Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions. CAT - GGC - TAC mutates to CAT - GGC - TAG. Micah knows that a car had a change in velocity of 15 m/s. Which molecule involved in protein synthesis was mentioned in "Our Molecular Selves" but not in "Your DNA at Work"? The inner planets are also called terrestrial planets. All the inner planets are smaller than the outer planets. observations and data collected over many years. By studying a fossil of a JAWBONE, you will be able to tell: Is there any living things that have not changed in millions of years? Their graphs show the data. Check all that apply. Scientists discovered new evidence to support their theories. How did Galileo increase public support for Copernicus's model? decreases the number of bases in the sequence. When two objects are near each other, how would increasing one object's mass affect it? Which action results from the combination of gravity and inertia working on the moon? Evolutionists believe that the What are the conditions required for natural selection? For a fossil to form, several conditions have to be met. Which statement can be supported by using a position-time graph? Which planet is small, with a rocky surface and an atmosphere? (I think). Which characteristics do Jupiter and Saturn share? Materials were pulled together by gravity. Which statements describe the planets? Check all that apply. A is a branching diagram that shows evolutionary relationships. Due to a genetic mutation, a mouse is born with fur that is not as light as fur in other mice of the same population. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, in which order do the steps of natural selection happen? What is the temperature of the Sun's middle most layer ? Which statements best describe natural selection? Start studying 19.1 The Fossil Record Answers. Which pieces of evidence would support this? Which steps were included in the process of cloning Dolly? Minerals replace the wood of once living trees to make petrified wood. Two objects collide and bounce apart. Sedimentary rocks form from sediments worn away from other rocks. (The direction of the force of gravity is negative. is the distance traveled during a specific unit of time. Embryology is the study of the development of an , which is a fertilized egg attached to the wall of the mother's uterus. The diagram shows Ned's movement as he left his house and traveled to different places throughout the day. Which traits do human embryos have that link them to a common ancestor with fish and reptiles? Why do some people worry that eating genetically modified food may be harmful? Which substances compose the backbone of DNA? What is the author's purpose for writing "Your DNA at Work"? Column 1 should be titled "Time," and Column 2 should be titled "Velocity.". What effects do mutations have? Kiley went 5.7 km/h north and then went 5.8 km/h west. is the displacement of an object during a specific unit of time. Which important event in Earth's history occurred during the Jurassic period? 4,567,000,000 years ago, Earth was covered in molten lava. Genetically engineered crops can be produced at lowered costs. What is the momentum of a 5 kg object that has a velocity of 1.2 m/s? Fungi are some of the most widely distributed organisms on Earth and are of great environmental and medical importance. The earliest fossils found appear to be Bacteria, most likely cyanobacteria. They both have embryos with gill slits and tails. Select three options. Which statements describe analogous structures? At which location would an object's weight be the greatest? They have stars that might appear to wobble. A: Photosphere; B: Chromosphere; C: Corona. Because their embryos have structures similar to gills, chickens and humans likely share a common ancestor with fish. Clownfish can lay a thousand eggs at a time. Which three words best describe the composition of the inner planets? It must contain at least three different shared characteristics. Anya knows the velocity of an object. Finch 4 is adapted to eat small insects that live in tiny holes. Compared to absolute dating, what is an advantage of relative dating? What force acts between Earth and the moon? confirmed the three-dimensional structure of DNA. Which contributions did Galileo make to the model of the solar system? When burned, they release energy. A linear track begins at 0 meters and has a total distance of 100 meters to the finish line. It was used by Hubble to measure velocities of galaxies. Which forces are necessary for calculating the total force? (K). Why is the cloning of Dolly the sheep important to humans? Finally, Sonya moves her token 2 spaces down. Both can possibly be used to study the organism's size. Which statements are true about genetic technologies? A mutation causes a dog to be born with a tail that is shorter than normal. Which planet is the smallest and the closest to the Sun? Proteins are created from the code in DNA. ), positive force → balanced force → negative force. Which is a valid velocity reading for an object? What is the force that the volleyball exerts on Ana? Fixed stars are around the outside of the orbit of Saturn. Mr. Smith is designing a race where velocity will be measured. The scientific method is not a step by step, linear process. A rolling ball eventually slows down and comes to a stop. Even though for a majority of the race they accelerated at the same rate, Beverly won because her initial acceleration was greater than Carl's. Mutations are sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful, and sometimes neutral. How far is Neptune from the Earth? Jerome solves a problem using the law of conservation of momentum. rocks and fossils from index fossils A car has a momentum of 20,000 kg • m/s. The solar nebula spun faster and faster and flattened into a rotating disk. Which explains the information needed to calculate speed and velocity? If there are only a few remaining members of an insect species living in one area, which would most likely cause this species to become extinct? Why do fossils support the theory of evolution? Check all that apply. If the fossil you are trying to date occurs alongside one of these index fossils, then the fossil you are dating must fall into the age range of the index fossil. Two carts collide and bounce apart. Choose the products created during nuclear fusion., The first and second steps should be switched. Which of the following statements is true of the fossil record? Check all that apply. Earth’s Timeline and History. In recent years, a certain area of the world has experienced greater shifts in weather patterns. What is the mass of the cart? (2) Fish and animals are more likely to become fossils than a plant because they have more HARD parts. is the total disappearance of all members of a species. Sayid made a chart listing data of two colliding objects. How were Lamarck's and Darwin's ideas most similar? Which statement accurately describes planetesimals? The carbon dioxide that is released into the air from natural sources is removed in equal measures by other natural occurrences. Column A should be "Time," and Column B should be "Position.". Check all that apply. How do Newton's laws of motion explain why it is important to keep the ice smooth on a hockey rink so that players can pass a puck as quickly as possible? Organisms overproduce offspring, so only some survive and pass on their traits. Earth rotates entirely on its axis once during that time. Which of these are components of DNA? How does the author organize the text or ideas in the article? Which best compares DNA and RNA with regard to the process of protein production? What is most often given a value of zero to describe an object's position on a straight line? Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Which term refers to large groupings of stars? Scientists in a lab are working on a series of experiments that involve colliding two or more atomic nuclei at very high speeds to form a new type of atomic nucleus. When discussing Newton's laws of motion, which terms do people most likely use when talking about Newton's third law of motion? Levi and Clara are trying to move a very heavy box. The chart shows the times and accelerations for three drivers. 1.4 Table 10-1 shows a fairly detailed list of depositional environments. What solar activity did she observe? What are the two main types of star clusters? Some plants have thorns, while others have spines. Which statement explains how gravity and inertia work together? Which property of a star is closely related to its temperature? If forces acting on an object are unbalanced, the object could experience a change in ________. The diagram shows the structures of horse and cat forelimbs. A scientist who studies fossils to learn about organisms that lived long ago. (B), What can you tell about it when looking at An astronomer observes an asteroid in the solar system. For a fossil to form a plant or animal must be covered with sediment. Which statement accurately describes the Doppler effect? Use the drop-down menus to identify the effect of each mutation. when high-energy particles from the Sun are trapped by Earth's magnetic field, In order to recreate the process of energy production that takes place in the Sun, scientists use. The latter two steps … (Formula: F=ma). Out of all the species he is using, he knows that species X and Y are the least primitive and are the most closely related. Garreth and Elisa ran together, Luigi and Jasmine went the same distance, and Logan and Jasmine have the same displacement in the opposite direction. Alex listed the typical steps of fossil formation. Which tool did Maurice Wilkins use when studying DNA? The process by which the organisms that are better adapted to the environment survive and reproduce is called . trace fossils). Which statement supports Newton's first law of motion? structures are fully functional, show evidence of a common ancestor, and may or may not have the same function in different species. Which statements describe homologous structures? Which course would allow velocity to accurately get a winner? What most likely caused the bowl-like structure? Natural selection drives evolution; the evolution of a population happens rapidly; organisms have common ancestors; organisms change over time. Identify Earth's neighbors in the solar system by choosing the correct answer. Which best summarizes the scientific process that led to our current understanding of DNA? What is the displacement of the object? NOT: carbon, which is radioactive, and nitrogen, which is stable. After step 3, layers of sediment cover the dead organism. Sometimes multiple index fossils can be used. Check all that apply. Check all that apply. Introduce students to everything from volcanoes and earthquakes to fossils and sedimentary rocks using these 12 fun StudyJams! For example, there are many nights during which the temperature gets below freezing, but many days that are very warm. Observable matter makes up about what percentage of the universe? A cladogram is shown for three groups of organisms, X, Y, and Z. Dwayne is making a cladogram using a diagonal line. Which has been observed in the study of embryology? What does Earth's rotation on its axis cause? There are three main types of fossil fuels: coal, oil … The organism is buried in sediment. They established the laws of planetary motion. The image shows two siblings with their grandparents. Which statement describes how the Van Allen belts are formed? In the most general sense, combustion involves a reaction between any combustible material and an oxidizer to form an oxidized product. Alex listed the typical steps of fossil formation. In a car, how does an air bag minimize the force acting on a person during a collision? People living in some countries have a difficult time obtaining foods that are high in vitamin A. Which lists the main components of Darwin's theory of evolution? The minimum distance from the Earth to Mars is about 0.35 AU. fossils, preserved and carbonized 4) The sediment becomes rock. Choose the ingredients needed for nuclear fusion. Three organisms have four shared characteristics. Why are there two high tides a day about 12 hours apart from each other? All points to the left of zero are negative. 