How he wins is actually by blitzing his slower opponents. Maul if you're just talking movies. My apologies, but a little clarification would be appreciated because I'd hate to answer without a full understanding. Sidious managed to do that to Maul because his teammate isn't anything special. Maul vs Ahsoka was the primary conflict of the episode, maul dying was a part of the episode, ti was not the main conflict of the episode. I do love the idea of Ahsoka being a powerful character. a) Ahsoka performance, based on her recent feats and... b) Dooku's performance against Yoda/Sidious. @lord_god: And Dooku was force choked by him across the Galaxy. Darth Maul vs Darth Vader Thread starter Sanguíne Symphony; Start date May 26, 2016; Status ... if you compare the old obi wan vs old vader fight to the young versions you will obviously see why youngs>>>>>olds . Force wise Maul and Vader are very similar. I'm not really sure that the arc is about Ahsoka v Maul, though. I was agreeing and providing backup. ROTS Sidious dies. I do not own the scenes. As to TCW, there have been almost countless debates regarding the battles relating to Florrum so there's no need to rehash them. Unless it is legends Sidious, the trio should take this comfortable. Darth Vader vs Darth Maul is een album uit de Legends-reeks, waarin onder andere ook de Thrawn-trilogie thuishoort. That applies even to old canon/legends. @breakofdawn Do you seriously think that Dooku is faster and more agile than Maul?? =). It's his TK, Vader is obviously better than Maul in this department, while Maul is also very adept with this skill, Vader is just better. Maybe it's also Vader's age, not just suit and poor health, but you can clearly see that Luke's main advantage over Vader when they fought in Ep5 and Ep6 was his superior speed. I'm not really sure that the arc is about Ahsoka v Maul, though. MAUL states its the logical choice. Those two claims are mutually exclusive. Even if it is stated, it's not saying much considering there weren't a lot of padawans post-Anakin, Relooking at things thread i don't think said source exists so fair enough. Yoda is still powerful enough to kick her ass, and she isn't any better than Kenobi yet Filoni says only Vader and Emperor, and we all know she is no match for Emperor too, either way that's a bullshit claim if you take it ''out of context'' , the meaning of Filoni's words is ; Ahsoka as a rebellion leader is superior than any Inquisitor and any Imperial opponent, only Vader and Emperor is capable of dealing with her in terms of Imperial opponents. Maul can dodge from an explosion that even took down Mace Windu, takes on 4 Magnaguards with ease, jumps on Grievous before he can draw his lightsaber, kicks Sidious in a duel, and outclassess TPM Kenobi and Qui-Gon in their own agile fighting style, and even he had a blaster shot on his shoulder he could still outclass Komari Vosa in a duel with his speed, he could also move fast enough to be invisible to holorecordings. Maybe he'd reply is he is asked for clarification... @erkan12 "The show itself makes it clear that Maul > Ahsoka by claiming that Maul is the best (and logical) choice to protect Ezra, moreso than Ahsoka.". Though he supposedly died on Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he resurfaced years later, having survived through his sheer hatred. In Ep6 Luke clearly blitz him in the end of their fight, simply attacking too fast for Vader to respond, all he could do is block and defend himself. This is prime Dooku and Vader we're talking about, both who could give him a good fight on their own or at least hold him off. Filoni said that in season 2 Maul wasn't supposed to survive Malachor, and that it was supposed to be about Vader confronting and killing Maul. t I'm making that it is odd, especially considering that Maul has been equated in Vader's class more than once, and this is per Lucas as well. They decided that was too "fan-servicey.". Changed my mind. This is factually inaccurate. I doubt it.Maybe Palps intervention hit him unexpected, just as Sidious force choke come unexpected to Dooku.I never denied, that Palpatine was still his superior.He was superior in the forceHe could expose his vulerability too force lightingHe had the final command of every force in the empire. Posted: (8 months ago) I decided to mix the comic of Darth Vader vs Darth Maul with Duel of the Fates. Maybe two of them, but not three. However, by the time of Rebels season 2 (3 BBY), Maul says he cannot defeat Vader alone. Knana when maul proposed the idea responds "no way". Dooku and Vader are a step above that but still significantly below him. @erkan12 "By ''confrontation'' its obvious that Filoni meant a one-on-one duel, so it means that the whole arc was about the Vader vs. Maul duel, I am guessing that we would take a better duel than Ahsoka vs. Vader duel if it could happen, since states that Maul was a superior combatant than Ahsoka amongs the rebels group." Followers. To me that means that they will take the other fan-servicey route and have Kenobi or someone else kill him. And Emperor can do much more than ''dealing'' with her by being highly superior to even Vader. Not once in TCW tv show or comics or novels was it ever hinted at that Ahsoka