By familiarizing themselves with the definition and its various … What learning processes take place? “When we analyze something, we break it down into its separate parts and look at how those parts work together. “As you can see, analyzing a story means examining the elements of a story and the ways they affect one another. (yes) How is she important?” Summarize students’ responses for the class to view. The thesis sentence should have a generous amount of evidence, and it should be, in some way, closely connected to the climax of the story.”, Take ten minutes to use the last paragraph of “The Three Little Pigs” to illustrate the different effects of active and passive voice in writing. Step 4. Teach the difference between summary and literary analysis. Organize the claim(s) with clear reasons and evidence clearly; clarify relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence by using words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion; provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. Although it is sometimes appropriate to use passive voice, most writing should be in active voice. Access the story at, The exit tickets identifying three aspects of plot will also identify individuals in need of review. Examining the different elements of a piece of literature is not an end in itself but rather a process to help you better appreciate and understand the work of literature as a whole. What is ‘theme’?” Possible answers include that theme is the central idea of a story. Literary devices 4. Possible answers include the road on which the pigs journey, the straw house, the stick house, the brick house, the turnip field, the apple orchard, the hill on the way home from the fair. Write their responses for class viewing. The kids brainstorm as many as they can. IntroductionThe goal of this part is to explain your reader what your paper is going to be about. Here is a guide that outlines everything you need to know to write a good literary analysis. Ask students whether they have any questions. “Now let’s think about how the stepmother influences or affects what happens in the story. For example, what if the last paragraph of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ had been written like this: The little Pig saw what he was about. The character gets or doesn’t get what s/he wants. The process of conducting a literature review Independent of what approach will be used to conduct the literature review, a number of steps that must be taken and decisions made to create a review that meets the requirements for publication (for specific considerations in relationship to each step. We use literary analysis as the vehicle for teaching reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Critical Thinking Activities for Any Text. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy. Either of the italicized sentences above could serve as the thesis sentence for an analysis of the story. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. Start by looking for the action in the sentence. Write with an awareness of the stylistic aspects of writing. “Remember that a theme is always a general statement, one that could be used for more than one story. Dangers lurk in unexpected places. A simple example is the sentence ‘Scott plays the guitar.’” Write this for class viewing and label the performer, action, and object. Who are the characters in this classic tale?” Write students’ responses for the class to view. All become dangerous settings because of the main conflict of the story, wolf versus pigs, and the events caused by the wolf’s determination to dine upon all three pigs. A literary analysis is not merely a summary of a literary work. They include: Write down your thoughts while reading the text. Possible answers: The third little pig is clever enough to build his house of bricks and thus saves his own life. Write with an awareness of the stylistic aspects of composition. We’ve all read those papers that are nothing but plot... 2. Literary analysis writing process is a usual thing for students who take English classes. After you have glanced at each group’s work and provided verbal feedback, say, “Before we analyze the plot, let’s review the basic plot elements: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.” Give the groups copies of a plot graph (LW-8-1-1_Plot Diagram.docx). After you have reviewed and approved each group’s theme, say, “If you were about to write an analysis of this story, you would first decide on your thesis statement, the observation you want to make about the story. They do a turn-and-talk and then we discuss their ideas as a class. Next, have the groups present the evidence for their thesis statement. These sections are enough to make the writing process simpler and enable sentences to build up coherently and support each other. Let’s discuss the stepmother. In this case, use the sentence you have just composed for theme as your thesis statement. though precise language. The cover was put on again in an instant and the Wolf was boiled up. During the lesson, keep the focus on literary elements and their role in analyzing literature. Look at the story again, more closely. What do we ‘do’ when studying Literature? Step 3. Log in, If you polled your students would they tell you that they, If we want students to truly understand what they are doing, we need to show them the process of analysis and then make it a daily habit, not just something for final assignments. Teaching The Process of Literary Analysis 1.