Stuck it in my innocent eye and it hurt so bad I couldn’t even scream. After about a year of using it this way without any problems, today in a tired haze I mistook them and rinsed my lens with the clear care. I did that 2 hours ago and, mine is a lot better, just a slight bit irritated and red. Pingback: » RE: I got clear care contact lens solution in my eye! After all, the average person would not even think that contact lens solution would require a special case! Moral of the story is accidents tend to happen with this stuff, And when they do, Holy. My eye couldnt have been any redder…seriously. Why the heck they would use such harsh chemical in something that goes in your eye is beyond me. Clear Care was on the same shelf at Costco as all the other contact solutions and it was far cheaper, so why wouldn’t I get it? They work with a special lens case to create a bubbling action you can see that actively cleans and removes debris from your lenses so your lenses are clean and comfortable. This stuff is really a good cleaner, and I was aware of the warnings and the need to soak in the special container. Health + Vision Centre + Eye Care + Contact Lens Solutions; Skip product filters. That entire bottle of soaking solution should be RED!!! I had 3 ten-pound babies and this chemical burn was only comparable to the time I crushed my thumbnail in my car door. My eye was super red and still was when i woke up so i went straight to the doc and got eye drops cuz it did significant damage to my eye but not my cornea (thank god). i skimmed this company’s copy-and-paste-from regular-contacts-solutions description on the front of the bottle and thought, perfect. It was IMMEDIATE pain in my eye. That seemed to help out a lot. Cuz I’m pretty sure a billion people have done it that you just called dumb and now we all hate you you freak. I remember it like yesterday, I was in a hurry so didnt think anything horrible would happen if I used it to rinse after my contact fell in the sink. OMGGGGG…. it hurt… I managed to pry my eye open to take the contact out throwing it to the ground. I only caught the part about not putting it directly in my eye as I was JUST about to re-wet my eyes last night after taking out my contacts for the day. A skull and crossbones would seem quite suitable. I am definitely going to the Dr. tomorrow if it is not better. The exact same thing happened to me earlier today, ergo me on the internet attempting to see if I’ll recover or not. All day Ihave my eye red and it burns a little, Can anyone help me? This product has Hydrogen Peroxide and should not be marketed with the other saline solutions. Do not remove lenses from the lens case for at least 6 hours. i went to the bathroom, opened the cabinet and saw Clean Clear calling to me. I was burned by this stuff this afternoon. I couldn’t find my box of new contacts to wear so desperately I pulled out an old pair that had been sitting in a case for a while. What a freakin’ nightmare! Please make my day and give me his address, I totally feel ur pain, I did this about 4 yrs ago and I will say I would rather hav broken a leg lol. Well my brother has contacts so I used his cleaning solution and once I had rinsed it I put the contact in my eye afterword. So in a rush to relieve his aggravating pain of what was probably a eyelash. clear care is a real shit. I didn’t do anything as drastic as most of the rest of you, but apparently I had a little on my finger from filling the case, and when I went to remove my contact it got on my eye. on this bottle for the future… Does anybody know about the possible consequences on the eyes that can cause? As a nurse I should have known better but to think that the term “no rub” is used by other companies as an “all in one” solution and this company decides to change the rules make this more upsetting. The pain that followed was enough to make me think about switching back to my old solution. I had just opened them yesterday. Happened to me two days ago. So this time I end up with Clear Care . ugh. The tip of it is bright red. it hurts like lots of needles stick in my eyes. see pic; I noticed it had a red spout under the cap & thought I read all the directions, and noted it saying, “No final rinse w/ saline is necessary”, so, I squirt it on my contact, put it in my eye, and… The bottle looks like regular contact lense solution so it’s very deceiving. I went to my optometrist today for a follow up after requesting new contacts. I definently had that on the tip of my finger where my contact was. THIS IS THE WORST PRODUCT ON THE SHELF FOR EYE CARE. Holy acid in the eye, Batman! Hopefully, everyone else is doing ok!! I called the eye Dr. and am waiting for a call back and for him to let me know what to do next. I tried rinsing my other lens with water then regular wetting solution-didn’t burn but didn’t feel “normal” so they’re both out. Does anyone know how long it will take for the redness to fully go away? I rotate two pairs of lenses very rarely. And the reason for posting 101’s injury to children: the bottle of such a dangerous over-the-counter chemical is not even child-proof! They need to clearly state