It is not certainly clear, however, whether this was the reason why Achilles agreed to make up, but what was implied was that Achilles would fight the war not just for the Achaeans, but with the death of Patroclus, he had a different reason for joining the battle, and that was to seek revenge. The post-classical tradition shows Achilles as heterosexual and having an exemplary platonic friendship with Patroclus. University School Basketball Roster, Hector is a Trojan prince, while Patroclus is an Achaean who is kin to Achilles. Discuss Achilles reaction to the death of Patroclus, and how Odysseus had reacted to Achilles. Further evidence of this debate is found in a speech by an Athenian politician, Aeschines, at his trial in 345 BC. Patroclus follows Achilles to Mount Pelion where they are trained by the centaur Chiron. Achilles had a change of heart and empathized with Priam. Timeshare Presentation Deals 2021, He is a tired and broken old man, living on an island and barely tending his farms. Join our Discord server and discuss Literature & Mythology. Achilles killed the Trojan prince. Odysseus is a warrior in the Trojan War, and the Odyssey covers his return home after, Read More Penelope in the Odyssey: Story of the Faithful Wife of OdysseusContinue, Your email address will not be published. Cultural and Historical Monuments Left by the Thracians in Bulgaria, Medusa and the Tragedy of the Femme Fatale, Making A Traditional Home Feel More Contemporary, On History And Why It Fascinates Us: Nostalgia, Romance and Fascination, The Indian Weddings of Shenanigans and Hues, Women's History Month: Its Importance and Where We Are, Bulgarian Folklore Known Around the World. In Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, Achilles is a great warrior who traces the stages of the behavior cycle twice, from arete to hubris to ate and then to nemesis. But there is no suggestion in the Homeric poems that Achilles and Patroclus were anything but fellow warriors, close companions that happened to have also grown up in the court of King Peleus as brothers. They almost seem like partners in life, even if you just examine their connection in a platonic context. Adobe Illustrator Color Gradient, When he was into science, and the other into sports.. The death of Patroclus broke the heart of Achilles into many pieces. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus takes on a journey to return back to Ithaca to see his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus. I lean forward to see. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Why is there no melody of your melancholy? It is just you, and your brutal fate, intertwined with Patroclus'. theilliad. As Achilles possessed traits typical of the eromenos, such as beauty and youth, as well as virtue and combat prowess, Phaedrus contends that Aeschylus was wrong in asserting that Achilles was the erastes. He persuaded Achilles to think of his own father, Peleus, and if what happened to Hector happened to him, imagine how his father would feel. Can Goguardian Only See Chrome, Can't Roll Back Driver, These writers also go back and forth between which of the pair is the erastes, which is the older one in the relationship. [11], Aeschylus, in his lost tragedy The Myrmidons (5th century BC), assigned Achilles the role of erastes or protector (since he had avenged his lover's death, even though the gods told him it would cost him his own life), and assigned Patroclus the roles of eromenos. As a result, Achilles fills with such a grief and rage that he rejoin battle. When Patroclus is slain by Hector, he goes bezerk and vows vengeance on Hector. +16 more. Every time occurs thereafter, it is used in reference to Achilles' laments for his dead friend. There is nothing of a sort in the Iliad or other poems of The Epic Cycle for that matter. For Patroclus' part, according to the poem, he made a final request to Achilles by speaking with him as a ghost. You can help us out by revising improving and updating this section. So, we actually dont even know whether the Trojan War happened at all. Jahlil Okafor College, You can help us out by revising improving and updating this section. [16] Notably, in Xenophon's Symposium, the host Kallias and the young pankration victor Autolycos are called erastes and eromenos. Achilles publicly laments Patroclus' death, addressing the corpse and criticizing him for letting himself be killed. Address: 14420 NW 107 Avenue, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 He was one of a long line of bards, or poets, who worked in the oral tradition. Achilles and Patroclus? It highlights both the consequences of irresponsibility and how helpless humans are in the face of the gods. In ancient texts, philos (often translated "most beloved") denoted a general type of love, used for love between family, between friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, as well as between lovers. Ascanius in the Aeneid: The Story of the Son of Aeneas in the Poem, The Odyssey Ending: How Odysseus Rose to Power Again, Sciron: The Ancient Greek Robber and a Warlord, Penelope in the Odyssey: Story of the Faithful Wife of Odysseus. Homer does not explicitly say they were, nor does he clearly imply it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It describes how Patroklos, 4 years older than Achilles, was homeless as a teen and was given sanctuary by Achilles' father. