It all happened so fast that she didn't have time to think, only to cling to the one solid thing she could find - Cade. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. She had been the one who had betrayed, and the person she had betrayed was Yancey. So can I. I got along before I hired you and I think I can manage one meal now. Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you're not likely to give him the chance, I'll tell you. Nina wasn't the only one awaiting her arrival. Examples of commonly used injections are: 1. He drew his mount to a halt beside her and kicked one foot free of the stirrup, offering a hand up. Example-1: • The house, with its contents, was insured. No way! The ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, and corn are gluten-free. He said he felt bad about it, but conceded that Tessa had been less than honest with him on more than one occasion. Example Sentences: There is a gathering of protesters in front of the City Hall. I'd assume no one would believe me and I'd be at a loss to prove what I saw. Don't you ever try to use one of those on me again. His arms were folded across his chest, one leg thrown carelessly over the other. There may be a technical term for a one word sentence but grammatically the only one-word complete sentence you can make is a command, or imperative statement. Until now she would have sworn that he was the one who never expressed his feelings. But then so was the scream of a mountain lion, and she had never seen one of those, either. In this example of an open sentence, x is a variable: x + 3 = 8. No one responded to her calls, and she found a note on the refrigerator. The next time she glanced at the table where she had seen the driver, no one was there. English Example Sentences, 20 Sentences of Noun Phrase 20 Sentences of Noun Phrase One of the most important aspects to understand an English sentence is to understand the “noun phrase” structures in that sentence. The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic dog food. Look at these exclamatory sentence examples to see how they are formed: What a beautiful painting! Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education. In writing and speaking, there are four basic types of sentences that we use: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. Are we going to have one of these relationships where we have to constantly prove our love to each other? She slipped one arm around his neck and returned the kiss, answering his question. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father. She was the one who had insisted on waiting until they were married. A Simple Sentence; A simple sentence is one with only one independent clause and no dependent clauses. The following examples show how this works: Some simple sentences have a single subject and verb, but the subject isn't stated in the sentence. It doesn't matter to me one way or another, but I wish you would at least make an effort at seeing his side of it. The ride back was quiet, but the silence was a comfortable one, only becoming awkward when they reached the door of his house. "Can one be calm in times like these if one has any feeling?" Life was empty without him and no one seemed to be anxious to replace him - especially her parents. Wasted years caused by one silly mistake. I lost my most comfortable shoes. Leaning forward she reached up with one hand and cupped the back of his neck. She released his arm only to grab it again as one of the buggy wheels dropped into a pothole. One day we were out, so I put some powdered sugar in a bag. Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey. The paper and pencil sat idle on the desk. He turned and mounted his horse in one lithe movement. Then the boy returned to one of the upper rooms, and in spite of the hardness of the glass bench was soon deep in slumberland. A piñata had been hung from one of the banisters above and the children of some of the employees joined them. When the Subject is formed by the conjunctions such as ‘with’ as well as, along with etc…’ the verb should be in singular form. As she picked up one of his shirts, she smelled the same odor she had smelled last night. A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. "May I eat one of them?" This was one time she couldn't ride the fence. There will be one from each of us to the other, and then a couple for the children from Santa. For example “I like popcorn,” is a simple sentence informing us that you like popcorn, but the sentence itself is pretty unemotional. It was one of her favorite artists, Andy Gordon. I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference. Example Sentence Fragments. Then she happened to remember that in a corner of her suit-case were one or two crackers that were left over from her luncheon on the train, and she went to the buggy and brought them. Instead, the reader knows who the subject is from context. In fact a lot of words in English can be one-word sentences, it all depends on the context. I don't like this one. In the fog of desire she knew one thing - it was too late to protest. One of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that Dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright. Bordeaux dismounted, surveying the camp, landscape and men in one rolling glance. The riders were a blur in the heat waves, but she was sure one was Pete. One thing led to another and I finally worked up the courage to offer you the job. It wasn't the first time she had seen a bear track, but it was the first time she had seen one that fresh. But then, maybe Alondra was one of those people who simply took a long time to warm to strangers. Maybe he was one of those men who felt they needed to protect and care for all women. She felt his breath on the back of her neck and stiffened as one arm slipped around her waist. There was no immediate need for a van and if they did need one, they... he, obviously had the money. For a moment her heart beat overtime and it looked as though she might fall, but Alex smoothly caught her and stepped around, covering her fumbling so well that no one appeared to notice. Maybe Katie wasn't the only one who had been overlooked by Señor Medena when it came to inheritance. “I burned dinner, but I didn’t burn the cake,” is an example of a compound sentence. The outcome or result is structured as "will + verb," which is the simple future. A complete sentence, even a one-word sentence, needs to have a noun and a verb. Suddenly a man appeared through a hole in the roof next to the one they were on and stepped into plain view. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought.It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax.For example:"Ali is walking". By the time I got it from the car, it was down to one bar. One friend suggests she advertise on dating sites. He wasn't one bit concerned that she had caught him. After all, her husband was the one who had custody of the boy. locatives (example: Here.) One evening, close to suppertime, Lisa, Tammy and Sarah were lounging around the pool. She gazed up at him, completely disarmed by his smile, and yet somehow proud that she had been the one to put it there. The gathering of candidates in Washington retied the bonds. A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. "That is the one evil of our country," answered the invisible man. The correct sentence is: • My friend and benefactor has come. You were the one who thought about it long enough to calculate it out. If a sentence begins with a dependent clause, note the comma after this clause. You were the one in the photo - the wandering nephew. Turning on one heal, she stalked off to her wagon. 2) A compound sentence is one comprised of two independent clauses joined using a conjunction. "Not a very pretty one," he answered, as if a little ashamed. He gave her a big hug and turned to Cassie with one arm encircling Darcie possessively. said Anna Pavlovna. 2. See the answer. One and a half or two if you leave the wagons - and leave tonight. 5. If I study really hard, I'll ace this test. I let our stupid house rules stand between us for a long time, but I was the one who finally broke them. Simple Sentence Examples. One was an electric bill, but the other was addressed to Sharon Dobson, Brownsville, Texas. But I think Julie is right about one thing. "What a horrid, savage beast!" He died one year ago. No one did, because the Mangaboos did not wear hats, and Zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air. He turned to his horse and mounted in one smooth movement. But if I were trying to defend my honor, you'd be the one I would choose to take up there. Simple sentences have one subject and one verb or predicate. He slung the dishtowel over his shoulder and one long step brought him to a point where she was pinned in the corner of the counter. I guess because the only one who should be looking at it is my husband. What must he think of her, encouraging him one minute, and then turning away the next? This sentence is an example for Subject-and-Verb-agreement. But if Bordeaux wasn't a Mormon, why would he propose to two women in one day? All the same, he was the one who broke the embrace. Let’s discuss the one-sentence summary, also known as a logline, a hook, or a one-sentence pitch.. What: About 25 words that capture your novel, memoir, or non-fiction book. It was one thing to tell herself everything was resolved, but quite another to thoroughly accept something she had always considered wrong. I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you. At the moment he was one of the most important people in her life. Brandon was focused on one thing, and it wasn't romance. A one-sentence paragraph is simply an entire paragraph made of a single sentence. He took one look at the suitcases on the bed and started toward her. They had cake and ice cream and talked for nearly an hour about one thing and another. Dorothy thought he just wiggled one of his drooping ears, but that was all. Holy guano! Cade only wanted one thing - and she had foolishly submitted. Instead, she collected a few small photos and arranged them all in one frame. She packed all the dishes and stashed them in the back of one of the wagons. "I don't need one," she snapped over her shoulder, and then slid the patio door shut behind her. This was one way to kill two birds with one stone. 3. You are reading in sheer confusion as you just can’t understand what exactly the statement is trying to say. One arm tightened around her in a light hug, and then he released her, striding away after a screwdriver. 11. As she was dressing for church one Sunday, she was having zipping up her dress. It was one of the things Gwig usually did to prove he was a sorcerer. Assured that no one was there, she went to her room. What would it have hurt to put her studies aside for one day? Still, it was her first car and one with memories packed into it. She opened the door and slid her legs out one by one, trying to avoid contact with the car. We'd have waited for you, but we was outnumbered three to one and didn't have time to look for you. 2. The Wizard reached out, caught the wee creature in his hand, and holding its head between one thumb and finger and its tail between the other thumb and … Samantha, Elizabeth, and Joan are on the committee. A 55-gallon barrel stood in one corner with rags hanging over the edge. It isn't one of those things you can talk through, I guess. He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn't have the inclination to adjust to the one being forced on him. I assume you're the one responsible for the new look. Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself. Even Rachel and Julia insisted that she was the one with the problem. If it's something we simply can't afford, that's one thing, but we should be encouraging things like this, Alex. I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three days. The yellow skirt of her sundress was molded to the soft curves one side of her body by a breeze. His voice was low and she was sure no one else heard, but her face burned furiously. Without a word, he backed the car until they were close to the one that had pulled out in front of them. He reached the edge of the tall roof, stepped one foot out into the air, and walked into space as calmly as if he were on firm ground. Yet one has just occurred that was even worse than the first. First I'd have to find a man before I could find a new one. Actually, everything belongs to both of us, but I was the one who had the lifelong dream of a horse ranch. Noticing Bordeaux was the only one who didn't have coffee, she poured another cup and handed it to him. No one wanted to feel forced into anything. No, it's no one my family knew but I think the change will be good for me. A few minutes later the television was on one of Tammy's shows. 9. If the weather is good, our crops will flourish. "Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." The destination of the path remained a burning mystery, but Tammy innocently tossed fuel on the flames with a chance comment one day while they were watching television. - Lyndon B. Johnson 2. asked the kitten, in a pleading voice. It is not a complete sentence. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. Synonym Discussion of example. It can be long or short, but the basic structure is always the same. She tiptoed over to one of the cloth-covered objects, keeping a wary eye on the door, and carefully lifted the cloth. She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next. 13. At six months I could pipe out "How d'ye," and one day I attracted every one's attention by saying "Tea, tea, tea" quite plainly. His jaw muscles worked as he spun on one heel and marched to the outside door, slamming it as he left. In one corner a piano perched silently, and the embers of a fire still cast a faint glow from a massive fireplace. You know that man I was telling you about - the one who comes in at exactly eight every Friday night? He is taller than Mr. Hulas. They were both silent for a few moments, remembering that emotion packed morning - and another one. I must buy one. First of all, I wasn't the only one involved. I'm the one who owes you an apology, not the other way around.