country, his design of writing " The History of the Liberty of the Swiss " - a theme, he says " from which the dullest stranger would catch fire.". Within the town the streets are often dark and narrow, and, apart from the cathedral and the hotel de ville, the architecture is of little interest. show benefit for. I am interested in you. The statement "show interest more" does not really make sense, perhaps you are trying to say "show more interest" but given the context of the entire sentence even that sounds awkward. The principal located the boy, who willingly answered Dean's questions once he learned his own activities were of no interest to the police. That the godling with the hormones of a teen might have more of an interest in the girl never crossed Xander's mind. All Rights Reserved. More important than all was the interest of the Roman curia, composed almost exclusively of Italians, to retain in its own hands the choice of the pontiff and to maintain the predominance 01 the Italian element and the Italian spirit in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. 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