Even if global warming is a natural part of Earth's climate, human activities are accelerating it. An event or situation causing sufficient damage to people, property, or society in general from which recovery and/or rehabilitation is long and involved; natural processes most likely to produce a catastrophe include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and large fires. Rising global temperatures will eventually cancel out any localised cooling caused by loss of Arctic sea ice, although they said it is not possible to predict when this will happen. Humans didn't burn a lot of carbon-based fuels back then. Global warming - Global warming - Carbon dioxide: Of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most significant. Scientists look at the big picture, not today's weather, to see the impact of climate change What aspect of the November 13, 1985, volcanic eruption of Nevado del Ruiz was mostly responsible for the large death toll? Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather. Why might global warming increase the magnitude and/or frequency of weather-related hazards? With respect to natural hazards, refers to an announcement that states that a particular event such as a flood is likely to occur at a particular time, often with some probability as to how likely the event is. Most hazardous natural processes are not amenable to artificial control. Explain why scientists are concerned about human activities that cause global warming if global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect and the greenhouse effect is a natural part of Earth's climate. Which of the following is not true concerning the interglacial period that began 15,000 years ago? To understand why, you have to first know the difference between weather and climate. An example of sound land-use planning would be... All of the following are types of artificial control used to control natural hazards, EXCEPT... a) prohibiting construction on a floodplain. In what way was the 1845 mudflow on Nevado del Ruiz responsible for the huge amount of lives lost in the same area in 1985? 2 Minute Read The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole. While many human activities produce greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect is actually a natural process. Which of the following is an example of how human activities are likely to increase the impact of natural disasters? Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be _______. Which of the following best describes the impact of glaciers upon the surface of the earth? Why wasn't global warming a problem 1,000 years ago? At 1.5 degrees Celsius warming, about 14 percent of Earth’s population will be exposed to severe heatwaves at least once every five years, while at 2 degrees warming that numbe… Most land regions will see more hot days, especially in the tropics. It is the most serious danger that humans face today. No, our world continued warming after 1998. What were the two main lessons learned forth 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia? Therefore, when the ice age ended and glaciers retreated the more hospitable grasslands and forests that developed hosted greater biodiversity. Some groups point out that water is a more significant contributor to warming in the atmosphere. Which of the following is an example of a linkage between hazardous events? And more importantly, they cannot account for the current period of rapid warming Earth has experienced since the pre-Industrial period (the period between 1850 and 1900), and particularly since the mid-20 th Century. What is the difference between a forecast and a prediction? From an environmental viewpoint, risk may be considered as the product of the probability of an event times the consequences. Why might global warming increase the magnitude and/or frequency of weather-related hazards? That purple border is the jet stream or polar vortex. Which of the following is true of natural hazards? The condition is the “Arctic Oscillation.” The positive phase (left) has higher air pressure in the mid-latitudes than in the Arctic, making for a milder winter for the U.S. Warmer ocean waters will channel more energy into the atmosphere. Solar insolation causes global because everyone gets sun. Explain why entering an interglacial period resulted in an increase in biodiversity on Earth. This “Arctic amplification” is driven by a handful of factors; the largest of these is the … All of the following responses to a hazard would be considered anticipatory, EXCEPT... How might climate change affect natural hazards? Which of the following is a direct effect of a disaster? And a cooler north isn’t necessarily good news. Why might global warming lead to the extinction of some organisms? Experiments with modern climate models suggest that such an event would be unlikely. Many hazardous natural events are controlled in part by the amount of water in the system. [] Thanks to natural climate variability, volcanic eruptions, and to a smaller extent, low solar activity, the rate of average global surface warming from 1998–2013 was slower than it had been over the two preceding decadesSuch varations in the rate of warming from decade to decade are common. The risk that society or individuals are willing to endure. Therefore, they argue that carbon dioxide is not a significant greenhouse gas so any observed warming is not the result of human activity. Check out my website or some of my other work here . Why does population increase affect the number of catastrophic events? And as it begins to melt, it is reshaping the Arctic. Global warming to give colder winters and hotter summers . Warmer ocean waters will channel more energy into the atmosphere. A new study looks at the complex relationship between global warming and increased precipitation. Many atmospheric gases help trap heat in Earth's atmosphere, including natural gases like carbon dioxide. It’s like your grades. Emission Scenarios. How does human population increase result in disasters becoming catastrophes. What is the difference between a reactive response and an anticipatory response? Regional