would be a Force power house. Though he supposedly died on Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he resurfaced years later, having survived through his sheer hatred. mperials is never used as a qualifier for the quote. But what I would consider a judging feat here, is the fact that Maul fought and defeated Obi Wan at least two times by now. And Emperor can do much more than ''dealing'' with her by being highly superior to even Vader. As to the "overall lack of Force users", it doesn't matter because there are plenty of strong ones left such as Kenobi, Vos, and Yoda, and I don't think it's logical to say that Yoda was on his deathbed considering that almost a decade after Rebels season 2 Luke was trained by Yoda. I'm with you, though, on that it is all or none, but again, considering what's said is incohesive, I can't help but think Filoni wasn't thinking completely through what he said. Legends Vader that is. Kanan let ezra go with maul because EZRA wanted to go with maul because Maul had earned EZRA's trust. And per feloni, something they consider in deciding how to use Ahsoka is that at this time period the only ones who can match(pr beat) her are vader or sidious. IIRC per legends sources yoda was using the force to sustain his life. proven that the two are mutually exclusive. ", "It became clear to me as the emotional story developed and we worked on it more that that was just going to be wrong, that if anything happened to Maul it needed to have its proper time and its proper space. Ahsoka has somehow been so greatly gifted by the Force, out of the blue, with these ultimate abilities matched only by Vader and Sidious, the two most powerful Force users in the Galaxy during that time. However they chose to not include this because it would distract from ahsoka vs vader. Maul has far superior durability to Vader who's suit heavily influences his already poor condition. ''He wasn't as strong as the Emperor -- he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku.''. I'm not really seeing a 4-2 BBY Yoda having a problem with Ahsoka considering he was up and about training Luke with no problems in 4 ABY just before his death. Darth Sidious Wallpaper Looking for the best Darth Sidious Wallpaper? They decided that was too "fan-servicey. What I had posted already from Rebels? ''You'' are talking about ''out of context'' ? I was agreeing and providing backup. Anyway, when we look to this fight ''seriously'' , it's obvious that it's a very close call. @w4nkdestroyer: Learn to read. It is clearly stated by Filoni, and Witwer iirc, that Maul is not an Imperial. However, never specified on why Kanan agreed, it just says he agreed, and then describes Maul and the weakest of the Jedi which is Ezra as a logical pairing, which also doesn't contradict the Episode itself. dogged the book. Read the movie novelization and other books. You will definitely choose from a huge number of pictures that option that will suit you exactly! If anything, they should have grown in the Force. General Grievous: 4 per cent 7. And no, TPM Kenobi cheap-shotted him when Maul underestimated him, even a force rage amped TPM Kenobi was outclassed by TPM Maul in the actual duel. Somehow she jumped ahead of Maul and Kenobi and anyone else who survived Order 66 and the Purge, including Yoda. ダース・モール Darth Maul スター・ウォーズシリーズのキャラクター 初登場 『ファントム・メナス』(1999年) 演 レイ・パーク 声 ピーター・セラフィノイス サム・ウィットワー プロファイル 種族 ザブラク 性別 男性 テンプレートを表示 Mind you, Obi Wan WAS Anakin's master, and he could fight on even ground with Anakin in his prime, even win a fight with him. Ah, I recall that. We've got 63+ great wallpaper images hand-picked by our users. If Palpatine tried to ragdoll Maul he would be opening himself to attack from Vader and Dooku. In the first Battlefront, Darth Vader appears only in select campaign missions and in any Imperial Galactic Conquestbattles in which the hero bonus is activated. Which puts them in a same group. He can even fight multiple jedi masters or sith at the same time, even when they are on the level of Obi Wan and Qui Gon, or Mace Windu, or Count Dooku, or Grievous, etc. The most powerful Sith in the entire history of the Order said that Maul was more than a match for the Jedi. Do you not see how you contradict yourself? He clearly states that Maul was his superior: "Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the most able swordsmen in the Jedi order. The Force suddenly deciding to impart her with extraordinary abilities and thrusting her above those who are definitely her senior and better makes the least sense of all. The fully revived version that was shooting incredibly amounts of force lighting from his hands should logically still be as skilled in Lightsaber Combat, strength, etc as what we have seen from him in the Clone Wars and ROTS, I think that is too much for the team to handle. A half-decent fighter and force user will fill the gap between him and Sidious and in this battle, he gets two of them. Maybe Maul meant it was the logical choice for plot progression? Since this topic has been locked ... And there is no need for another ; @beingfatissupercool@yousufkhan1212@redheathen@alextheboss. Aug 20, 2014 - All at their peak.EU versions.Standard gearVader has been commanded to put them down. If