Each of the juvenile perpetrators in this story received the maximum sentences allowed under Canadian Law: 10 years. In the United Kingdom during the early 1870s, Mary Ann Cotton murdered by poison 21 people, including 3 of her husbands, her mother, a lover, a friend and 12 children, 11 of them were her own. In New York City, Angela Murray is a prostitute with high-class tastes, sleeping only with wealthy men. KETCHUM RELEASE - the best tool to release fishing fly from the fish mouth. But after two decades of living in the United States, their marriage deteriorates, due to Rita's spending, and Yakov seeks to divorce Rita. Green received a life sentence, and will be eligible for parole at the age of 84. Jill Coit Married a man for his money, but when he learns that she has been married 11 times, he divorces her, and she then ends the relationship (along with his life) for good with a gun. Catherina "Cat" Voss is bored being a Navy wife and mother to her husband Cory due to her spending problem. Despite many preparations to get away with the crime, she is found out and arrested very quickly. Daryl tries to share himself with both women, but after Morgan assaults Andrea with an axe, Daryl breaks up with Morgan for good. She was arrested and found guilty for the murder of her third husband and died in prison in 1936. She is sentenced to fifty-five years in prison. of malice murder and was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences. Jane Carpenter and her husband Brent move from California to Arizona so Jane can care for her grandmother, but the stress of playing nurse causes Jane to have animosity toward her grandmother and later Brent, who is diabetic, and to make matters worse, their design business begins to fail, leaving them broke. Norma was acquitted, but Mary was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Martha Sue's son finds pictures with Bob posed in various positions after his death, exposing them as Bob's murderers. Hal Ketchum, Nineties Country Singer of 'Small Town Saturday Night A penniless Patricia tries to get back with Chris, but he has moved on with fifty-nine-year-old secretary Judie Winn. Darlie Routier Jealous of the attention given to her children, a Rowlett, Texas, housewife stabbed two of her sons to death and staged a break-in to get that attention back. Paula Sims A young mother murdered her two young daughters in Brighton, Illinois, but let her son live due to her personal view that the girls were unwanted. In 1861, Paula Angel meets the love of her life in Juan Miguel Martin, a married man who hangs out in saloons and with prostitutes. Nicole was sentenced to 40 years in prison while her boyfriend was sentenced to life without parole. In Newark, New Jersey, Kenneth "Kenny" Carter begins a relationship with single mother Nadiyah Venable, but still loves ShaRon Moens, his common-law wife and the mother of his children. Seeing herself as an avenging angel, she bludgeons Sister Janina in the head with a shovel and then buries her alive. She was the last woman to be executed in the United Kingdom. After an affair with Walter Law ends, she shoots him in his car in March 1924, and then explained to the cops that she wanted to clean up a "big mess." She is ultimately convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life without parole. Ellen Etheridge is ecstatic when she gets to marry her new millionaire husband after his wife dies. jpay.com Can you respond to email? An investigation exposed the couple as serial insurance claimants, and suggested that Virginia killed her own daughter for insurance money 15 years earlier. Sentenced to 23 years to life, Della dies in prison on November 20, 2010. When Katrina Bridges gets pregnant, she and her boyfriend Chris Ingraham move to Jonesboro, Maine, to make a fresh start. French immigrant Valerie Pape was a hair salon owner and a Scottsdale, Arizona socialite with an abusive husband, Ira Pomerantz. Suspecting Julie of spreading rumors about her sex life on social media, Rebecca stabs Julie in the head with a hair comb in May 2011. In Marengo, Iowa, cafe owner Denise Leone Frei loves both her son, Jacob, and her live-in boyfriend, Curtis Bailey. Italian fortune teller Leonarda Cianciulli had a life of tragedy which makes her emotionally attached to her children. However, she got caught quickly due to an unlikely eyewitness who saw the murders unfold. Janice Buttrum was neglected, abused and ostracized by her peers as a child, and at age 17, she is married, living in Dalton, Georgia, and expecting her second child. Holly and Sandy were huddled in the Collier's basement smoking marijuana laced with cocaine. PTSD-suffering veteran Bob and Martha Ann McClancy move from Florida to Tennessee, where the couple become friends with a fellow serviceman, Chuck Kaczmarczyk, and Martha eventually starts