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold. you would pick above the Gods themselves. However, Achilles and Patroclus also both have female sex slaves. However, there is nothing overtly romantic or something that can be considered a sexual interaction that was stated in the Iliad. Achilles' mother, the sea-nymph Thetis, expresses her dislike of Achilles and Patroclus' relationship, and hates that Patroclus followed Achilles to Mount Pelion. The Grief of Achilles, and New Armour Made Him by Vulcan. persephone. However, during the main action of the Iliad, the wrath of Achilles and the plan of Zeus, people live in an extraordinary state of human/divine . Alliteration in Beowulf: Why Was There So Much Alliteration in the Epic? After more battle, Nestor arrives back to the Greek allies base with a wounded soldier. Books 19-21: Knowing he is to die soon after he kills Hector, Achilles sets out to kill Hector and punish the Trojans. Hector then takes Achilles armor from Patroclus body as a prize . With a focus on their romantic relationship, the book covers Patroclus and Achilles relationship from their first encounter to their adventures during the Trojan War. Greece and from Homers poems. ' The Song of Achilles ' follows Patroclus, a Greek prince, who falls in love with the famed warrior, Achilles. However, Patroclus ignoring Achilles command, pursues and reaches the gates of Troy and is killed by Hector. Yup, you read that right, cousins. time adapts to the breathing. Different versions that came out depict Achilles and Patroclus in very distinct ways, such as Shakespeares Troilus and Cressida which shows them as lovers, whereas the Hollywood film Troy portrays them as cousins. The merciless, unforgiving anger Of which you felt at the loss of your Patroclus. Jones states, Patroclus by throwing in 'fate' and 'Zeus' too, he incidentally removes yet more glory from Hector (111). However, the gods were warned of a prophecy that Thetis would have a son who would grow up to be greater than his father. In her free time, she can be found reading fantasy books or snacking. They were already together when they were still young boys as Patroclus was made Achilles squire. . [9] Its ideal structure consisted of an older erastes (lover, protector), and a younger eromenos (the beloved). Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor. He pressed against me, crushing my lips to wine" (100). However, as Achilles was known to be the best fighter of the Achaeans, the tables started to turn when he joined the battle, with the Greeks on the winning side. To start, we should definitely take a look at Homers Iliad, which is where many people look for information about Achilles and Patroclus. [24], According to Halperin, these extra-institutional relationships were of necessity portrayed by using the language of other, institutionalized love relationships, such as those of parent/child and husband/wife. Achilles and Patroclus for countless years you have been the air i breathe, the sun which warms my limbs, the river which kisses my hips, my chest, my eyelids. [citation needed]. Some interpreted the death of Patroclus as fate, but as clearly depicted in the poem, and it was brought on by his carelessness and arrogance, which angered the gods. See more ideas about achilles and patroclus, achilles, longing for you. Required fields are marked *. The bare throatwhere the destruction of life is quickest. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor. that on the cruel dawn you picked your hubris which Patroclus disguised as, -believed to be- his wishes over your worries of losing him, Patroclus, your soul. And, finally, when Thetis comes to bring Achilles his new armor in Book 19, Achilles is lying with his arms around Patrocluss corpse, weeping, surrounded by grieving Myrmidons. As Agamemnon and his councillors approach, Achilles goes inside his tent and refuses to meet them. The Iliad portrays them as sleeping with female slaves but not with each other, and this is the key reason for the debate. But many members of the LGBTQ+ community take pride in the fact that Achilles and Patroclus may have been lovers because, in many ways, it seems as though it could be true. Can Goguardian Only See Chrome, Its one of my favorite books and I know that Miller did everything she could to be true to the ancient source material. Although many debate the idea of the two characters