Our HOMEBRED Pure Red Line Crystal Red Shrimp are kept in the following parameters: TDS:130 (Remineralized with Salty Bee Premium GH+)GH: 4-5KH: 0Temp: 68-74°Soil: ADA Amazonia Light (Buff Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Depending on color distribution and intensity a shrimp can fall into different grades, which influences price and 'quality'. Grades A and S feature the most even striping. Keeping a TDS of 120 does not ensure your water has the perfect GH for shrimps to molt properly. Generally speaking, a Crystal Red shrimp with more white and more opaque coloration falls into a higher grade. Staying at the bottom of the tank, these shrimp won’t pay any attention to what’s going on higher up in the water column. For instance, their nano tank should be at least 5-gallons in capacity to maintain their required parameters. A large aquarium is not needed to keep Crystal Red shrimp: a setup as small as 5 gallons (19L) can be enough to sustain a reasonably sized colony. My Temp is at 24 to 26C, my Chiller stopped at 24 but would only continue working when the water reached 26C which will took about 2 to 3 hours to get it down to 24C. You can keep a modest colony in a tank as small as 5 gallons. cantonesnsis var. Crystal Red Shrimp 101: Care, Parameters, Breeding… by Alison Yang; September 10, 2020; Crystal Red shrimp are an eye-catching species that appeal to a wide range of aquarists. CRS are breeding like rabbits however my Crystal Red Shrimp count is same for last 4 months. Crystal red shrimp are stunning in color and pattern. They’ll spend most of their day scouring the tank in search of algae, plant detritus, and microorganisms to eat! They need to have nearly perfect water to stay healthy in your aquarium. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Crystal Red shrimp care and keeping Crystal Reds in your aquarium! They are omnivores that naturally spend most of their time foraging and eating anything they can find. Setting up a Crystal Red shrimp aquarium Crystal Red shrimp requirements. Shrimp are naturally prey animals and naturally spend most of their time foraging. The water parameters must be very stable. Could there be perfect Numbers ## ?? Crystal Red Shrimps are a creation of a wild bee shrimp. What do alder cones have to do with your shrimp? Actually, the crystal red and black shrimp are one of the most popular species for nano planted aquariums. Crystal Red Shrimp Water Parameters Made Easy admin Whether or not you have just began breeding CRS AKA Crystal pink shrimp or have been maintaining them for very some time you will know by now that drinking water parameters are crucial to their survival. How to set up a Pure Red Line Shrimp Tank Pure Red Line Shrimp are Crystal Red Shrimp that only produce red shrimp. They are ideally kept in a Crystal Red Shrimp-only tank because of their precise care needs. Females will lay eggs and carry them under her abdomen. They will interbreed. While they don’t have a long lifespan, these shrimp often breed without intervention. Common Name: Super Crystal Red, Santa Shrimp, SCRS, Crystal Scientific name: Caridina Cantonensis sp. There are several types of fungi that harm shrimp. Today we talk about one of my personal favorite shrimp: the crystal red (and crystal black) shrimp. The Bee shrimp comes from mountain river streams throughout China and Vietnam where the waters are on the cooler side. Crystal Red shrimp & water quality Crystal Red shrimp have more demands when it comes to water values than many other dwarf shrimp. The typical Crystal Red shrimp lifespan is only around 18 months when kept in captivity. What’s truly important is keeping the tank free of ammonia and nitrates. They are the red mutation of the wild bee shrimp. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on one, you must work hard to keep them healthy. Females are also noticeably larger and have a deeper abdomen and wider tail to care for their young. As you might see red cherry shrimps (RCS) and crystal red shrimp (CRS) have different genus, so they will not interbreed for sure. Undoubtedly one of the most popular species in the dwarf shrimp hobby today is Caridina cf. You should mineralize your RO water to have a GH between 4-6 not for a certain TDS. These shrimp are more inclined to breed when temperatures are around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. In an aquarium that has no predators Crystal Red Shrimp will often be observed grazing on algae on aquarium plants, decorations … Breeding Amano Shrimp(Caridina Multidentata), Caring for hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), Grading blue dream shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. Finding suitable tank mates for this species isn’t always easy. This guide will teach you the fundamentals of Crystal Red shrimp care. They will appreciate some plants and other decorations to hide in and eat algae and aufwuchs off. It can be difficult to determine the sex of a Crystal Red Shrimp, the males are a slightly smaller and have shorter thinner tail sections. On top of their ammonia sensitivities, Crystal Red shrimp can experience several diseases and infections. Because they are omnivores they will accept a wide range of food: try offering a high quality shrimp food as a staple and adding some variation with blanched vegetables and frozen foods like bloodworms. For smaller tanks, a sponge filter might be a good option, as it gently filters the water and can't accidentally suck up any baby shrimp. Overview Bred from the same wild type as Sakura Red … No special care is needed for pregnant CRS. Sale. On the “lower” end, you have Grade C shrimp. Super Crystal Red Maximum Size: 2 – 3 cm (sold at 1 cm and up) Thanks to their small size and bright coloration, they’re a target for larger fish. 'Green'), Shrimp caresheet: Orange sakura shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda var. 'Panda'), Shrimp caresheet: Red Cherry shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda), Shrimp caresheet: Red rili shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. Like all dwarf shrimp, Crystal Reds are quite vulnerable and shouldn't be combined with any but the most peaceful tankmates. Jun 14, 2019 - Crystal red shrimp (and Crystal black shrimp) are usually the second type of shrimp that people get when they have a little bit more experience. Related Products. Hey guys Im new to shrimp and very excited about getting my tank up and ready!But I am having a bit of trouble deciding what to do about my gH, kH and pHMy tanks been going just over a week and currently my parameters sit at the following-Temp:24pH:6.2gH:3kH:0Ammonia: .5 (will … This is a strong reason why keeping both these species in one tank is a poor idea. Do not use any medicines that have copper in them, as the metal is harmful to inverts like the Crystal Red shrimp. Not only do plants act as a source of food, but they also provide shelter. Learn more. Golden Bee Shrimps are stunning in color and pattern, they can be used to improve the white color of a Crystal Red or Crystal Black Shrimp line. Strangely my Crystal Black Shrimp of which 4 are alive over many months which leaves me to query whether it's the grade of shrimp that's making it more hardy than my red ones. Description: Crystal Red shrimp is easiest shrimp to keep suitable for wide water parameters. There are many different pattern ranging from three band to mosura smiley. Over the years in 2009-2014, shrimp breeders has improved the quality of the Crystal Red Shrimp. Next Post →. The biggest challenge you’re going to face is finding tank mates that won’t try to eat the shrimp. These shrimp look great, clean your tank, and are a blast to watch! Whether you have just started breeding CRS AKA Crystal red shrimp or have been keeping them for quite some time you will know by now that water parameters are critical to their survival. "rili"), Shrimp caresheet: Crystal black shrimp (Caridina cf. Beyond Ideal water Parameters for breeding crystal red shrimp you really need to do your research on maintaining these parameters which is a learning curve in itself. If you want to go the natural route, you can provide pieces of blanched vegetables as well. With this species’ sensitivity, you might as well take all the help you can get! A general rule of thumb of keeping shrimps is 10 shrimps per gallon. cantonensis 'Blue Tiger'), Shrimp caresheet: Blue velvet shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. cantonensis), Shrimp caresheet: Green shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. One species will thrive and the other will be out of its comfort zone. ← Previous Post Crystal reds and crystal blacks are just colour variations of Caridina Cantonensis. Crystal Red shrimp have a very low bioload, but tank mates can sour the water very quickly. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. If you're unsure whether a Crystal Red shrimp is male or female, compare its size to the other shrimp. A lot of shrimp species prefer acidic (soft) water (For example, optimal KH is 0-1 for Crystal red shrimp). As a result, it’s not as hardy as other species. 