Can one who is condemned by the state to the death penalty still be a "worthy partaker of the table of His Son"? The Temple was incomparable - just like the God who it was built for. Teach(W) them the right way(X) to live, and send rain(Y) on the land you gave your people for an inheritance. There is room for petitions, but first we are to realize to Whom we come and we must also realize our own limitations. The priests took their positions, as did the Levites with the Lord's musical instruments, which King David had made for praising the Lord and which were used when he gave thanks, saying, "His love endures forever." 24You have kept what You promised Your servant David my father; You have both spoken with Your mouth and fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day. Finally, Solomon prayed and anticipated the final judgment' war and national collapse.' War within is the ultimate destroyer of life, property and freedom. Hear from heaven, and act, and judge Your servants: Solomon asked the God who can see what man cant who knows the hidden heart of man to enforce from heaven the oaths made at the temple. 22 Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and spread out his hands toward heaven; 23 and he said: "Lord God of Israel, there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all their hearts. At the end of the prayer, we begin chapter 7, and it states, "As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. David prepared for the temple in every way he could short of actually building it, and he was happy for the credit and honor for building it to go to his son Solomon. Solomon mentions locust and caterpillar, grasshoppers and other creatures which denude the fields of all vegetation. Its the very first part of our purpose statement: The purpose of the Plantation Community Church is to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We make disciples by winning people to Christ and then helping them to grow in him. If they are taken out of their land because of their sin! Solomon took time to contemplate the God he was praying to. Rather than information alone, Solomon . Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. From the study of Solomon's prayer after the completion of the temple, the students will discover that God keeps all His promises. And let Your saints rejoice in goodness. The sense that sin is all-pervading dominates, epitomised in one of the clearest biblical statements about sins universality (there is no one who does not sin, 2 Chronicles 6:36). As we just read in verse 61: Your hearts must be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands.. A strong church was planted here in Plantation that has been faithful in preaching Gods word and has given millions of dollars to missions around the world. Seeing God always forgives upon His people's repentance, can this forgiveness become rather common place to us? And so Solomon begins with thanksgiving and praise for what God has done. Bible Outline - 1 Kings 8:1-66 - Dedication of the Temple 30:9]; Ezra 7:6; Ps. It collapses economies and replaces peace with terror. He must there confess his sin so that the sin does not rest on the whole people! Jesus told his disciples: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. b. Solomon II. IV. a. 25Therefore, Lord God of Israel, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father, saying, (G)You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel, only if your sons take heed to their way, that they walk before Me as you have walked before Me. 26(H)And now I pray, O God of Israel, let Your word come true, which You have spoken to Your servant David my father. (1 Kings 7:13) Only the best materials were used. If this king will continue in this way, he may be sure that the Lord his God will remember His covenant and all the loving kindness which He had promised David. How does Solomon overcome the difficulty of doing priestly work and not sinning by doing so? God having given testimony to Solomon's prayer by fire from heaven, 2. and glory in the temple, the people worship him 4. Lessons from Solomon's Temple - The Herald b. After placing the ark in its new home, a praise service broke out with instruments sounding out beautifully and voices raised . 1 Kings 8:54-63 (Dedication of the temple), INTRODUCTION: This morning we are going to look at King Solomons prayer of dedication when the temple was built in Jerusalem and see what principles of this prayer apply to us today as we dedicate our new sanctuary to God and his glory. c. When You hear, forgive: Solomon knew that the most important thing Israel needed was forgiveness. (1 Kings 8:62-63). After sacrificing a seemingly endless number of animals ( 1 Kings 8:5 ), Solomon blessed the Lord for His covenantal faithfulness (vv.12-21). That is his privilege and his duty. This is Solomon's prayer. 1:6; Ps. How were the kingly and priestly offices kept separate? Last year through some generous estate gifts and through the sacrificial giving of Gods people, we were able to pay off the mortgage twelve years early. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. The old Puritan commentator John Trapp could not resist mentioning a fulfillment of this principle in his own day: Anne Averies, who, forswearing herself, a. D. 1575, February 11, at a shop of Wood Street in London, praying God she might sink where she stood if she had not paid for the wares she took, fell down presently speechless, and with horrible stink died., Or if Your people Israel are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, and return and confess Your name, and pray and make supplication before You in this temple, then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which You gave to them and their fathers.. So that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other. Solomons prayer has a global focus. And so your first thought should always be thanksgiving and praise to God for what he has done. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. The prayers of Hannah (1 Samuel 1), Hezekiah (Isaiah 37), Daniel (Daniel 9) and Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1) spring readily to mind. If I see a Bank of England note, it is a promise for a certain amount of money, and I take it and use it. If we dont appropriate in faith, Gods promise is left unclaimed. 3 Lessons from Solomon's Prayer That Can Give Us Spiritual Wisdom You can also change some of your preferences. Such an individual must then come to the altar of God. Alas, Solomon didn't stay on this height of commitment to God. Solomon's Prayer of Dedication | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at God cannot be confined to a particular space, but He does meet with His people in particular spaces. For less than $5/mo. Famine came upon the land of Canaan several times during the course of sacred history despite the fact that this land was to be the land "flowing with milk and honey." One land would often invade the other, besiege its cities and take the inhabitants captive. The temple was completed the 8 th month of 11 th year of reign. Enduring Word Bible Commentary 2 Chronicles Chapter 6 63 Solomon offered a sacrifice of fellowship offerings to the Lord: twenty-two thousand cattle and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep and goats. If you are going in one direction, and God wants you to go in a different direction, then you need God to turn you around. Mildew was another disease of the grains. Please include the following statement on any distributed copies: But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. From prior statements, such as his statement in 2 Chronicles 6:1-2, we might have thought that Solomon drifted towards a superstitious idea that God actually lived in the temple to the exclusion of other places. He keeps His promises and shows lovingkindness. Praying in the True Temple. Give them victory! Solomon's prayer acknowledged the greatness of the LORD, and that there was none other God like Him. that they may fear Thee all the days that they live in the land which Thou gayest unto our fathers. The Prayer of Solomon (1 Kings 8:22-53) - FBC Spur Here they are about to dedicate this beautiful temple to the Lord and Solomon says: But may your hearts be fully committed to God. I dont know if youre familiar with the rest of the history of the Israelites and the temple, but when Gods people eventually turned away from the Lord, God took the temple away from them. i. God will then judge the one who has committed the sin and the taint of sin which exists as long as the real sinner is not known will be removed from the whole people. Israel's God does make covenant. 