an affair with him. At the age of twelve, Juana Barraza's mother gave her away to a man who used her as a sex slave. She decides to extort a neighbor family out of $1,000 after attacking their young daughter with a hammer. Both are serving 75 years to life. She was released from prison in June 2019. Instead, she has co-worker Jimmy Luna and two thugs stab Steven and cut off his penis to disguise the killing as a hate crime. Latvian immigrant Angelika Gavare is a single mom working as a clerk in suburban Adelaide, Australia, who dreams of the good life. The pair dismembers and disposes of the body in the Cooks River, and only the head is recovered two weeks later. Fred committed suicide, while Rosemary was sentenced to life in prison. Then-Governor George W. Bush refused to do so, thus making her execution, which occurred in February 1998, one of the most controversial in United States history. Two years after, in 2005, it inspired a mini-series consisting of three episodes: "Obsession," "Greed" and "Revenge." Jackie's sister comes forward with information about Carl's death, but it was not confirmed. Upon her release, she puts her plan into action, killing eighty-four-year-old Anne Mendel in 2005, and gets twenty years to life. Sandra Ketchum and Holly Harvey Holly befriended another troubled teen, 15 year old Sandra Ketchum. On November 17, 2016, James breaks up with Melanie for good via gaming chat, and in a bitter rage, she visits his home and stabs him to death. Theresa Riggi's lack of trust in others leads her to isolate her children from society and have complete control over them. Even during that time, however, she was not exactly free, as she was being haunted by her murdered friends. Drug dealer and adulteress Christene Kemmerlin is married for the third time, and her union with husband Wayne is in trouble due to her spendthrift ways and infidelity. Lyda Trueblood is an early 20th century woman with a penchant for poison. Ada Leboeuf is a thirty-eight-year-old, middle-class housewife and mother of four from Morgan City, Louisiana, who has a heated affair with the married family doctor, Thomas Dreher. Dalton was sentenced to death. Though she is offered a deal to avoid a life sentence with a guilty plea, she unwisely makes one final gamble and takes her chances with a jury. When her husband Jimmy became aware of her actions, he soon died after being shot. Sarah's new lover is fifty-seven-year-old Ian Johnston, but he breaks off the fling to be with his partner Sadie Hartley. Salcedo will spend the rest of her life in prison. That inconsistency soon proves to be her undoing, and she is sentenced to 20 to 27 years in prison. Missing her mother's companionship, high school student Marie Robards poisons her loving father to move back in with her mom. In December 2006, she shoots Frank in the eye and claims the murder was an accident, hoping to collect on his life insurance. Katie dies of smoke inhalation, and Wendy and her cohorts are sent to prison, with Wendy sentenced to 18 to 24 years. Bathsheba requests a stay of execution at least until her baby is born, but it is denied, and she is hanged, while still pregnant, on July 2, 1778, becoming the first woman executed in the United States since the Declaration of Independence. In prison, she appears to change her ways and begins to give lectures to teenagers on the dangers of delinquency. Even after his parents sent the money, they killed the boy to keep him from revealing their identities. She dies at the age of 100. Her relationship with her mother, Michelle Gordon, is contentious, which worsens after her brother dies of a drug overdose. Feeling betrayed, Misook plots revenge and ultimately strangles Linda in Misook's sewing shop. As Stephanie is convicted of the murder, Alex reveals he had never met Alicia before and denounces her for her actions, leaving a heartbroken Stephanie to realize that she killed her best friend over nothing and serve life in prison without parole for her troubles. Shonda Dee Walter Seeking initiation into the notorious street gang, the Bloods, Shonda Dee Walter butchered a Pearl Harbor survivor with an ax without mercy in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. There, she marries Moses Worms, and they move. Sandy Ketchum - Facebook She receives 32 years to life; Vonne's head and hands are still missing. After Jonathan fails a drug test and announces he is running away, Sandra fatally shoots him five times and tries to claim self-defense, but the act is caught on Jonathan's 911 call. After Rex spirals into a deep depression and commits suicide, Amanda blames Rex's father for the tragedy, and with her new partner named Sean Ball at her side, they kill Rex's father in April 2015, with Amanda taking a selfie with his corpse and posting it online. Nicole Kasinskas The straight-A student from