what will happen if you do not use their bottle. I thought it would roll out of its socket and start jumping on the floor! I had to wear glasses all this 4th of July weekend and it is STILL not better! I think having straight jalapeño juice squirted in your eye would have felt better. Then I made a BIG mistake of letting the remaining two bottles around in the cabinet. There is no warning of the ill effects of putting this solution in the eye. Now that’s some good stuff. I put it in my eye and my eye instantly squeezed shut and welled up with so much pain that it took me a few minutes to actually get the contact out because my eye was burning so badly. The same thing happened to me too! My eye is still red and swollen. I got a free sample and stashed it i I feel I have been abused. Thank you to the above posted who posted the link to the Dr. advice. this is a shit product. So I read that its a “No Rub” solution and I’m thinking put in your case and get to sleep. You just have ryukyu l too look close, after reading more posts, you guys sound like the mcdonald’s lady who spilled hot coffee on herself and sued mcdonalds because she ordered hot coffee and spilled it on herself. We’ll see what happens. I can’t read the fine print on the back, as my eyesight is pretty bad. I am not alone!! it probably wasn’t intentional but STILL WHY WOULD YOU TAKE OFF INSTRUCTIONS LIKE THAT. Later, I called attention to the problem and requested action by FDA and the manufacturer, Ciba Vision Corp., a Novartis company. (I was confused as to WHY there was a red tip on top, but I assumed this was to show that the tip was sterile!) Hour 25-32 eye not as red but extemely swollen. So he had me wash my hands and handed me a paper towel and a mirror and a box with “solution” and he walked away to help someone else so I assumed the solution was all in one and that I should rinse the contacts first which I did and proceeded to put it in my eye right there at the front desk and it burned so bad and I couldn’t get it out and the guy was like “oh that must be from your makeup” I said no it’s from this solution that you handed me and I showed him the warning at the top of the box that I didn’t notice before because I had my glasses off when he handed it to me. Thankfully it was only in there for about…3-5 seconds. I hope my eye heals soon…. Let me know if a lawsuit is filed. fml. Much better by Tuesday. Like others on this post, I’ve been a contact lens wearer for over 25 years so putting lens in is very routine. Going out to buy more saline to flush with. I can only imagine that the little black disk to neutralize the solution has worn out. I suppose that is the healing process. It’s even worse when you have a drop of acid in your eye. It’s still extremely red but not nearly like it was yesterday. but just to let you know, putting ice over my eyelid helped the pain go away! i ended up going to my soccer prac with my glasses :p it happened 6 hours ago…and its still red nd burns my moms taking me to the doctors tm if it continues….i really hate having to wear glasses/ contacts lol…dont worry your not the only one that did tht as you can see hahaha. At one point, the whole right side of my face felt odd. My right eye was at the brink of explosion. OMG! It is dangerous! My husband just did this. I finally removed the contact for the 2nd time before ending up on the floor. The tears were unbelievable! After washing, still pain, 8 h so far. I put the contact in my eye and I remembered the news story years back of a teacher whose student put acid in her Visine bottle. The warning notice on top of the bottle did not get noticed. My husband bought Clear Care for me thinking it was regular Saline. They did their part. Needless to say it hurt like a mofo but I took it out really quickly and flushed my eye with a mini syringe for a good half an hour. First was about a year ago, I got something in my eye and wanted to drop saline to my eye. I too had a hard time removing the contact since the eye was so soar. This happened about 12 noon and here it is 10 pm and my eye is still watering like crazy. This morning I was going through my regular routine and wow…. Redness and pain would last for 24-48 hours… What the hell is going on?! Now I know this works if instructions are properly followed, but I cringe on thought of accidentally making the same mistake again, so my two bottles are going straight to the trash! I am sure they are distributing these coupons like crazy so they can sell out of the stuff and pay out these settlements. I guess I should have given them a good scrubbing in the palm because it was alarming the instantaneous burn. CLEAR CARE contact cleaning solutions use hydrogen peroxide to help prevent eye infections by killing harmful germs and bacteria on contact lenses. Hate this product. Anyway, I too burned one eye with this. *twitch*. I feel the same way! !Should have a HUGE label with DON”T PUT IN EYES on it! and the contact is kind of desolved in my eye,a nd it took me about 15 min to squeeze it out. Any way, I reached for the Clear Care bottle yesterday morning instead of another brand of contact solution in my bathroom to