4. the sediment becomes rock.which statement describes the missing step? Mutations that neither benefit nor harm the organism have effect on the organism's survival. Which units are used to measure both velocity and speed? Which statements describe functions of DNA? 1. an organism dies 2. the remains fall to the bottom of the ocean. Which best describes the two types of shared characteristics? After step 3, layers of sediment cover the dead organism. Which force would most likely allow the tugboat to move the barge into the harbor? left and right forces that can be added togetherf. Objects 1 and 2 collide and stick together. Which describes what a velocity/time graph would look like with no acceleration? The fossil in layer Y is older than the fossil in layer W. The diagram shows fossils buried in layers of rock. What is a small, rocky object that orbits the Sun and is usually found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter? She started at her house and traveled 15,000 meters north, 5,000 meters east, 20,000 meters south, and then 5,000 meters west. Which refers to an object's resistance to any change in its motion? Which statement describes how Earth compares to the moon? Amar is making a cladogram. small object made of ice and dust that orbits the Sun and forms a coma as it approaches the Sun. When an organism soft body parts are preserved in tar, amber, or ice. An object has a mass of 5 kg. Which statements describe proteins? Which best explains how the padding reduces injuries? Some illnesses and harmful infections are caused by bacteria. d) The skeleton f r om La Chapelle-aux-Saints was from a typical young, healthy Neandertal man. Check all that apply. It is equal to the momentum of object 1 plus the momentum of object 2. Which condition is necessary for a mold fossil to form? Check all that apply. Which idea is most directly related to Lamarck's beliefs about evolution? Which notation is commonly used on force diagrams to show forces acting on an object? The model was against religious teachings. distance = 10 meters and displacement = 10 meters. study Earth's past environment The mouse with the mutation will survive and reproduce, and the trait will spread over future generations. According to Newton's third law of motion, the balloon is pushed forward as the air is forced out. Which are characteristics of natural selection? This took 5 seconds. Finley reached a final velocity of 3.6 m/s for 4.2 seconds. Most of the gas was pulled toward the center, where it became hot and dense, forming the Sun. Learn about Fossil Formation. Xian drew a diagram to compare deletion mutations and substitution mutations. Which is the best example of natural selection? However, monkeys have longer forelimbs to use for climbing and swinging in trees. Which types of solar activity could the newspaper be talking about? 3) The soft portions decay, and the hard portions remain. Shira listed the steps for protein production in cells. Explain how we made a model of a shell? As the island recovers, the soil no longer allows for these food resources to grow. He notes that the asteroid is three times farther from the Sun than Earth is. a position from which to measure future distance. examining different types of fossils Check all that apply. Cart 1 had a momentum of -6 kg • m/s before the collision. Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth as based on fossils.Fossils are the remains of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and single-celled living things that have been replaced by rock material or impressions of organisms preserved in rock.Paleontologists use fossil remains to understand different aspects of extinct and living organisms. Which phenomena help form Earth's magnetic field? Taden has found a table of the atmospheric layers of the Sun. Action and reaction forces are described by which of Newton's laws of motion? Fossil Fuels and Sedimentary Rock DRAFT. What is the position of the object if it moves 14 units to the left? Levi is pushing the box with a force of 30 N, and Clara is pulling the box with a force of 50 N. The box exerts a frictional force of 65 N. There is a net force of 15 N allowing Levi and Clara to move the box. The line is divided into sections that measure 1 centimeter each. How does the tectonic activity of the terrestrial planets compare with that of the gas giants? What was discovered in 1965 and is believed to be leftover thermal energy from the big bang? According to embryology, why do fish and birds have a common ancestor? Which statement describes the missing step? Which statement best describes the size of the outer planets? He turned the car one more time and went 35 meters east. 5th grade. Check all the apply. What is the mass of the bicycle? If the change in velocity increases, what happens to the acceleration during the same time period? Which contributions did Johannes Kepler make? b) The data for paleoanthropology come mainly from human genetics. About how long