Nashua, New Hampshire, fell for a guy who soon drove a wedge between her and her mother, who until that point was the most important person in her life. After the death of her husband Paul, who controls the rivalry between them, the two women go from verbal to physical altercations. However, after convincing her new husband to transfer half of his assets into her account, Patricia gains control of everything he owns and starts controlling and abusing William. She was released in 1980 at age 23. Diane Borchardt is a well-liked teachers' aide at school, but at home, she is physically and verbally abusive to her husband, Ruben, and his children. Barbara faced a death sentence, but ultimately received life without parole. After Travis begins dating Lisa Williams, Chelsea begins stalking both Travis and Lisa. Both receive twenty-five-year sentences; Jamila's is later reduced to twenty years. Sentenced to life, she cons her way into parole after only fifteen years behind bars. Seven years later, the killer family is exposed after the third son tells investigators about the murder. Her depressed mood changes when she meets teenage soldier Ezra Ross and nurses him back to health, with the liaison developing into an affair that results in Bathsheba getting pregnant. Egyptian-born nanny and model Omaima Aree has a track record of manipulating men; as a young woman, she begins seducing older men, then robbing them blind. Kate Bender The Wild West murderer was prepared to help her family of serial killers, killing lodgers and robbing them. When Molly and Jason move back to the United States, however, their relationship deteriorates due to Molly's possessive nature over his kids after she had a miscarriage. Showing no remorse, Nakisha is sentenced to seventy years in prison, eligible for parole in 2038. The ways of wild, promiscuous "jazz baby" Dorothy Ellingson do not mesh with those of her old-fashioned parents who try to keep her from partying. In 2010, he violently beat his girlfriend, Rosalyn Hunt, and eventually killed her, and Lorraine happily participated. In 1905, Marie Arthur, a preacher's daughter, is rebellious and already married when she falls in love with a bartender, Frank Broadway Jones, but all is not happiness in her life, as they are broke financially and she proves herself to be not happy with Frank. Dorothea Puente ran a boarding home and preyed on her guests in Sacramento during the 1980s. Dennis dies in prison in 2003, while Brandi, on appeal, is currently eligible for parole. On February 12, 2010, after being denied tenure over poor performance, she opened fire during a meeting of the biology department, killing three of her colleagues and leaving three more critically wounded, then plans a date night with her husband while disposing of evidence. It was not until one girl was found dying from numerous open sores that this woman was finally unmasked and she was branded a monster for centuries to come. She received the nickname "The Giggling Granny" because she seemed to giggle when she confessed the murders. Jennifer is sentenced to life without parole. In 1910s Wisconsin, talented schoolteacher Grace Lusk begins a passionate affair with veterinarian David Roberts, but after years of the affair. In Keller, Texas, Michele Williams has always wanted the best out of life from her men, and her latest husband, Greg, is no exception. Hunter and Tracey Grissom's marriage falls apart due to her hot temper and prescription drug abuse. Sarah angrily launches a deadly rebellion as she shoots both of them to death in 2003. When Valerie had had enough of her husband's abuse, she turned to murder, then dismembered his corpse. Subsequent articles, including some linked here, do reveal their full names and family names. However, Toni becomes jealous when Kody shows attention to his childhood friend, sixteen-year-old Micaela "Mickey" Costanzo. Both mother and daughter are serving forty-year sentences for second-degree murder, each in different prisons. Patricia Rorrer is an accomplished equestrian with a reputation as a confrontational bully. Timothy Wade Ketchum, age 58 of Griffin, passed away on Monday, January 31, 2022. . Ian Brady died in prison in 2017. On January 2, 2001, after taking out a $15,000 life insurance policy on him, Katrina shoots Chris in the head while he sleeps, then leaves him to die as she flees their house with their son to establish an alibi. In Vidor, Texas, Julia Andrews is a fifty-six-year-old divorcee with several children when she meets Randy Peddy, a man who is sixteen years her junior. Michelle is convicted of both murders and is sentenced to 200 years in prison, and will be eligible for parole at age 97. The women beat him, then disposed of his unconscious body in a nearby river. The night proved to be the deadliest in the history of Lexington, Kentucky. Lola