Of which are only a very small fraction of what this holy book contains to the whole mankind. Did you search these figures in English what criteria did you use coz when I searched ” شھر” Arabic word for month 17 Results came out not 12 also same with Land some 444 results came out what criteria did you use…. Could it be that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was such a mathematical genius that he wrote a book that combined a complete way of life along with a mathematically embedded masterpiece that included scientific truths and references to phrases that matched their equivalents or opposites? ( 553 = 7 x 79 )6. Maybe, this is one of God’s way of showing the people of the future what He already knew of the things that the people of that time did NOT even have a CLUE OF! © Copyright The Muslim Vibe 2019. What’s more, the chapters of the Quran that do mention Prophet Noah are 28 in number, which is the exact number of verses in Surah Nuh. In thischapter, the word “Human’’ takes place only in the first and second verses of the chapter.1. But what about a numerical miracle? All Rights Reserved. IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE QUR’AN: 29 SURE NUMBERED SURE – 28 NON-SMALL SURE. Miracle Of Holy Quran Sea Is Mentioned 32 Times In Quran Islamic. Total s+a (even) = total ayats6236 = 6236Each sura belongs either to the odd s+a group or the even s+a group. Between the very start of the Quran itself and the verse that contain this word “Human” again, there are exactly 46 verses containing the word “human” too!Some other things to ponder too :One key word in the Quran which is of course very obvious to many is the word “Allah”. Nov 1-2012: Scientists detect evidence of light Such a loser Privacy Policy / Terms of Use / Store Terms. What about the fact that this book is structured upon an ingenious mathematical formula, based primarily on the number 7, proving without a shadow of a doubt that no human could have ever written this book, and that every single letter in the Quran is the pure word of God? The chromosomes of the Male bee is also 16. Are Krishna Bratislava! According to Abdulaziz, prime numbers, which have “baffled mathematicians for centuries,” constitute “a noticeably strong and recurring key throughout the Quran.” Other prominent keys in the Quran include specific words and numbers, such as 114, which is the total number of chapters in the Quran. The word ‘They’ is stated 332 times in the Quran, sideways with the words ‘They Said’ which are also stated 332 times – for every answer here is an answer. ), appropriately to see the Truth and embrace It. There are only 3 chapters like this in Quran out of the total 114 chapters. Between the very start of this chapter of “The Human” and the second and final word “Human” of this chapter, there are exactly 46 letters. Furthermore, the numeric miracle has been analysed with respect to a single verse, a segment of a verse, and in one instance, the numeric consistencies of a single Qur’anic word have been explored. In Arabic, every letter has a numerical value. One of the most popular claims is that the word yawm (singular of day) is repeated 365 times in the Qur'an, its plural and dual forms "days" (ayyam and yawmayn) together are repeated 30 times, while the number of repetitions of the word "month" is 12.. Islamic Miracle Using Christian Calendar. Surely the people during that time would generally believe the things that they see with their own eyes; and what they saw was that the moon’s one complete cycle from a “full moon” to another new “full moon” was of course roughly about 29.5 days. It is of course generally accepted by the majority of people worldwide, especially during the ancient times, that the moon takes roughly 29.5 days to rotate around the earth. Or was it a True Divine Numerical Miracle like the 10s of others that were already found in the Holy Quran?To me, this Miracle shows that each WORD in the Holy Quran has a Divine Purpose in Its LOCATION, SPELLING and FREQUENCY.Chapter Number Number Of Verses Total Odd/Even1 7 8 Even2 286 288 Even Total Odd Numbers: 65553 200 203 Odd Total Even Numbers: 62364 176 180 Even5 120 125 Odd6 165 171 Odd7 206 213 Odd8 75 83 Odd9 129 138 Even10 109 119 Odd11 123 134 Even12 111 123 Odd13 43 56 Even14 52 66 Even15 99 114 Even16 128 144 Even17 111 128 Even18 110 128 Even19 98 117 Odd20 135 155 Odd21 112 133 Odd22 78 100 Even23 118 141 Odd24 64 88 Even25 77 102 Even26 227 253 Odd27 93 120 Even28 88 116 Even29 69 98 Even30 60 90 Even31 34 65 Odd32 30 62 Even33 73 106 Even34 54 88 Even35 45 80 Even36 83 119 Odd37 182 219 Odd38 88 126 Even39 75 114 Even40 85 125 Odd41 54 95 Odd42 53 95 Odd43 89 132 Even44 59 103 Odd45 37 82 Even46 35 81 Odd47 38 85 Odd48 29 77 Odd49 18 67 Odd50 45 95 Odd51 60 111 Odd52 49 101 Odd53 62 115 Odd54 55 109 Odd55 78 133 Odd56 96 152 Even57 29 86 Even58 22 80 Even59 24 83 Odd60 13 73 Odd61 14 75 Odd62 11 73 Odd63 11 74 Even64 18 82 Even65 12 77 Odd66 12 78 Even67 30 97 Odd68 52 120 Even69 52 121 Odd70 44 114 Even71 28 99 Odd72 28 100 Even73 20 93 Odd74 56 130 Even75 40 115 Odd76 31 107 Odd77 50 127 Odd78 40 118 Even79 46 125 Odd80 42 122 Even81 29 110 Even82 19 101 Odd83 36 119 Odd84 25 109 Odd85 22 107 Odd86 17 103 Odd87 19 106 Even88 26 114 Even89 30 119 Odd90 20 110 Even91 15 106 Even92 21 113 Odd93 11 104 Even94 8 102 Even95 8 103 Odd96 19 115 Odd97 5 102 Even98 8 106 Even99 8 107 Odd100 11 111 Odd101 11 112 Even102 8 110 Even103 3 106 Even104 9 113 Odd105 5 110 Even106 4 110 Even107 7 114 Even108 3 111 Odd109 6 115 Odd110 3 113 Odd111 5 116 Even112 4 116 Even113 5 118 Even114 6 120 Even6555 6236.