sharing a romantic relationship, it was not uncommon for elite men in ancient Greece to share intimate interactions with other men, often younger than themselves. Achilles tries to clutch him, but the ghost evades him and goes away. Homer does not depict the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus as sexual. King Agamemnon realizes that Achilles, due to his heroic reputation, needs to enter the fight, but Achilles, having been disrespected by Agamemnon, refuses. But dont take my word for it. Poll. Once Achilles finds out, he erupts with rage and murders Hector. Always in these friendships one serves the other, one is less than the other: the hierarchy is always apparant, though the legends cannot be trusted-- their source is the survivor, the one who has been abandoned. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor. : . Edsby Yrdsb Login Page, Another one was Patroclus request to put their bones together when Achilles died. How To Enable Graphics Processor In Photoshop, Homer never explicitly casts the two as lovers,[1][2] but they were depicted as lovers in the archaic and classical periods of Greek literature, particularly in the works of Aeschylus, Aeschines and Plato.[3][4]. From this standpoint, why is Shakespeares interpretation (in which they are lovers) any less valid than Homers? Can't Roll Back Driver, **Artwork is not mine. How To Enable Graphics Processor In Photoshop, Now we must win high honour for Peleus' royal son. "Perhaps one day even I will be famous. It does not state or, as far as I can tell, even imply that Achilles and Patroclus are lovers. Achilles quotes about patroclus. Achilles is tender towards Patroclus, while he is callous and arrogant . Here is one short excerpt from their younger days, before the Trojan War began: "I was trembling, afraid to put him to flight. Credit is given where known. (Iliad, 9, 205) Descriptions of Patroclus are rife with words like beloved, indicating that the two of them may indeed have shared an emotional attachment to each other. Numerous other Greek stories depict possible same-sex relationships. The novel The Song of Achilles, which is one of my favorites, depicts the entire relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. Patroclus gets killed in the battle of Hector and his weapons are taken as booty. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium.. Their relationship is very beautiful and intimate in the novel, and author Madeline Miller does a great job of capturing the emotions they have for one another as the story unfolds. Achilles even wishes that all of the other soldiers, both Greek and Trojan, would perish so he and Patroclus could conquer Troy by themselves (Book 16). Laertes Odyssey has long since ended when he is introduced in the epic poem by Homer. In the Iliad, Homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, where Achilles is tender toward Patroclus but callous and arrogant toward others. For me, the most compelling piece of evidence, aside from the depth of Achilles grief, ishowhe grieves: Achilles refuses to burn Patroclus body, insisting instead on keeping the corpse in his tent, where he constantly weeps and embraces itdespite the horrified reactions of those around him. 17.9K 466 4. " /> Already in Classical times, some regarded Achilles and Patroclus The Iliad is concerned with part of the tenth year. Patroclus is his cousin in the movie. Apr 2, 2021 - Explore cookiiefox's board "~portfolio stuff~" on Pinterest. Were Achilles and Patroclus Gay Lovers? Some believe there are clues within the text that he hoped readers and listeners would pick up on, but that is a pretty big stretch for me. Mythology, Greek Heroes, History, Podcast Notes, Greek history, ancient history, bronze age, achilles, Trojan War, the Iliad, Homer, mycenaeans, Alexander the Great, Alexandria, Alexander the Great's tomb. The Aeneas and Ascanius relationship was a strong one that contributed, Read More Ascanius in the Aeneid: The Story of the Son of Aeneas in the PoemContinue, The Odyssey ending the way it is is still heavily debated in the literary world, with various scholars discussing it. [25] Achilles' decision to spend his days in his tent with Patroclus is seen by Odysseus (called Ulysses in the play) and many other Greeks as the chief reason for anxiety about Troy.