add more moisture to my contact. i was innocent during all of this! These are just peoples’ eyeballs after all. burned my eye this morning and have to go to my brothers wedding tonight! She has tried everything to rinse it but to no avail. Right before my eyes clamped shut i looked in the mirror and saw my eye bubbling! I hope there is no lasting damage from this mistake. Even then, it’s dangerous if something happens to the metal disc, because hydrogen peroxide will burn the shit out of your eyes of the boiling system doesn’t work correctly. I was talking to a surgeon over the weekend and he was astonished that something so potentially harmful can be marketed and packaged similar to ordinary solution. I started using this CIBA product 3 years ago. The warnings are there, but the company should also include what to do if this mistake occurs (and why)- I had to search the internet. That this is cursed from hell. Any lawyers willing to file on behalf of us sufferers? I have not been able to find if anyone has had any permenent damage. I could go on and on. Afterwards, my contacts were clean and felt great. A month ago, after being extremely tired at that night, I forgot to add the pill. Flooded my eye with the regular solution while trying to pry the lens out. Rest them in solution, shake it do not shake..Does it matter? I finally managed to get the contact out of my eye and rinsed my eye for about a minute. . Some advice on consequences. OMGGG, was at a friends house last night and i was blazed. It didnt help one bit. There was absolutely no way I could open my eye to get it out. After ten minutes, I used eye drops. The doctor said I was one of many who has visited the ER with the same conditions. I just posted this on Facebook right before I googled and found your site; I’ll be calling an optometrist, contacting the FDA, AND the Consumer Product Safety Division (if that’s separate, who the heck knows)…PRODUCT WARNING for all your contact users: Be VERY careful when grabbing your “multi-purpose solution” off the shelf…I just burned one of my eyes to death w/ this solution my Husband bought, thinking it was the same ‘ol, same ‘ol “multi-purpose solution”; it says, “No Rub” like all the others, and “One Bottle Solution for Cleaning & Disinfecting” (don’t they all say that?! I was really tired the night before, and I filled the solution part, but I left the part with my contacts out by accident. OMG – I did the same thing this morning. She called me complaining about the pain and thought she got pepper in the eye. Yes, my eye was stuck shut and on fire. Be very careul and follow the instructions on the bottle and do not keep near your other saline solutions or eye wash, please. I was surprised they made something so simple this complicated. THE BURNING. Pain that followed (follows) is much worse. If there is a class action, I’m in. I had the bottle of clear care next to the bottle of all-in-one solution that I put in my eyes before taking out my lenses. 13 hours later my eye is blood shot, lid is puffy, but at least the burning subsided. Accessibility. recently my eye doc switched me to Clear care. I took my contacts out of the soaker a couple hours ago(albeit after 36 hours) and even rinsed them real good with regular solution while on the tip of my finger. I use BioTrue solution and I have been for about two years. AHHHHHHHHH! My turn, I typically use a mutli-purpose no rub solution which works fine. OWWWW!!!! But let me warn people out there, I followed the directions, for once in my life, and I let it soak for 6 or so hours, and then I put it in my eye, as the directions say, no need to rinse, and it had the SAME exact reaction as so many of you had by rinsing it directlt with the Clear Care. Yup, mark me down as another victim. How can this be? Immediately after placing the contact into my eye, I knew what I just did before even looking at the bottle. So i had to search google….had this happen and wondered how many other people didn’t really read the directions fully. God my eye hurts. im at the 24h hour mark, eye is still red/puffy/crying but pain is finally slightly going down. She came screaming downstairs. I am from another country…well Slovenia(awkward silence when nobody knows where that is :P ) anyway i did the same thing -.- ..i ran out of my usual lens filler you know the one where you can put that puppy right in your eye and you are out the door….i went to buy it and the pharmacist brought out random ones because they didn’t have my usual one..i didn’t really think twice i seen some old ones that i used among them and i wasn’t really happy with them but hey i said to myself try a new one….sure why not..i came home and i felt my lens was a bit dry so i opened the aosept plus from ciba vision… burned….i was like so fast to put it out…..i even thought to myself for a second when i put it in my eye that…why was it so warm?……it clicked fast!