ago did our solar system start to form? (including molds, casts, petrified Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Which statements are part of Darwin's theory of evolution? astronomical unit: the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. Paraffin deposits, and volcanic ash are other ways that can form fossils. What are they working on? A student is asked to describe the path of a paper airplane that is thrown in the classroom. Juan inflates a balloon and then releases its end to let the balloon go free as air comes out. Which statement best compares a trace fossil to a fossil that forms as a result of an entire organism being trapped in amber? • It’s still not a complete list. A cell from the udder of a sheep was removed. and the ordering of rock layers. Table 1 shows the composition, hardness, and average density of 4 minerals often used as gemstones. The bike hits a rock, which stops it completely and throws Sheila forward onto the pavement. Which statements describe the effects of the solar wind on Earth? Place the following steps of fossil formation in chronological order: The hard parts of the organism mineralize. The distance from the Earth to the Sun equals 1 AU. Which best explains a primary reason for the inability of life to exist in Earth's early atmosphere? Which timeline shows the correct order of contributions made to the discovery of DNA? Which movement causes day and night on Earth? These illnesses are not related to any genetic mutations or other problems with DNA. Which is an example of using comparative anatomy to study evolutionary relationships? He went 20 meters east, turned around, and went 40 meters west. Which planet revolves slowly around the Sun, has rings, and is known for its Great Red Spot? What is released through nuclear fusion in stars? Which best explains why they would have different accelerations? The bottom water is never exchanged with surface waters, so the water contains no dissolved oxygen. The graph shows two runners participating in a race. Carla slowed down in the beginning of her trip, stopped, and then sped up. ... MAMMOTH fossils? Transcription takes place in the nucleus, and translation takes place in ribosomes. Which would result in higher food production at a lower cost? Which represents the upward force perpendicular to the floor? Select three options. Consider this representation of an original DNA sequence: THE TALL MAN WAS SAD. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. First of all, the animal had to live in the given area! measuring the amount of water in Jupiter's atmosphere. Check all that apply. Check all that apply. Select three options. Based on the graph of velocity over time, which could be the initial velocity and the final velocity for this graph? It moves 9 cm to the left, then 4 cm to the right, and then 6 cm to the left. The weight of a barbell acting on a weight lifter is 80 N. Which best describes two counteracting forces on an object? Scientists must be able to have an "imaginative preconception" of what the truth is. The graph depicts the velocity and times of Elan and Anna during a race. Which best describes the object's force? Check all that apply. geo quizlet 2 geology quiz 2. Interactive Science Activities. Study the graph about oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere. Which scientist discovered DNA after experimenting with white blood cells? Compared to absolute dating, what is a disadvantage of relative dating? Diego is trying to lift a piano to the second floor of his house. Which type of star system has the most stars? The adaptation of thicker fur will be selected over thinner fur, and the population will evolve. Check all that apply. Which characteristic of a protein may change during a DNA mutation? their common ancestor has the same four shared characteristics. According to the big bang theory, which statement is accurate about how the universe came to be? Check all that apply. Which formula can be used to express the law of conservation of momentum, where p = momentum? A car is traveling in a race. Scientists built on the previous work of other scientists to make new discoveries. Which phrase describes how Jupiter and Saturn are similar? Which statement accurately describes dark matter? In addition to the idea that Jupiter has moons orbiting it, what other evidence did Galileo use to support Copernicus's model and disprove Aristotle and Ptolemy? Which event led to the formation of our solar system? large collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. What do comets and asteroids have in common? Which object(s) formed last in our solar system? It is neutral because it does not obviously affect the dog's survival. more individuals fighting over the same resources. Which best describes the storage of the genetic code? What should Jerome always keep constant for each object after the objects collide and bounce apart? What trait do all solar system models share? Some students make a model to show one of the first steps in the forming of sedimentary rock. Describe the differences between sunspots and solar flares. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is quite large. Inferring from fossil - sharp, pointed teeth (N), If a fossil has a mouth of sharp, pointed teeth. What causes genetic variation in a population? Which numbers are correct distances between them? Some insects in a population survive temperature changes and pass their traits on to their offspring., All three plants have a common ancestor that had leaves. Check all that apply. Emmett is lifting a box vertically. Good signs that you're dealing with a combustion reaction include … How did Kepler describe the planets' orbits? How was Aristotle's model similar to Ptolemy's model? The medicine that is produced can help with certain diseases that affect humans. The earliest known life-forms are putative fossilized microorganisms, found in hydrothermal vent precipitates, that may have lived as early as 4.28 Gya (billion years ago), relatively soon after the oceans formed 4.41 Gya, and not long after the formation of the Earth 4.54 Gya. The organism dies. Select three options. Tigers and crocodiles are more closely related than tigers and sharks. (A). The goats are raised in a laboratory. Newton's first law of motion was a giant leap forward in scientific thought during Newton's time. Olivia places her pet frog on a line to observe the frog's motion. Any remains or trace of a formerly living organism preserved by a natural process. This type of mutation occurs when one or more base pairs are added to the gene sequence. It is the distance that light travels in a year. Lori attended a lecture about the Sun, and the presenter had placed this image on the wall. Check all that apply. Both models stated that Earth is the center of the system around which other objects orbit. Which scientist first named humans Homo sapiens? How are selective breeding, cloning, and genetic engineering similar? This fossil shows tunnels left after animals burrowed through the sediment. Which scientist proposed the idea of studying humans as groups rather than as individuals? Explain how DNA, which is six feet long, can be stored in the nucleus of a tiny human cell. Both stated that traits were passed on to offspring. Which statements did both Aristotle and Ptolemy assume? Holden is trying to determine the velocity of his race car. A toy car is placed at 0 on a number line. The shape of the DNA molecule is called a. The distance between planets varies as they move in their orbits. The scientist's goal is to produce a baby cow with DNA that is identical to the first cow. Most other prokaryotes have small cells, 1 or 2 µm in size, and would be difficult to pick out as fossils. The paper airplane will create a curved path toward the floor as it is pulled toward Earth's center. One coiled spring is shown in the diagram. Then she moves it 5 spaces to the left. Which statements describe the functions of DNA? c) Amber is a form of mineralized bone. Which statement accurately describes binary star systems? The solar wind produces the northern and southern lights. Alex listed the typical steps of fossil formation. The scientist removes the DNA from the egg and replaces it with the DNA from the first cow. are the preserved remains of organisms, and they provide evidence to support Darwin's theory of evolution. During which phase of the moon do neap tides occur? Which statement about dwarf planet locations is correct? science activities. e) all of the above Which scientists concluded that DNA is a three-dimensional molecule? Which factor causes gas and dust to pull together during the first stage of star formation? The main source of this carbon dioxide is the burning of fossil fuels. About how many kilometers is that? The balloon then flies around the room. What does Micah need to determine acceleration. Look at the diagram of the moon and three different paths that it could take. Sonya is playing a board game, and each space on the board game measures 1 centimeter. The sudden eruptions of energy from a small area of the Sun's surface are known as. The chart indicates the time, speed, and velocity of five runners. Her momentum on the bike is 340 kg • m/s. Which statement accurately describes a light-year? ; Erosion - Erosion is actually many processes which act together to lower the surface of the earth. Sheila weighs 60 kg and is riding a bike. Which event takes place first in the stages before the birth of a star? the path the moon would take if there was no force of Earth's gravity. In a mouse population, some mice have thicker fur than others, but there are more mice with thinner fur. A scientist takes a cell from one cow and an egg from a second cow. The complex of data recorded in fossils worldwide—known as the fossil record—is the primary source of information about the history of life on Earth. What can be observed only by observing its effects on gravity? The aurora australis do not occur over the equator. Check all that apply. His car was 15 meters from the starting line. Gene therapy only focuses on replacing mutated genes. The ancient whale is extinct and is believed to be an ancestor of the present-day whale. Mindy made a study chart in science class. Which remains the same as the distance of an object from Earth changes? Select four options. one that reduces a bean plant's ability to make food. What was the significance of collisions of dust, rock, and ice during Earth's formation? In addition to proposing that planetary orbits are elliptical, what other modification did Kepler make to Copernicus's model? The dimmer star in a two-star system passes in front of the brighter star. Bats have shorter forelimbs to use for flight. Jill is pushing a box across the floor. Formation of Sedimentary Rocks. Most fossil are found in SEDIMENTARY ROCK. A football player has a mass of 65 kg and is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s. In which way are Mercury and Venus similar? How did the Ptolemaic model differ from other proposed solar system models? Select two options. According to Newton's first law of motion, when will an object at rest begin to move? (1) At one time most plants on Earth were ferns so there are a lot of fossil imprints of ferns. Which statement describes a characteristic of a spiral galaxy? Which factors may contribute to the extinction of a species? Weight is a measure of gravitational pull. A ball has a mass of 140 g. What is the force needed to accelerate the ball at 25 m/s2?