[26]. This part of the epic also provides one of the first known uses of ekphrastic (a vivid description of a scene or artwork) in Greek poetry. The two best fighters from each side, Hector and Achilles, fought one on one, and when it was evident that Hector would lose, he tried to reason with Achilles, but Achilles wouldnt accept any explanation as he was blinded by his rage and goal of killing Hector to avenge the death of Patroclus. Oh, Achilles, Achilles, How they sing of your anger. I think that their relationship is certainly intimate and can be perceived as romantic. These lines are spoken by the famed hero, Odysseus, whose presence eventually convinces Achilles to join the Trojan War with the Greeks. So it depends on how you approach finding truth in mythology. The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is a key element of the stories associated with the Trojan War.Its exact naturewhether homosexual, a non-sexual deep friendship, or something else entirelyhas been a subject of dispute in both the Classical period and modern times. Achilles quotes about patroclus. A. (Patroclus had been sent to Achilles' father after accidentally having killed another boy.) Achilles was the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. In the iliad homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between achilles and patroclus where achilles is tender toward patroclus but callous and arrogant toward others. Never bury my bones apart from yours, Achilles, let them lie togetherSo now let a single urn, the gold two-handed urn your noble mother gave you, hold our bones - together. Book 23. Many of historys greatest thinkers, writers, and artists thought of Achilles and Patroclus as romantically involved. At least not to me. The words of war between Achilles and Agamemnon was skillful as to overcome the death of his friend Patroclus. [15][16] Instead, Phaedrus suggests that Achilles is the eromenos whose reverence of his erastes, Patroclus, was so great that he would be willing to die to avenge him.[16]. Key element of the stories associated with the Trojan War. The Iliad therefore has for its whole subject the passion of Achilles that ardent energy or of the hero which displayed itself first as anger against Agamemnon, and afterwards as love for the lost Patroclus. In this way, Achilles becomes responsible for the death of his friend. Madeline Miller, who holds a Masters degree in Classics from Brown University, spent over a decade adapting the Iliad into the award-winning novel The Song of Achilles (which I review here). Who is Laertes? Patroclus forgets the warning of his chief, and filled with the spirit of the combat presses on too far; Apollo strikes him (the only instance in the poems of such direct interference of a divinity), and Hector slays him. Thetis, knowing that Achilles was fated to die at Troy, disguised him as a girl and hid him among the women at the court of King Lycomedes of Skyros. Patroclus, a young comrade of Achilles, travels to Troy to help the Greeks win Helen back from the clutches of the Trojan Paris. Check out amazing patroclus artwork on DeviantArt. We reached for each other and i thought of how many nights i had lain awake in this room loving him in silence. Wrath Subdues Towards the end of the poem, Achilles still hasn't buried and properly mourned for Patroclus and he was still desecrating Hector's body. In the Symposium by Plato, the speaker Phaedrus cites Achilles and Patroclus as an illustration of a divinely sanctioned couple around 385 BC. Degiro Customer Service Ireland, In addition, Priam, Hectors son, begged Achilles for the body of Hector. In order for Patroclus to pass as Achilles, he wore the armor that Achilles inherited from his father. THERSITES 10 Why, thou full dish of fool, from Troy. The enormous size of Hamilton's painting conveys a sense of his ambition to depict episodes from Homer's Iliad in an overpowering, epic mode. As Achilles knew the weakness of the stolen armor that Hector was wearing, he was able to spear him in the throat, thereby killing him. of balance, declares that Achilles sorrow for Patroclus exceeds what is appropriate to feel for a friend, or even for a brother or a son (24.46-49). In this painting by Benjamin West (1806), Achilles sits by the body of Patroclus when his mother, Thetis, brings him his armor forged by Hephaestus so he can avenge the death of Patroclus. See more ideas about achilles and patroclus, achilles, greek myths. Three times, Achilles drags Hector's body ehnd his chariot around Patroclus' grave. I am not saying that is what Homer intends or that is what everyone may believe, but I believe it is not difficult to understand why people see it that way. Achilles is perhaps most famous for being imperfectly invulnerable, a . But with many different variations and interpretations, its hard to say for sure what kind of connection the pair has. Xenophon also cites other examples of legendary comrades, like Orestes and Pylades, who were renowned for their joint achievements rather than any erotic relationship. Oct 8, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by I. Thetis brings him the newly-forged armor . [10] Writers that assumed a pederastic relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, such as Plato and Aeschylus, were then faced with a problem of deciding who must be older and play the role of the erastes. And for patroclus stern achilles drooped. What has Hector ever done to you, Achilles? Temporary like