Qui-gon's saber wasn't there, then there would of been no way for Obi-wan to win. Here's what says: "Kanan agrees to split the group up, the logical choice pairing Maul with the weakest of the Jedi." He had been resurrected by the Dark Side acolytes, hence the name of the story. Classic Star Wars battle...Side note Darth Maul is from the clone wars cartoon not the clone of Maul that Vader fought in the comic. Team wins. Maul while injured, but driven by desperation over his maimed brother drags a freighter over the edge of a cliff, vader actually lifts the atst. I would like to mention what Vader can do and what Maul can do. that is a great contradiction to the statement filoni made that only vader and sidious were a match for ahsoka. help us create more content! only Vader and Emperor is capable of dealing with her in terms of Imperial opponents. Maul beat Obi-Wan. When Darth vader is given a half-decent fighter at his side, the duo could take on Sidious. Sidious not long before ROTS was having some trouble separating Maul and Savage. In all honesty Maul is not even needed but his presence here makes it highly favorable for the trio. Vsder wins eventually. While this is the only duel in which fans see Vader and Maul battling at full force, there are a couple other instances where their paths nearly crossed in canon. Non-tiered means that there is no primary and secondary source. Wiki Points. There is a reason Sidious purposely flawed the construction of Vader's suit so he could keep better control of him. Notice how even cutting his arm by Luke made him basically hopeless and ended the fight. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. All of that said, I still think that Vader is stronger and would defeat Maul. Of course Vader will win the poll because he is more popular character BY FAR, but Maul SHOULD win in an unbiased duel here, since his dueling feats, speed feats, durability feats, basically ALL feats are far superior to Vader's. ROTJ Sidious is a toss-up and DE stomps the trio. My bad then, i must have misinterpreted your post. Maul is obviously a powerful TK user, as he can overpower the likes of Kenobi or Silus in the Force, or survives from bisection due to his raw power, and manipulates / pulls Space-shuttles from a significant distance, collapses caves with moderate effort, casually uses Force repulses on droid armies, but he just can't replicate Vader's top TK feats. Follow 8308. Het verhaal bevat bijna uitsluitend actie met een pagina's lang gevecht, waarbij tegelijk veel aandacht wordt besteed aan de juiste woorden om de onderlinge haat uit te drukken. He has become a Jedi Knight at the end of TPM. You left out the example I gave about Anakin and Sidious, and I think after reading your reply that maybe didn't read what I wrote. Yoda, and I don't think it's logical to say that Yoda was on his deathbed considering that almost a decade after Rebels season 2 Luke was trained by Yoda. Dress du Jour: Daisy Ridley Is a Star in Chanel Kylo Ren Star Wars Drawing 1 Kylo Ren, the lightsaberwielding villain in Star W... Star Wars Saga Characters Star Wars Anakin 3- Maul underestimated him due to his injury. Maul is Fodder to him, he treated Vader like a child in the most recent comic and Dooku fairs somewhere in between. Feb 15, 2019 - The largest comic database online, Comic Vine features Comic Reviews, News, Videos, and Forums for the latest in and more! @kbroskywalkerSource for this fact? Didn´t Vader commit Seppuku just to get him? Maul's character was not a clone. You really have no idea what you're talking about do you? Classic Star Wars battle...Side note Darth Maul is from the clone wars cartoon not the clone of Maul that Vader fought in the comic. Kanan agrees regardless to whom the agreement or consent is given, and his agreement doesn't even matter because the point is that Maul is the strongest. Then, he defeated him again upon his return in clone wars, and that was Obi Wan in his prime we're talking about here, That was not kenobi in his prime and kenobi was the superior duelist in their fight. Which is why he attacked Kanan and Ahsoka afterwards, first he said he needed their help to face Vader because he says he can't defeat Vader alone, and then he attacked them. If part of this outline contradicts the episode itself, its invlaidated. Can you please tell me where this is stated? While Maul and Dooku are both less powerful than Vader, they are more than good enough to fill the gap between Vader and Sidious. Ahsoka has somehow been so greatly gifted by the Force, out of the blue. Vader wins after a decent fight. Somehow she jumped ahead of Maul and Kenobi and anyone else who survived Order 66 and the Purge, including Yoda. By ''confrontation'' its obvious that Filoni meant a one-on-one duel, so it means that the whole arc was about the Vader vs. Maul duel, I am guessing that we would take a better duel than Ahsoka vs. Vader duel if it could happen, since states that Maul was a superior combatant than Ahsoka amongs the rebels group. (Kanan literally agrees with Ezra pairing up with Maul.). Smh guys... StarWars.Com and the Episode don't contradict each other in Kanan splitting up the group. While it's very close, I can't see the team winning unless Dooku somehow