subsidence was slower than was appreciated. This comes as news reports and blogs question whether global warming is even occurring, given local weather conditions and the fact that warming did not occur at the same rate in the past 10 years as it did during the ‘80s and ‘90s. Explain how glaciers can change the landscape and physical characteristics of continents. Many conditions affect weather. It so happens that during winter 2010, one of those conditions was a bit unusual. No, “global warming” means Earth's average annual air temperature is rising, but not necessarily in every single location during all seasons across the globe. Why is land-use planning typically more effective than artificial control of natural hazards? Yes, it's cold. It has also been speculated that, as a consequence of large-scale surface warming, such changes could even trigger colder conditions in regions surrounding the North Atlantic. Follow me on Twitter . c) Both of the above statements are true. During an ice age the conditions on Earth favor glaciers and cold deserts over more hospitable environments. Or going backwards? These predicted impacts of global warming could have severe, negative impacts to humans. This will result in a faster increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and more rapid global warming. Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earths average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels. What's worrying is that for some years now, global climate models have been predicting a future weakening of the Gulf Stream as a consequence of global warming. Africa was covered by glaciers during the Pleistocene ice age. Ocean convection is regional because certain places aren't near the ocean. People who live in North America sometimes see winter weather forecasts that look like this. Ice shelf disintegration and glacier acceleration in Antarctica could raise global sea level significantly, and the effects would be keenly felt along U.S. coastlines. c) They are natural processes that become hazards when people live or work in areas where they occur. Studies say system of ocean currents that plays vital climate role is losing strength. Welcome to the new normal, courtesy of global warming, where the Arctic can't even remain cold in the dead of winter. But all this talk of global warming is not overblown. Hot Spots; Hot Map; Impacts; Solutions; Extreme Wet A warmer climate spurs the evaporation of water from land and sea and allows the atmosphere to hold more moisture—thus setting the stage for more extreme precipitation. Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earths average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. In general, the frequency of an event is _______ its magnitude. Scientists predict the range of likely temperature increase by running many possible future scenarios through climate models. an event in which damages are such that recovery and/or rehabilitation is a long, involved process. Which is the correct series indicating what hazards, on average, has caused the most deaths per year in the United States (most to least)? Counter to what most expected in a globally warming planet, the Southeast of the U.S. has been getting colder during winter and spring months instead of warmer. Volcanic Eruptions are regional because only certain places have volcanoes, they are not everywhere. What was not a factor in the flooding of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? There is generally an inverse relationship between the magnitude of an event and its frequency. . Global Warming Effects Around the World. Damages from a catastrophe are of a magnitude that requires a long recovery period. Explain why the greenhouse effect is not entirely a man-made phenomenon. Natural sources of atmospheric CO2 include outgassing from volcanoes, the combustion and natural decay of organic matter, and respiration by aerobic (oxygen-using) organisms. Even if global warming is a natural part of Earth's climate, human activities are accelerating it. It was the failing of two levees against which body of water that caused much of the flooding of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? Colder places are warming faster than warmer places. Many hazardous natural events are controlled in part by the amount of water in the system. Which of the following continents was not covered by ice during the Pleistocene ice age. Greenhouse gases are best described as _______. Effects of climate change on oceans provides information on the various effects that global warming has on oceans.Global warming can affect sea levels, coastlines, ocean acidification, ocean currents, seawater, sea surface temperatures, tides, the sea floor, weather, and trigger several changes in ocean bio-geochemistry; all of these affect the functioning of a society. Tweet. The advancing front of a glacier acts like a bulldozer, scraping across the landscape and carving out new features. Probably yes, at times, and it’s a real cause for concern. Which of the following statements is best supported by this study? People can avoid building on floodplains, in areas where there are active landslides, or in places where coastal erosion is likely to occur. If the atmosphere didn't trap some of the sun's heat, we'd freeze. In some climate models, carbon cycle feedbacks from both land and ocean add more than a degree Celsius to global temperatures by 2100. Rich soils deposited by the original mudflow resulted in an agricultural center being developed, drawing a large number of people to inhabit the area. "In a 2009 study, presented by the National Academy of Science, 97% of climate scientists agree that human activity is causing global warming." The warming winter climate … How does a catastrophe differ from a disaster? What are some disaster prediction methods? What is the role of global climate in the occurrence of natural hazardous events? Which of the following hazards has a high catastrophe potential? Global warming heats up Earth and some animals are not used to a warm environment. But the heat that ocean currents fail to transport northwards would make