Outside of lab sections, I really enjoyed it! What Do Students Really Think of zyBooks? Less text doesnt mean less learning. Zybook has been a handy tool and has helped me understand the concepts thoroughly. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. ZyBooks use less text and rely on learning questions, animations and interactive exercises to convey information. I also really like how Zybooks is set up. View latest updates. Comparing zyBooks with Codio for Computer Science Education It explains the material quite well. Especially since I no longer have an instructor to talk to in class to help me learn. I neither dislike or like zybook, but I find the format more useful than other forms of online instruction. On the negative, the same forgiving atmosphere that allows for correction also allows for laziness. I think it is a helpful resource that allows me to learn at my own pace and work through things slowly without worrying about my grade dropping. It is very helpful but the challenges and labs are sometimes difficult. I do not have much of an opinion on this. Because the participation activity completion was not part of our grade, I did not use them except for some cases where I wanted to solidify my knowledge on a topic. If it were just the zyBook, my opinion may be changed. Very easy to follow, and informative. The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. The multiple choice questions are plentiful enough that I am able to learn from previous mistakes to answer similar questions. zyBooks is a very good platform for educational purposes. One sees among the relatively-few complaints that our system is picky when grading a programs output formatting. I like that zyBooks can be used to review for an upcoming exam. It seems like Udacity would be a better option for this program. It is easy to use and the explanations are clear. zyBooks is very easy to use, user friendly, and provides great learning tools. On the positive end, the material is easy to learn due to diagrams and other illustrations. Some instructors say students wont want to pay, especially given the rise of free materials (OER). It's easy to navigate and helpful. Bad meme aside, it's been an extremely helpful and coincidental tool once my instructor strictly transitioned to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each zyBook chapter contains animations, questions and interactive elements that help students internalize challenging concepts. However, the only drawback is the price since it's a bit expensive for the use of 1 school quarter only. Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. Make it easy and fun. Additionally, please force instructors to provide a WORKING SOLUTION to their tests when they write strange tests and instructions. Often times could replace a whole class. Concise text improves usability by as much as. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. not much, so far, pleasant experience. I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. Here is the link to it. Easy to use, reading is clear, and the challenges help a lot. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. zyBooks Unit 3.pdf - 3.1 While loops While loop: Basics aeries parent portal madera. The textbook stuff is great but the coding sections could be more user friendly. With these submitted assignments, I was able to better correlate what I actually learned in class with real world usage. The videos were helpful since it helped to visually watch the material make sense. It was helpful, organized in a good, easy to understand way. Instructors: Replace your textbook with an affordable, interactive STEM zyBook proven to build confidence and save time. zyBooks uses thousands of questions integrated into the content to help concepts sink in. I find the slow pace of the animations (even at 2x speed) to be annoying sometimes, especially when there are a dozen or more so unskippable steps. Fast and interactive way of learning. It would be helpful if the print function worked. The book needs more explanation of how to do things, when I was completing activities and needed guidance, there wasn't much and I ended up spending a lot of time trying to figure out what was going on. If I don't understand something and get answers wrong it lets me see the answer and helps me see why the answer is the answer. Skip responses where students answered No to a question at the surveys end asking if we could use their survey comments in marketing materials. How do you expect people to learn programming like that? Instructors utilize zyBooks to know students' learning activities on the platform. Great Job! In spite of this, I have enjoyed the experience of learning through zybooks. The generic examples and the primary use of flow charts instead of code used as examples makes it difficult for me to practically apply what I've learned. So, we manually examined those responses (we had to skip 240 Nos to total 1000 Yess) and found the negative comment rate was only 8%, which is just slightly higher than the negative rate of the Yess. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. Reading and homework exercises are well thought. I deeply appreciate the information and comprehension questions being baked together. There some issues on the CS courses when solving for problems. zyBooks assignments really helped me understand the material I was learning because of its interactive aspects. We have providedcourseware to1.1 million students at over 1200 academic institutions,and were growing fast. Sometimes, it takes too much time to do some questions or labs because the requirements are not clear. It has been as useful as any other traditional textbook interface, if not better. I am more of a text book kind of learner. It has been very helpful in provding a solid way to learn introduction to C++. I think zyBooks is good, I wish instructors would utilize the testing system more, CS test are hard to deal with due to subjectiveness. I learn more by discussions or other physical interactions. These principles drove zyBooks founders, who are also ICS alumni, Smita Bakshi (Ph.D. 1996) and Frank Vahid (Ph.D. 1994) to craft STEM material native for the web using "less text, more action," as they put it. Not to mention the frustration. Overall, I really enjoyed it. There were a couple of parts or sections that contradicted what the professor told us, but other than that I appreciated zyBooks. It was much easier to absorb this class thanks to zyBooks. Makes it a lot harder on the student to make sense of all of the material. It is easy to learn with and work through questions with. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. The zyBook was great IN ADDITION TO the professor's lecture. It made keeping up with my reading assignments easier because I did most of it on my phone. I like the information it covers, but I do wish it was more detailed. Instructors often wonder if their students will like zyBooks. I am paying for it, I should be allowed to keep it. but would be value add more separate reading offline access then lab online access. ZyBooks is very efficent for learning the content for my class. I believe if zybooks had videos inputted into the class it would be easier to learn. Some to the point where I had to look at other sources for the answer. That's great for the teacher, and that's how software is really tested in real life, however, students from SNHU (at least the ones I tutored) are going through the course without ever running a single line of code on their computers, and interacting with their programs, they just keep writing the code on the zylabs interface, and keep sending the code until the testing suite says the code is correct. zyBooks is very helpful and convenient. User interface was my favorite part of zyBooks, very easy to flow through the material and the graphics used for the chapter examples really helped me understand the material I was studying. zyBooks provides organization and clarity for your assignments, due dates, and other activities that you have to do. It was convenient to use, it complemented my web and technologies course very well. We used zyBooks during each class and for any assignments. It has a clean interface, that is easy to navigate, and the way it steps through concepts is tremendously helpful when going back to hear them in Lecture as well as reviewing material for a program or before an exam. Having to pay full price for a text and still losing access to it after the semester ends is frustrating, especially if you have to retake a course - you have to buy the same book twice. ZyBooks was nothing like. I like how it is very interactive and the animation is very helpful. I think ZyBook is great for a course in Computer Science, but I doubt it would work as well for other STEM courses. With just your email and a couple clicks, any instructor can start evaluating a zyBook right now. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Easy to use, good tutorials and plenty of examples. However, there have been a couple of instances where zybooks has mad it difficult for me to learn a specific topic, mostly because the lesson along with the challenges and participation activities introduce coding topics that have not been covered yet. I have no problems with the content and learning it. Really good challenge questions and practice problems. Useful to learn without having to use google. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. I like the combination of the participation activities along with the challenge questions. It's easy to use, but it could try to give a real world problem. I like the feature where they let us to see answer, because sometimes I really have no idea what to right, and I don't need to struggle for too long. Great presentation to learn the code. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. These hands-on segments made it easier to grasp the content and helped me to become a stronger coder. I find having participation activities in between content is effective in reinforcing new material. I found zyBooks reasonably good at learning complex concepts. But not always the case, for certain classes the zyBooks is incomplete, or not a good addition/substitude for lectures. Great extra resource to have, though would love for there to be a mobile version. So far, I like it because it's very straight forward. I know code very well and have to take this course for requirements. i can finish reading offline. Before I end this post, I'd like to say that maybe it isn't Zybooks fault. These were assigned homeworks, but they did an incredible job at helping me further understand the material. It's a really nice way to learn. David Walter, Virginia State University, It really breaks down complicated concepts into simple exercises that give you a chance to digest concepts outside of confusing programs. It takes advantage of the fact that it is an online material and uses that advantage to help students learn. I thought zybooks gave me a good concrete way of understanding new topics and let me see a lot of examples of new topics being used. Has been a very helpful learning tool this semester, really helps break things down. Change your testing methods. Talking to professors are nice. Very thorough and bravo zyBooks! This will be shown if an incident or maintenance is posted on your status page. I was using Codecademy but I have some GI Bill left, so I figured I might as well use. Pretty Neutral really.. Another request is for more help when stuck, usually on programming. I enjoyed zyBooks because it is interactive. Great system overall. Very concise and I love the animations. Our interactive animated content is expensive to create and continually maintain. I love the zybook! It was a great hands-on tool for me to learn as I go. It was fascinating to see such an interactive online learning tool for mathematics. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. Over the past almost 2 years, we have collected data on on more than 35 outages that affected ZyBooks users. I think zyBooks was practical and different from your usual traditional textbook. zyBooks is way more interactive and engaging then a normal book, specially in topics such as computer science. Ctrl+Shift+C. We don't really have a recitation where we use this code so Zybooks was a pretty good substitute for it. It's well designed and the interface is nice. Online classes can be difficult, but this was definitely a great resource available. i love how clearly it explains the material as well as asking questions throughout to make sure that I also practice & understand the material. This was a really helpful way to helping me learn. At first I was upset because it costs money, but it is so much better than reading a stupid pdf. Zybooks made learning C++ easy. zybooks is helpful and covers most material in depth. I stared at and attempted the lab for over 45 minutes before understanding what it asked, but there was no helpful hints on where to even start. How good is the zyBooks eBook for C programming? - Quora It is very helpful and does a great job making sure the student knows the taught material. Not a bad platform or way of learning the material but for the actual coding examples it would be nice to be able to get the answers if you are really stuck. It is far superior to _____. Its super helpful for my programming classes, being able to work through the coding and have it graded on the spot is awesome. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. Easily 10x better than a standard text book, mainly due to interactive examples and exercises. Organized, repetitive, instills learning. zyBooks strike the perfect balance between text volume and engaged learning, with studies showing that students spend more time learning. Press J to jump to the feed. I looked through it I like how I can access the textbook and do homework at the same time. I am disappointed that this wasn't the case. It was a good help for understanding new material further but now with quarantine it pretty much is fully teaching me and doing it well. Its gotten a lot better. Our class was flipped, so this is how we learned new material. The demonstration helped clear a lot of the new material and also visualize how the code worked to get a better understanding. Ready to see zyBooks in action? Students voluntarily spend twice as much time with zyBooks compared to traditional textbooks, even though the zyBooks have half as much text. It was highly useful while I had access to it because it provided information in a chronologically manner appropriate to understanding the overall material being discussed. Much more engaging and helpful than a physical textbook, I think it's a really good way to learn and reinforce the basics, It's a lot of work but it teaches you the information you need to know to understand. I am very impressed with this system. I thought it was an extremely helpful learning tool. Very insightful and well structured program. Also, I would have preferred that this book be available for print and save as PDF. By that I mean that you are doing activities while you read as opposed to reading the chapter first, then doing exercises. zyBooks is fantastic. I really like the interactive part of zyBooks. I had to BREAK THE PROGRAM in order to get it to pass the testing mechanisms in zyBooks. It was kinda hard to follow at times however, it was easy in the end. These small details did not necessarily make it more difficult than it had to be, but I just feel like zyBooks should not ALWAYS be used for major projects. Anonymize references to competitor products (using ___). I think the lessons are extremely in depth and informative, and especially given the new precautions with the "Covid-19" crisis not allowing me to go to school, I've been able to gain a great understanding of all the material through the zyBooks service. I learn better through zyBook's example problems, especially when I miss them the first time. Very nice design, very easy to navigate and operate, A good way to learn the information by having many participation and challenge activities. ZyBooks has helped me in more ways than any instructor could. Compared to the hands on platforms like Codecademy, Udacity, etc it does a poor job of explaining the material. Any questions I have are right in front of me with the answers and a great explanation. the only thing wrong with it per se is often my Professor would assign homework due on Friday nights and not Sundays. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. I appreciate the interactive nature of zyBooks. The interactive nature of zyBooks helped me remain engaged with the textbook and retain a surprising amount of new information very quickly. zybooks detects cheating. It's a great resource but reading the lessons is more time consuming then I would like - I wish I could make it move a little faster. I love this platform. Answers should not disappear after moving to the next page. I really liked zyBooks. Though it would be nice if on some of the more difficult problems there would be hints or something to help push us along. It was such good practice. I love how as soon as you learn a topic you practice using it. It works well to portray exactly what is necessary. I definitely love the layout of Zybooks, it makes it easier to learn and understand a concept on your own. I enjoy how simple, organized, and straight forward it is. The challenge and participation activities we're useful to go back and look at previous examples but in the moment I would just speed through them for the grade as there was no proper incentive not to. Also useful for looking at examples of code for lab assignments and projects. Our goal is to continually improve so we can help more students succeed, and more instructors have a better teaching experience too. I would say, however, that the Zybook works better for those students who have already taken at least one other programming course. It is easily accessible and can be done anytime, anywhere. It's a very useful website with good technology that helps learning with answering questions. It is quick and to the point. I really enjoy it. I really liked how topics were laid out and the speed at which they were covered. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. There were some homework hosted on zybooks that were very difficult to understand how to do. Having the participation challenge and labs helps me to remember and connect with what i just read. Zybook is very closeminded with answers. A couple of times I had the code correct but zyBooks insisted that it was wrong. zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. It is structured really well and helps me focus more on topics I would have normally missed or skipped over when reading a typical textbook. Sometimes the reading was difficult to understand, but other than that I enjoyed zybooks. Very in-depth and thorough explanations. I like the idea of the labs. I thought it was very engaging for the student. I am hoping that zybooks is not used in my upcoming classes. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. It's just like any other text book except a bit more interactive. I used it several times to look up questions or to just learn more. I'm enrolled in a Data Science class that was just offered for the first time this semester. The labs are good. Decent learning, the best advise I can give is that the information at the top seems disconnected from the activities, it might be useful to bring some tips or formulas down to the questions so I feel more motivated to actually use them. showed me what I needed to learn, and it provided several examples. i enjoy the interactive nature of Zybooks, being able to test the concepts and reference the material at the same time is very helpful. Its an interactive textbook which makes it faster to learn how to visualize code in real time and allows you to code as you learn. zyBooks are great because they are interactive and explain concepts in detail.
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