Luna Guilty Of Syanna Puryear-Tucker Murder. Showing no remorse, Chelsea pleads guilty and is sentenced to 34 years to life, and is also prohibited from contacting her kids. After getting punched in the face by an intoxicated Jasper, Allison shoots him with a .22-caliber revolver to punish him, but later regrets her action. In 1914, 19 year-old Ruth Snyder meets her 32 year-old husband Albert after dialing a wrong telephone number. Sandy Ketchum is on Facebook. Nickell has a ninety-year sentence. Stella Maudine Nickell In 1986, the Seattle-based nurse poisoned her husband, Bruce, and innocent shopper Sue Snow by planting cyanide-laced pain-relief capsules on drugstore shelves in an intricate plan to cash in her husband's life insurance policies. She was jailed for it for 60 years, but there is still a dispute as to who the perpetrator really is. Eighteen-year-old Maria Barbella and her Italian family have moved from Italy to New York, where Maria looks for a husband, finding one in entrepreneur Domenico Cataldo, a fellow Italian immigrant. In February 2016, the couple invite another couple, Geoffrey Gilliland and Stephanie Sanchez, to their house for a foursome. Holly resents her grandparents and their strict rules, and with the help of Sandra, the two teens decide to murder the elderly couple by stabbing them to . In Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania, Na Cola Franklin had dreamt of having a lavish wedding since childhood, but her truck-driving fianc, Billy Brewster, insists on more simple nuptials and forces her to make all the preparations herself while he works and parties. She will be eligible for parole in 20 years. But when the two women meet on June 5, 2009, for shopping, Korena beats Heather to death with a collapsible police baton and cuts the stillborn baby boy, John Stephen, out of her womb. Nurse's aide Marie Poling wishes to trade in her seemingly happy family life after an affair with a young colleague and plots to kill her husband. When Wendy begins dating bad boy James Evans and becomes rebellious and sexually active, Betty decides to give her up to the custody of the state. Kerry, vengeful and high on meth, responded by torturing Irene to death via everything from electrocution to stabbing to bludgeoning. Her lover is sentenced to 13 years and released in 2001. Pamela Lee Worms moves from Wales to New Orleans, Louisiana, after her husband banishes her for infidelity. Her sentence is twenty-two years to life. She was sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole. In need of fast cash, Forde and her posse murder Raul Flores and his daughter, Brisenia, and seriously wound his wife, Gina, but get away with only a few pieces of jewelry. Officer-in-training Alex Reyes' marriage to wife Leslie crumbles after only six months, and Leslie and the couple's infant son move in with her grandmother, Jean Allen, 81, who dislikes Alex due to his Mexican heritage. 36-year-old single mother Ellie Starr Nesler sends her six-year-old son, Willy, away to a Christian summer camp, where he and several other boys are molested by thirty-one-year-old convicted pedophile Daniel Driver. Separated 20-something-year-old parents Rex and Amanda Taylor are obsessed with serial killers. She is sentenced to life without parole, plus an additional five years for tampering with evidence. With a rich new boyfriend in the wings, Danielle shoots Raymond ten times in May 2014 and stuffs his body into a toolbox. When Molly Martel's boyfriend becomes physically abusive, her best friend, Stephanie Campbell, is there to support her, but when Stephanie herself becomes a victim of domestic violence, Molly fails to return the favor, and instead sides with Stephanie's abuser, ending the friendship for good. However, she only serves two-and-a-half of those years. Donna is now serving a life sentence without parole. Also known as Saundra Ketchum, S Ketchum, Sandra Ketchu. Unless a plea bargain is reached, they face a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole. Join Facebook to connect with Sandra Ketchum and others you may know. Her first husband's murder remains an open case. She evades justice for 16 years until inadvertently confessing to undercover cops, and is serving 25 years to life for first-degree murder. After a brief fling, George breaks things off with Donna to return to his wife, but his scorned ex-mistress decides to have his wife, 48-year-old Martha "Gail" Fulton, gunned down. Fugate received a life sentence and Starkweather was executed in the electric chair in 1959. It all becomes too much for hoarder Jeanne, and on the night of August 16, 2011, she puts a vicious plan into action: stabbing and suffocating her husband to death. Suzan Carson and her husband Michael both of whom are mentally ill and abuse drugs have a list of people that they think