3.While I do see some Fire Red Shrimp Babies, I never saw any CRS. These colors can be arranged in stripes or take on a more organic pattern. As long as you have a sizable group, they’ll be happy. Parameters. Beyond Ideal water Parameters for breeding crystal red shrimp you really need to do your research on maintaining these parameters which is a learning curve in itself. GUARANTEED LIVE ARRIVAL ALL YEAR LONG & LOWEST FLAT RATE SHIPPING PRICE IN THE INDUSTRY. Shrimp ForumBlogArticlesAquarium Shrimp PhotosShrimp Compatibility ChartSafe Fish for ShrimpFAQ. Crystal Red shrimp are an eye-catching species that appeal to a wide range of aquarists. Keep in mind, though, that these shrimp are quite sensitive and larger tanks are easier to keep stable than smaller ones. Electrify your aquarium with Neon Yellow Shrimp! These have deep red color and even most of the legs are red. In the early 90's Mr. Hisayasu Suzuki, a japanese shrimp breeder noticed that one of his black bee shrimp had developed the red stripe mutation from this he selectively bred these shrimp to achieve the Crystal Red Shrimp we are familiar with today. Crystal Red Shrimp need very specific water parameters and extremely clean water. Crystal Red Shrimp Water Parameters Made Easy September 15, 2017 Whether or not you have just began breeding CRS AKA Crystal pink shrimp or have been maintaining them for very some time you will know by now that drinking water parameters are crucial to their survival. This entry was posted on January 31, 2017 by Mari. However, you need to ensure that whatever inverts you keep like the same water conditions. Getting living conditions just right is important. Ook leuke plantjes, varens en mossen voor in het aquarium. These shrimp prefer soft, acidic water conditions. Their ideal temperature range is 70 ° -78 ° F. Common Name: Super Crystal Red, Santa Shrimp, SCRS, Crystal Scientific name: Caridina Cantonensis sp. Water Temperature: 22 ~ 24ºC: pH - Acidity: A complete test kit for testing tap and aquarium water To different breeders, those numbers could vary. Usually caused by poor water conditions, the infection will cause internal bleeding, inflammation, and other painful symptoms. Because they don’t occur in nature, these freshwater shrimp are highly sought after in the pet trade. Both these shrimp types are in same tank. But is this right. The streams … Crystal Red shrimp do just fine in a single-species aquarium. Here comes the problem. These critters don’t live very long in an aquarium setting. They are mostly covered in red and might have a few spots of white here and there. 39. Make sure you let the tank cycle with biological filtration before adding shrimp.The good news is that these shrimp don’t produce a ton of waste. They don't cope well with high nitrate values either, so keep up with your water changes and perform water tests frequently to make sure the water values are still where they're supposed to be. The water parameters must be very stable. Their beauty is unmatched and the aesthetic effect they have on a freshwater aquarium is something you need to see in person! They are a little more fragile, not in the least due to extensive selective breeding, so skipping water changes is out of the question if … They do well with other shrimp and can even cohabitate with fish! These shrimp do best when surrounded by natural vegetation. Orange), Shrimp caresheet: Panda shrimp (Caridina cantonensis var. The shrimp love zucchini, broccoli, peas, romaine lettuce, and cucumbers. Common Name: Red Cherry Shrimp, Fire Red Shrimp, Painted Fire Red, PFR Scientific name: Neocaridina davidi Maximum Size: 1.5" Water Parameters: pH 6.5 - 7.5 gH 6 - 12 kH 0 - 10 TDS 250 - … I see lot of Crystal Red Shrimp Pregnant Females with a lot of eggs, however I have spotted only couple of baby Crystal Red Shrimps so far. Tried with 3 Red Crystals but the end result is the same. Mixed patterns. They live harmoniously with plants and will feed off any plant detritus and aquarium algae they generate. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. This is the safest way to raise the shrimp without worrying about compatibility issues (especially if you’re interested in breeding). But it’s the color that sets the shrimp apart. Never offer more than they can consume in a few hours and remove any uneaten foods timely to prevent problems with water values. Whether you have just started breeding CRS AKA Crystal red shrimp or have been keeping them for quite some time you will know by now that water parameters are critical to their survival. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.