On the other hand, there was a learning curve to getting the data onto that external storage. Rclone is mature, open source software originally inspired by rsync and written in Go. Remember the name of the Bucket must be globally unique, not just unique within your account. Not to mention faster. Backblaze B2 only costs $0.005/GB per month for storage and only $0.02/GB to download data. Enter “n” and hit enter once more. We've never had any issues getting it to work but I can verify some stuff in our setup if it would help you. I usually go with something like “archive-b2”. Even though Backblaze doesn’t offer free one year storage like Amazon does, it offers the first 10GB of storage free of charge, and it … If the command ran successfully (it did not output anything), verify that the file was written to the remote by running: You should get something similar to the above output. In case you want to verify that your data actually is encrypted before the upload, choose a non-sensitive test file and copy it to the remote. Enter “n” to create a new remote and hit enter. Enter “b2” and hit enter. I … It’s $0.005 per GB per month and I “knew” Backblaze from their hard drive stats, which they publish on a quarterly basis. Amazon S3 vs BackBlaze B2 for Backup Storage. I set up a job to do a one-way sync of my Photos folder on the QNAP to the Backblaze B2 bucket. Rclone ("rsync for cloud storage") is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers. If you run into any issues or have any suggesting/feature requests while using the b2 sync, please submit them to our Github page. This will be part of 5.4 . Now, do the same with the application key. 3 months ago. Where:-r repository to backup or restore from; b2 indicates Backblaze B2 storage [bucket-name] is a name of Backblaze B2 bucket which was created [repository-name] is an arbitrary name which will be the name of Restic root folder inside Backblaze B2 bucket [dir-to-backup] is the directory which you would like to backup e.g. Thus, enter your underlying remote’s name followed by a colon and the bucket’s name. Here are some different use cases you may run into. actions taken is always printed. Upload Retries If the upload fails for some reason retry upload x times. If you can read the file, make sure you used the crypt remote and not the underlying remote in the copy command. Note that you must put the applicationKeyId as the account - you can't use the master Account ID. Developers use it to easily build apps and manage services. Step 3: Configuring rclone to access your new bucket. I’ll try to be as clear as I can and minimize the wall of text. Backblaze B2 is enterprise-grade, S3 compatible storage that companies around the world use to store and serve data while improving their cloud OpEx vs. Amazon S3 and others. Your older versions of the files will remain, and you will upload new copies on top of the originals. I usually use random names, since they are less likely to already be in use by someone else. Select a folder in the bucket to store the backup or create a new folder in the lower right corner of the menu, and click the folder with the plus sign. I usually simply append “-crypt” to the underlying bucket’s name. Duplicacy for Windows/Mac/Linux. Account ID or Application Key ID. Use "b2:///" for B2 paths, e.g."b2://my-bucket-name/a/path/prefix/". It is a trial and error process to find the right number of threads for your use case. rclone does not store the password in plain text in the config, so you won’t be able to (easily) recover it from there. Then hit enter. For the data that is incredibly important to me, I have always used Backblaze B2 configured with Synology’s Cloud Sync, but Backblaze recently implemented an Amazon S3 compatible API which is awesome! 1Fichier Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) Object Storage System (OSS) Amazon Drive Amazon S3 Backblaze B2 Box Ceph Citrix ShareFile … Almost done! ... We have backblaze backups working properly at work. If ISPs had 99% profit margin you'd see it in their quarterly reports. If you have files that are the same and haven't changed, you will not upload a new file version. Next, find and click on My Account >> B2 Cloud Storage >> Buckets >> Show Account ID and Application Key. You are now back in the main menu. I often end up spending quite some time figuring out and setting up a new tool for my specific use case. Even though Backblaze doesn’t offer free one year storage like Amazon does, it offers the first 10GB of storage free of charge, and it even offers 1GB of downloads free EVERY day. My goto sync (orcopy) command is: rclone sync --exclude .DS_Store -vv --b2-upload-cutoff 1G --b2-chunk-size 1G --transfers 2. @girish Awesome! Comment. I recommend B2 for Backblaze because it is both easy to use (compared to AWS) and specializes in bulk object storage for backup.. Config: key; Env Var: RCLONE_B2_KEY; Type: string; Default: ""--b2-hard-delete The basic parameter structure for the b2 sync call is as follows: b2 sync [--delete] [--keepDays N] [--skipNewer] [--replaceNewer] \, [--compareVersions