parts of the Southern Hemisphere even hotter. Global warming has shown that permafrost is not so permanent after all. What is the role of history in understanding natural hazards? A statement that an event with specified magnitude, such as a tsunami or flood, will happen during a particular time interval. We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. But Milankovitch cycles can’t explain all climate change that’s occurred over the past 2.5 million years or so. With respect to natural hazards, the announcement of a possible disaster such as a large earthquake or flood that could occur in the near future. But no. Some recent cold spells have been caused by a dreaded weather system called the polar vortex. Which of the following best explains why air pollution that was once blamed for global cooling is now considered responsible for global warming? Explain why some groups doubt the occurrence of global warming and global climate change. Global warming Earth’s plants are countering some of the ... which could make some places less friendly to plants that now thrive there. What percentage of New Orleans flooded after the landfall of Hurricane Katrina and the failure of levees? If the North Atlantic current slows dramatically, then the entire Northern Hemisphere would cool; a complete collapse of the current could even reverse global warming for about 20 years. This can carve out new courses for rivers and lakes and flatten out landscapes. Tornado and Windstorm, Lightning, Flood, Hurricane. Why does population growth result in more death and damage from natural hazards? As ice caps melt and wildfires rage, global warming is occurring faster than we could have imagined. With respect to natural hazards, refers to the actions of individuals, families, cities, states, or entire nations taken before a hazardous event to plan for that event and to minimize losses. Which of the following is not a manmade cause of global warming? Antarctica has not responded as quickly to climate change as the Arctic, but Earth’s southernmost continent is still losing ice. These predicted impacts of global warming could have severe, negative impacts to humans. How may the risk of a particular event be defined? We wish that were true! Differentiate between a catastrophe and a disaster. This rule of thumb is really dominated by the fact that the arctic is the fastest-warming large region on the planet. Warm —According to the report, extreme temperatures on land are projected to warm more than the global average surface temperature, with substantial differences from place to place. What is the main conclusion of the magnitude-frequency concept? Global temperatures are expected to rise much faster than they would have naturally, which may result in severe environmental and climate changes across the globe. ; Global temperatures are expected to rise much faster than they would have naturally, which may result in severe environmental and climate changes across the globe. Why do you think there are sometimes strained relationships between the media and scientists? Greater numbers of people occupy marginal lands in the path of hazardous processes. If one semester you get all Bs and Cs, and the next you get all As and Cs, your grade point … One or more of the following criteria are met: With respect to natural hazards, refers to physical, chemical, or biological events that occur before an event such as a flood, earthquake, or volcanic eruption. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. b) An earthquake causing a landslide along a coastal area. To many of these groups any discussion of global warming or climate change is a form of media alarmism. Have you read? So while human activities exacerbate the natural greenhouse effect, it is not solely due to them. All of the following hazards are linked to hurricanes, EXCEPT... What regions of the world are at risk for volcanic eruptions? Learn about the impact and consequences of climate change and global warming for the environment and our lives. Why did scientists think the world was experiencing global cooling between the 1940's and 1970's. Winters are warming faster than summers in many places, and colder parts of the U.S. are warming faster than hotter ones. The Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of the rest of the world. The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degree… List some potential linkages between hazardous events. Based on your knowledge of the magnitude-frequency concept, which would you expect to do the most work altering the landscape in a given area? Instead, a moderate weakening of the thermohaline circulation might occur that would lead to a dampening of surface warming—rather than … Acceptable risk is the risk we are willing to endure in a given situation. Contrast with forecast, which provides a percent chance of something happening. To what does the concept of acceptable risk refer? Which of the following is predicted to be an impact of global warming? There was a forest but it dried, making a desert, and animals in the forest must have died or dried up. Is global warming slowing down? What event with a low catastrophe potential kills a large number of people each year? With that definition and some horrible puns out of the way, let’s thumb through some data. What are some of the common adjustments that limit or reduce the effects of natural hazards? Which of the following continents was covered by glaciers during the Pleistocene ice age? Most of us agree that the acceptable risk of driving in a car is _______ whereas the acceptable risk from a nuclear power plant is _______. One of the most environmentally sound adjustments to hazards. (example: the larger the flood, the less frequently it happens). If the earth was like a greenhouse, the carbon gases in the atmosphere are like: The glass. Jared Bakko hauls a boat down a flooded road … Nres 102 Final: The Atmosphere, Climate, and global warming study guide by Josh_Acosta includes 37 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Which of these is an opinion about global warming? 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