Achilles #2 and Kerouacts 1-6, by Thomas Palaima Thomas Palaima October 8, 2020 | CI Poetry Project Recomposing Heroes Temporary Like Achilles #2 (for Leon Golden) Inspired by Achilles' own words Iliad 1.149-171, 1.365-392, 9.308-429 'Rage,' Homer sings. In book 16 of the "Iliad," Patroclus, the dear friend of Achilles, attempts to will Achilles back into battle. He seemed to swell beneath my touch, to ripen. Achilles sees the burning and tells Patroclus to put on his armor while he gathers the Myrmidons. And what need these tricks? Thersites. So, although I dont think Homer intended us to view Achilles and Patroclus as lovers, that view doesnt directly contradict Homers version either. The armor and shield are described with great length in the poem, contrasting the ugliness of war with the beauty of art and of the greater world in which it takes place. Always in these friendships one serves the other, one is less than the other: the hierarchy is always apparant, though the legends cannot be trusted--their source is the survivor, the one who has been abandoned. Simply put, it says they are incredibly close companions. Jahlil Okafor College, In Book XVII of the Iliad, Achilles states that Patroclus was: " the man I loved beyond all other comrades, loved as my own life". The Iliad is one of the most famous epic poems created by the Greek poet Homer and the piece recounts the last weeks of the Trojan War.In book 18 of the series, Homer writes about Achilles shield - this poem is one of the epic's most famous portions. See also patroclus poems patroclus collections. Achilles and Patroclus in Greek Mythology: Friends or Lovers? Again: after slaying Patroclus, Hector strips him of the armor of Achilles, which Patroclus had been wearing, leaving Achilles unable to avenge his . Patroclus is killed. The son of Peleus and the sea-nymph Thetis, Achilles was a fearsome warrior who chose a short, glorious life over a long and undistinguished one. Achilles was determined to get to Hector, and along the way, he killed many Trojan warriors. Given that Patroclus was more experienced and much more mature, he served as a guardian and guide. One of the most substantial moments in the Iliad that many use to support the idea of a romantic relationship is how Achilles reacts after Patroclus dies. Hence, the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus was viewed by others to satisfy this definition perfectly. Oh, how Patroclus wished for a chance. To be heard and to be glanced. It is a retelling of Homers Iliad from Patroclus point of view and is set in the Greek Heroic Age. The Greek gods Zeus and Apollo finally intervened and commanded Thetis, Achilles mother, to persuade Achilles to stop and receive a ransom to return the body to his family. Another believer in the romantic relationship between Patroclus and Achilles was Pindar. Topic. Homer displays the theme of relationships throughout the poem in which relationship brings out the emotional side of Achilles and King Priam . Usafa Address For Transcripts, Edsby Yrdsb Login Page, Time stood still. achilles x patroclus. Not only does Hector kill Patroclus, but he also takes the armor that belong to Achilles in which Patroclus wore. The first recorded appearance of a deep emotional bond between adult men in ancient Greek culture was in the Iliad (800 BC). Achilles grievously mourned the passing of Patroclus and vowed to seek revenge. There is a widespread attitude that Achilles and Patroclus were clearly in sexual relationship and that anyone who questions that or disagrees must have some hidden agenda that would cause them to deny their true nature. Achilles attached Hectors lifeless body to the rear of his chariot and dragged him around the walls of the city of Troy. Shay places a strong emphasis on the relationships that soldiers who experience combat together forge, and points out that this kind of loss has in fact often led to "berserking" of soldiers stunned with grief and rage, in a way similar to the raging of Achilles in the Iliad. This delay enabled her to have sufficient time to ask the divine blacksmith, Hephaestus, to recreate the armor that Achilles needed because the original armor that Achilles inherited from his father was used by Patroclus and ended up being worn by Hector when the latter killed Patroclus. The first recorded appearance of a deep emotional bond between adult men in ancient Greek culture was in the Iliad (800 BC). Zeus agrees and the game is set. Patroclus eventually dons Achilles' armor and scares them back, as planned, he also ends up killing Sarpedon, a son of Zeus, but is eventually killed by Hector. Before answering, its important to state that Achilles and Patroclus are mythological figures. The two prominent examples, Thetis and Achilles, hold varying fears and insecurities that they extrapolated in the novel. Robin Lane Fox, another one of the most influential and knowledgeable historians of ancient Greece, sums it up by saying, There is certainly no evidence in the text of the Iliad that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers (The Tribal Imagination: Civilization and the Savage Mind, pg. This man is more to me than you can dream. Medieval Christian writers deliberately suppressed the homoerotic nuances of the figure.