are witches that they wish to exterminate, and they go on to viciously murder three people. Stephanie Hudnall turns her teenage daughters against their father, Bill, claiming he is to blame for the hardships they have suffered. Jane Toppan In Cambridge, Massachusetts, a nurse who murders at least 31 of her patients in a sadistic fashion for sexual pleasure. Nathan is serving a 33-year minimum sentence and Shauna's sentence is 17 years for manslaughter. Texan Brian Allen is a successful self-made businessman, but no matter what, he can't please his wife, Karra Trichele Allen, who has bipolar disorder that causes violent mood swings, especially when she drinks. She is serving life without parole. Amber Wright Teen Killer Seath Jackson Murder. Anthony gets twenty to forty years, while Maryann gets life without parole. In 1950s Cincinnati, Edythe Klumpp convinces her married lover, Bill Bergen, to pose as her husband so that she can get a bank loan, but fears that Bill's wife, Louise, will expose her ruse. When Madame Lancelin discovers their secret, the sisters beat and stab her and her daughter to death and gouge out their eyes. Daphne Abdela Lived near the Dakota in New York City and had an alcohol problem at 15 years old. Marybeth Tinning of Duanesburg, New York, loved the attention that she received after her third child died of meningitis as a baby. Both girls are sentenced to life in prison without parole, with Larketa getting an additional four to twenty years for arson and conspiracy. Jamila M'Barek rises from high-class call girl and Playboy model to countess when she marries the Earl of Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley-Cooper, but the couple split when she fakes a pregnancy. Grace decides to move out after the relationship threatens to separate her from her children, but Carman and Clarence, determined to get their lover back, decide to kidnap and kill thirty-four-year-old drug addict Mekole Harris in order to threaten Grace to move back in with them. Annie Monahan raises eyebrows in early 20th-century New Haven, Connecticut, when two husbands and a niece die of mysterious illnesses, followed by generous life insurance payoffs. The murder is soon found out when Clarissa tells all to her sister, who, in turn, informs the police. Beth Carpenter A lifetime over-achiever and fresh out of law school, Carpenter was determined to take custody of her niece in East Lyme, Connecticut, but the judge granted custody to her sister Kim and Kim's partner Buzz. In May 2016, Lyndsey dies from the abuse, and Becky is sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years for Lyndsey's death and beating a former girlfriend. sandra-ketchum-2021-photos | My Crime Library However, Pamela soon turns into a serial killer by killing her stepson to bring back her husband, then a female relative, her stepdaughter, and, finally, Moses himself, all in her path to keep her infidelity secrets and to gain Moses's inheritance. Louise gets a chance to start her new life when a seventy-three-year-old family friend, Patricia Goddard, offers Louise a chance to board at her house. She then joyfully announces her deed on social media, which helps the police catch up with her. Gates died from kidney failure in 2016. In March 2022, a new trial was ordered,[3] ending with the charges against Dorotik being dropped.[4]. The arrest photo of Sandra Ketchum. - Murderpedia Elisa McNabney and Sarah Dutra had a bond so strong that it left Elisa's husband, Larry, feeling like the third person in his own marriage. She was sentenced to death in 1993, but in August 2008, her sentence was commuted to life in prison. She is sentenced to death, Jimmy to life in prison without parole. Sharee Miller The businesswoman from Flint, Michigan, used the Internet as a tool to manipulate her lover, police officer Jerry Cassaday, into killing her husband, Bruce, in 1999. She later becomes known as the Merry Widow of Windy Nook, and her death sentence is overturned, commuted to life in prison without parole instead. She was sentenced to death and executed in May 2, 2000. Both are sentenced to death in 2005. Their victim of choice: a trusting old lady, eighty-five-year-old Anne Brackett, with whom they spent hours chatting about her family before stabbing her. When Hilma Marie Witte's relationships go bad, she turns to her sons, Eric and John, to help. The patients start complaining, so to keep them quiet, Megan poisons Marie and Isabella with insulin in May 2014, though the third patient luckily escapes and reveals Megan's abuse, eventually getting her exposed for her crimes. She was unable to tell her side of the story to a jury and was sentenced to hang, spending her last days being mentally and verbally tortured by the cruel sheriff who had her in his custody.
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