holds Sidious off in sabers while Vader pummels him and Maul runs interference, and that means Dooku would have to pull off a feat (defending his disadvantaged - Vader - or inferior - Maul - teammates so they can retaliate) that even Mace, Sidious' equal in sabers and virtual equal in the Force, couldn't do. SW Magazine also states that ''it's a close call''... ''It's a close call. And I'm taking the word of the creator over a image from a gallery which contradicts the episode it serves as a guide for. No, thanks. In new canon even more since he got buffed. Er, no., You specifically give us TCW Maul but don't tell us which Vader. I don't even really know how to describe it ... it's not good. Darth Vader has the benefit of huge ties to the rest of the story and Maul doesn't in the same way — so even though he is like Vader in that way, he … I did say that we've read many times in the EU when a young Force user doesn't gain true power until later, but the Force power houses give us some inkling before hand. Darth Maul had cooler look and lightsaber due to the movie technology being a lot better 10 years ago rather than 25. "Could" means they're capable of it, and nothing more. If the emperor couldn't match ahsoka, then he couldn't be > to her. I'm not sure if I should point it out or wait to see if you'll come up with it. Disney has stated that there is no more tiered canon. Darth Maul vs Darth Vader Thread starter Sanguíne Symphony Start date May 26, 2016 Status Not open for further replies. The Sith Lord he battled with Obi - Wan was more than his equal in weapons training...". What I've said doesn't mean it can't happen because it's SW, but the point I'm making that it is odd, especially considering that Maul has been equated in Vader's class more than once, and this is per Lucas as well. So fighting Dooku with the help of Maul and Vader would end terribly for Palpatine, he probably wouldn't even have enough time to rag doll Maul with the presence of Vader and Dooku there to stop him. His Master had detected his rebellious thoughts. I wasn't arguing with you. Tis s repeat of Ahsoka vs Vader. Back to the OP, Vader > Maul more times than not. What is published is to be consistent no matter what, and the only way to make what has been said/ published about these characters has to be cohesive. When asked whose hatred allowed him to muster up so much power to defeat Darth Maul, Vader It's a stomp. Perhaps, if you will not be turned, little Jedi, a suitable substitute may be arranged. Maul has some very impressive feats in clone wars, easily on par with Vader's feats from original trilogy and Rebels. Nothing is said to imply that Kanan trusted Ezra's trust in Maul. Also, rofl at Maul being ragdoll tier, when Sidious only hit him when caught off guard or submissive, same way he force choked Dooku across the goddamn galaxy. Eight years is a long time for a Jedi Master to be on their deathbed, especially considering that they were training a Jedi not long before dying regardless of anyone's perceptions about said Jedi master's combative abilities. The main problem is that the team members are all massively below Sidious in some areas: Maul = Power and physicals (speed, agility, etc). However, if we do take Filoni's statement literally, then we have a contradiction in new canon, and one that doesn't make sense anyway considering what's said above. He thinks having the ability to amplify your speed and crushing metal(which he deems as atomizing, when it's barely disintegration) sets you apart as a higher tier Force user. The only person who CLEARLY outmatched him in dueling skills so far was his old master, Darth Sidious, but even with him Maul could pick up a good fight (I'm not talking about force dueling skills but sword fighting skills of course). "Yes, my servant," the voice boomed in his mind, dripping raw evil. @void_reborn: Yes and no. I shall meet you there, and we will discuss my new trophy.". Especially with Obi-wan. Because he wanted to turn ezra to the darkside. Darth Maul N before you bring up that vader beat Maul in the next scan, he did it though a cop out move of stabbing him self in the chest, not because of skill; in fact Maul clearly had the upper hand on him throughout the entire fight and even had him on his knees. Maybe I'll tweet Filoni later and see if he answers, or maybe one of you can if you're interested. Unless you say Ahsoka can match with Emperor and she is better than Kenobi, your claim is laughable at best. And all 3 are significantly above all members of the B team save Windu. No, the quote is never put in terms of imperial opponents, its put in terms of how to use ahsoka. Huge number of pictures that option that will suit you exactly him down on Variant darth maul vs darth vader comicvine Darth! Like fiery thunder through his sheer hatred Star Wars: Darth Maul, idky not, stated. Two of the Jedi Order I decided to bring Maul back and two of the Dark side, Darth. Comicviner lmao experience with surviving horrific wounds and still carry on fighting made him hopeless... Out or wait to see if he answers, or at least one that related. 8 months ago on a battle between Ani, Obi and Luke against Dooku, Maul was circle. 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