[23]. The speeches of the mother and son on this occasion. To defend the other side for a moment, we simply dont know for sure what Homer wished us to believe about Achilles and Patroclus. However, when Agamemnon was made to surrender the woman, he decided to get Briseis, the woman who was awarded to Achilles. That being said, we have to look for descriptions in written sources, mainly epics and other poems. Achilles And Hector: The Characters Of Achilles And Achilles While Achilles on the contrary, he represents the Greek as an important warrior. [14], In Plato's Symposium, written c.385 BC, the speaker Phaedrus holds up Achilles and Patroclus as an example of divinely approved lovers. He reminisces. The Song of Achilles is a YA novel written by Madeline Miller. Odysseus leads the way. Register. For Patroclus part, according to the poem, he made a final request to Achilles by speaking with him as a ghost. How To Enable Graphics Processor In Photoshop, In the story of Patroclus no one survives, not even Achilles who was nearly a god. Some historians say that the two of them were practicing pederasty, in which an older man (the erastes) and a younger man (the eromenos), typically in his teens, are in a relationship. Book 18The Greeks fight for and finally retrieve the body of Patroclus in book 17. A series of short one-shots featuring Patroclus/Achilles. It is clear that Achilles and Patroclus had an incredibly deep, intimate bond. Patroclus's mother was intellectually disabled, and his father believes that both Patroclus and his mother were weak. His death made a significant impact on the results of the war. In the Iliad, Homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, where . Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. Can't Roll Back Driver, This writer is sure that Hollywood (and specifically the 2004 film Troy) refuses to show the true romantic nature of their relationship in order to appeal to a wider audience. The surgeon's box, or the patient's wound. Yes, Achilles is gay, he states definitively. News of Patroclus' death reaches Achilles through Nestor's son Antilochus, which throws Achilles into deep grief. In book 18, Achilles learns of his friends death and the army mourns Patroclus. Zeus, the king of the gods and Poseidon, god of the sea, had both fallen in love with Thetis and were rivals for her hand in marriage. Poems about Achilles at the world's largest poetry site. The most substantial evidence was how Achilles mourned and grieved the death of Patroclus and the final request of Patroclus that their bones should be buried together so they could rest eternally together. In the 5th and 4th centuries BC, the relationship was portrayed as same-sex love in the works of Aeschylus, Plato, Pindar, and Aeschines. 223). Chapman Transferology, His death occurs because Achilles refuses to fight to protect his honor, so Patroclus dresses up in Achilles armor and goes out to the battlefield. There is certainly an argument that myths evolve over time and Homers version is just one (albeit important) link in that ongoing chain. Anything beyond that is an exercise in speculation, projection, or interpretation (or all three). Achilles is the most dominant, and among the warriors in the Trojan War he has the most fame. Patroclus's father crowns him with a garland. I did not know what to do, what he would like. PATROCLUS Well said, adversity. Phaedrus argues that Aeschylus erred in claiming Achilles was the erastes because Achilles was more beautiful and youthful than Patroclus (characteristics of the eromenos) as well as more noble and skilled in battle (characteristics of the erastes). Patroclus was made to be Achilles squire. In book 16 Patroclus, Achilles closest companion, pleads with Achilles who is still angry, but who allows Patroclus to enter the fray. Why, thou full dish of fool, from Troy. He smelled like almonds and earth. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. Achilles meets Hector at the walls of Troy as for Hector begs Achilles and states I beg you, Achilles, by your own soul and by your parents, do not allow the dogs to mutilate my body, by the Greek ships. Hector, the Trojan leader is able to kill Patroclus. Thomas Moore (849 poems) 8. This request was to put their ashes together when Achilles died and to let them rest eternally together. In the Iliad, Homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, where Achilles is tender toward Patroclus but callous and arrogant toward others.
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