…….i put my lens out and rinsed with water and some solution my mom has(thank god she is a nurse and has stuff)….i put Tobrex gel in my eye and Recugel (Bausch&Lomb) gel…it moisturizes and heals…and ice packs on my eye….its been about 9 hours and yea i must say that i don’t think its my fault…all of warning labels you have in America are so not so graciously posted everywhere…i read the label the box everything and on the inside instructions one sentence in small writing…don’t put in eye….why thank you…that was help full……not……here is a link of how they sell it …where are the warning labels?……none not even on the inside bottle..none!! I had purchased it because it was on sale (big surprise). I’m worried that I should have already gone to a professional to get this checked out. Hopefully after a night of good sleep, it will look and feel better tomorrow. They should clearly tell you that, and warn you that if you DON’T use the “special case” you’ll burn your eye! I’m in the middle of the trauma right now :( :(. Next time research and ask your eye doctor for his/her opinion on a product. Required fields are marked *. About 30 minutes have passed and my eye is still red and stings a little bit, but I do not think I will have any long lasting effects to my vision. These bottles are going directly in the garbage. We use it because we are vision impaired. Why..Why would they make this shit. I have put a couple of drops of ‘tears’ in hoping that will help. I did it for the second time. That as seven hours ago, and my eye is still horribly red. I thought I would try something new as what I used is getting expensive. I burnt my eye with this stuff after leaving them to soak in the provided case for five hours, and I totally blame myself, not Ciba Vision. This should not be sold in regular stores with regular contact solution. If it were square this wouldn’t have happened. Put in on my eye,and it burned so bad. Only thing to be afraid of is corneal damage…if the redness doesn’t go away after 7 to 10 days, consult and ophthalmologist. This stuff is WAY to complicated, comparatively, and it BURNS!! I was just careless in not making sure my hands were dry. Clear Care better do something!! She gave me two kinds of drops and antibiotic ointment and I have to see her again in 3 days. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the solution, because when used the right way, it really cleans my contacts super well. I took ibuprofin every 3 hours since it happened. My eye is still on fire! By this time , I am getting light headed and beginning to feel like I am going to pass out. If yes, please contact me, because I definitely do. Thanks! Immediately took contact back out of eye…….burned like…….still red. This is dangerous….i can’t believe they would sell this on the market! So after getting my left eye stunk two times I decided to take some action on my part. I got colored contacts yesterday and was in town and decided to get a contact solution. Holy Fucking shit!!! First of all, when they say do not rinse, do not squirt in eye — they need to make clear this is a WARNING IT WILL BURN YOUR EYE!!! I asked if I could borrow some solution in 2 little cups. She used drops that instantly numbed my eye (but only for a few minutes). Four yrs later, how this thing is still out there, is beyond me. Went to parents’ for Christmas and forgot my case. Did the same thing today after using Clear Care for years and years. Tailored specially for you, with exclusive events and offers on, Opti-Free Replenish Multi Purpose Disinfecting Solution 120mL, Bausch & Lomb Biotrue Muliti-Purpose Solution 300mL, Bausch & Lomb Moisture Eyes Dry Eye Lubricant Eye Drops/Artificial Tears 15mL, Refresh plus Lubricant Eye Drops 30 x 0.4mL. I’ve been using Systane single use drops to lubricate and prevent infections as the multiple drop bottles often get a buildup on bacteria on the bottle tip. I hope I can get better soon, taking sick leave today at home. the buning was horrendous. It consists of one bottle with peroxide and two dozens of pills that neutralize the liquid, making it sterile. It clear states in multiple places on the bottle: Red tip is warning not to put Clear Care into your eye. He tried to say he was just giving it to me to take home after. I did the exact same thing! I will make sure I NEVER purchase ANY product from them in the future, even if not this acid. Ugh. Did anyone experience any long lasting effects? We’ll sell those right next to the regular types of veggies. so i put the solution in my contacts case then i was touching the contact to my eye but then it started to burn really bad!! I have now felt the burn, unfortunately. They are incredible. Alright I;m glad that I won’t be blinded after this.. Accidents can happen way to easily with Clean Care so just don’t buy it!!!! The doctor that I spoke with told me to throw away the contacts that I had put in the Clear Care solution. One with burning red eye my boyfriend had something in my second contact i dropped it on my day! Pain go away over night, and also talks about not using it in one stuff for now! Friends house last night and went to urgent Care, first time had... Contains a platinum ring that neutralizes the peroxide soak bottle and do it for two! Whole psychotic mayhem, i am kinda worry about i remembered my god what a way to easily with Care... 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