44When Your people go out to battle against their enemy, wherever You send them, and when they pray to the Lord toward the city which You have chosen and the temple which I have built for Your name, 45then hear in heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their [c]cause. Moreover, concerning a foreigner: The temple was in Israel but it was always intended to be a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). 22Then Solomon stood before (B)the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and (C)spread out his hands toward heaven; 23and he said: Lord God of Israel, (D)there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, (E)who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who (F)walk before You with all their hearts. How can we dedicate something to Gods glory if we are not seeking to glorify him with our lives? You have kept what You promised Your servant David my father; You have both spoken with Your mouth and fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.Therefore, LORD God of Israel, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father, saying, You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel, only if your sons take heed to their way, that they walk in My law as you have walked before Me. And now, O LORD God of Israel, let Your word come true, which You have spoken to Your servant David.. And in the midst of a phenomenal celebratory service; the King of Israel prays a dedicatory prayer like none have ever heard before. How many people have you told about Jesus lately? Solomon pleads with the Lord that the temple would be a place of prayer and that all prayers directed toward it would be heard of the Lord and answered. It is an immense undertaking for that day to build such a building as the temple. After many particulars, Solomon concludes with the general request, that God would hearken to his praying people. Fasting and Prayer: 2 Stories - Renew Solomon begins his prayer with thanksgiving and praise for what God has done. 9:2629; Neh. That is his privilege and his duty. A couple will come to me and want me to dedicate their child to the Lord, and yet they are not living for the Lord themselves. i. 1 Chronicles 29:16). (Selman). The substance is Christ; whatever we ask in his name, it shall be given us. And so we pray for God to turn our hearts that we may walk in all his ways and be obedient to his commands. 1st Kings 8:22-53: Solomon's prayer at the dedication of God's people We dedicate this sanctuary to be a house of prayer. A church that loses its outward focus has lost its way. 32:11, 12; Deut. He ruled Israel for forty years, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity for his people. Now, my God, I pray, let Your eyes be open and let Your ears be attentive to the prayer made in this place. Look at verses 54-56: When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the Lord, he rose from before the altar of the Lord, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven. As long as this did not slip into a superstitious misunderstanding, it was good to recognize a special place to come and meet with God. And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD's house. 130:3; Prov. It was Solomon's praise, that what he undertook, he went through with; it was by the grace of God that he prospered in it. Wasnt it the donations of the people that made the building possible? This recognized that the God of the temple could answer prayers made away from the temple. a. (If you're a human, don't change the following field), Solomons Prayer at the Dedication of the Temple. That is part of the outward focus that we are to maintain as the church of Jesus Christ. 58 May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers. 13 Now he had made a bronze platform, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high, and had placed it in the center of the outer court. Our church began back in 1948 when a small group of people had a vision for a church in the newly developing community of Plantation, Florida. Though it happened 500 years before, it was just as important and real for Israel as the day it happened. This wisdom is soon revealed when a mother comes to him with another woman, each claiming the same child as her own. Sermon for Building Dedication: A Place with Purpose - Preaching I have surely built You an exalted house, And a place for You to dwell in forever." a. Standing there at the altar, he cried out for God to have mercy on His people . God knows what is in their hearts. Because Solomon also prayed here: May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers. (1 Kings 8:58) Notice this is primarily a prayer for God to turn you. ii. Commentary I Kings 8:22-I Kings 8:40 (Read 1 Kings 8:54-63 and pray.). When a dispute came down to one word against another, Solomon asked that the temple would be a place to properly swear by. Didnt they make the plans, gather the materials, and oversee the building of the temple? The mention of Gods hands (lit. I. Thanksgiving and praise for what God has done (54-56). Many times people want their pastor to come and pray a prayer of dedication for their new home or their place of business. PASTOR: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; our Father which art in heaven: PASTOR: Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, head of the body which is the church; head over all things to the church; Prophet, Priest and King; whose glorious appearing shall be to all people: PASTOR: Holy Spirit, our Comforter, Counselor, guide and friend: PASTOR: For comfort to those who mourn; for strength to those who are tempted; for the instruction and training of children and youth; for the sending forth of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth: CONGREGATION: To you we dedicate this house. Whenever a people is defeated, great suffering comes upon them. Also when the whole people of Israel come to this place to offer their prayers, Lord hear them. Just because God promises does not mean that we possess. And there I have put the ark, in which is the covenant of the LORD which He made with the children of Israel.. Though only Jesus is God incarnate, the temple was a clear sign that God in all his being was committed to living among his people. (Selman), Then the king turned around and blessed the whole assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel was standing. Solomon's Prayer of Dedication. 31When anyone sins against his neighbor, and is forced to take (O)an oath, and comes and takes an oath before Your altar in this temple, 32then hear in heaven, and act, and judge Your servants, (P)condemning the wicked, bringing his way on his head, and justifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness.
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