Looking at the evidence, your honor, looking at the state of the case, it is my belief that the state cannot prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt, he said. No commoners, these children; rather they are heirs to Whos Who in the world of American business. Robert Kennedy Jr: There is plenty. Tori Holland: Their father traveled quite a bit. She never made it. I also danced with Dicky, Neil, & Peter Zamenski. Dorthy Moxley: I was getting more worried and more worried. That decision was ultimately upheld by the Connecticut Supreme Court. VITO COLUCCI: So, do you believe that they killed her? On the other hand, Chief Baran likes to imagine another ending: You never know when somebody is going to tap on our door, someone who remembered some little detail, someone who may have told us one thing, but then had trouble sleeping. Martha Moxley had been beaten and stabbed with a Toney Penna golf club. It's the Black guy Let's blame him why not. A little over a month later, Moxley was dead, smashed over the head and stabbed with a shard of broken golf club in the driveway of her family's home and dumped next to a tree in the backyard . A few months after trial, Michael Skakel's cousin, Robert Kennedy Jr., accused the prosecutor of deliberately misrepresenting Michael's words in that closing argument. Bryant said that Hasbrouck met Martha during previous trips to Belle Haven; at a street fair and again at a dance. Richard Burns: They were a very famous family. State's attorney [2020 hearing] Looking at the evidence your honor, looking at the the state of the case, it is my belief that the state cannot prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt. On the night before Halloween 1975, a teenager died in Greenwich, Connecticut. Richard Burns: I think it's sad that she's not around to have, you know, lived these 45 years. Richard Burns: after she was was murdered everything had changed. But there were problems with that theory. Lasting impressions of a life ended too soon. Following Colangelos announcement, neither Skakel nor his attorney addressed the court. Nov. 19, 2013. A girl's attention. I'm a Kennedy.". Michael Skakel Was Convicted of Murdering Martha Moxley, So Why Is He Free? She didn't. There was also the subsequent late-night trip to take a state police lie-detector test and then a second polygraph, which he says he passed. That trial would never happen. GREGORY COLEMAN (news report): He had made advances towards her and she rejected his advances and quote, unquote, that he drove her skull in with a golf club. All Rights Reserved. So 15-year-old Martha Moxley wrote in her diary in September of 1975, . To Robert Kennedy Jr., it was the break he had been hoping for. The Ukrainian Tribute Growout is a great opportunity for tomato lovers to get their hands on some unique and delicious varieties. Circumstance put Thomas Skakel on the lawn with Martha that night; there was nothing else to link him to the crime. On October 30, 2020, the 45th anniversary of Martha Moxley's murder, the State of Connecticut announced it would not retry Michael Skakel. A fifteen-year-old girl hadnt turned up at home and her mother was a bit overwrought. At about 9:10 p.m., Helen lx walked home without incident; Geoff left shortly after. Martha flourished as the new girl in town, and nine months after her arrival, she was voted the most popular girl at Western Junior High School, according to CNN. But ten years later, hundreds of Greenwich residents would line the streets for his funeral. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Years went by, and Martha's murder became a cold case. Outside, the church was virtually surrounded by police. Martha never gets home. The confession was later nullified when Superior Court Judge John Speziale awarded Reilly a new trial and called his treatment a grave injustice. The case against Reilly was dismissed in November when it was discovered that States Attorney John Bianchi (who died in August) had suppressed evidence favorable to Reilly. Mulching is an effective way to keep the root zone cool and moist, while watering more frequently will also help keep the plant from getting too dry. Lynne Tuohy: There were no more leads to pursue. ", Martha's friends told police Tommy wanted to date her, but his advances might not have always been welcomed. Her full name was Martha Elizabeth Moxley. Martha headed across the street to hang out with her very wealthy neighbors, the Skakel family. They would get their suspect. She adds, Theyd give him the third degree. Addressing the Stamford Superior Court on Friday, States Attorney Richard Colangelo said the state would no longer pursue charges against Skakel. The police later find out that no teacher at Tommy's school ever assigned this paper. The scene outside was circus-like. Discovery Company. Robert Kennedy Jr. (2003): I know Michael Skakel and I know he didn't commit the crime. Robert Marchant July 31, 2017. One of the most effective ways to protect your garden from pests is to use natural predators. Mr. Skakel, a nephew of Ethel. There are two homes built on the old Moxley property: one that was built on the old site and one that was built west of it. HUBERT SANTOS [to reporters outside courthouse] An innocent man now goes free . Lynne Tuohy: This was devastating to the Moxley family. 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Erin Moriarty: I mean, did you ever ask him point-blank? Bobby and Teddy Kennedy canceled speaking tours and RFK came to Greenwich as a pallbearer at the funeral. Really? Len Levitt (2003): How does Tommy do this? Investigators honed in on the Skakel tutor, speculating that his downfall could be rooted in his involvement in Martha's murder. And on October 4, a little over three weeks before her murder, Martha wrote: "I went to a party! As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. It's easiest to create a Word docume, Co-Existing with Nature: Protect Your Garden from Pests Easily, Protecting Your Garden from Pests It happened all the time; besides, kids were especially devilish on a night like this. The style was Murder Sites And Michael Skakel claimed that Sherman failed to focus on a more viable suspect in Moxley's murder: Michael's own brother, Tommy. Reports had also begun to circulate that Michael had actually confessed to Martha's murder. After spending more than a decade in prison for the murder, in 2013 a judge granted Skakel a new trial, saying his first attorney failed to adequately represent him. TONY BRYANT: Well, that night We decided to go up to Greenwich and hang out . Links: en.wikipedia.org, www.tapatalk.com 47,727 views 7.4 ( 14 votes) Categories Events > Murder Sites Comments Let's take the most vulnerable person in our society and accuse him. Al Hasbrouck declined to be interviewed, and "48 Hours" was unable to reach Burton Tinsley. I think its just because theyre connected to the Kennedys that the fuss never stops, fumes one neighborhood dowager as she eyes the Skakel house. Officials have reopened the case. Beyond this, circumstance would have made it extremely difficult for an outsider to sneak in and out of Belle Haven unnoticed, especially that fateful night. Clue may have surfaced in unsolved 1975 slaying, Fuhrman Book on 1975 Slaying Points To Kennedy Relative, A Police Reporter Savors a Reputation For Relentlessness. From the Archives: Martha Moxley and 'The Doorbell Night Murder' (January 1977), National Signing Day 2022-2023: Connecticuts signing list. In November 2020, Kennedy insisted to "48 Hours" that Tony Bryant has no reason whatsoever to lie about Al Hasbrouck and Burton Tinsley. In 2013, after spending 11-and-a-half years in prison, Michael Skakel got a huge break when a judge agreed that Skakel's representation had been inadequate and overturned his conviction, granting him a new trial. In fact, in 1997, Michael even made a tape recording of that story while working on a book proposal for a tell-all autobiography. It doesnt matter what we say or do . He told police that Tommy was watching TV with him around 10 p.m. First, make sure your seeds are dry before sending them in. Teenager Thomas Skakel, son of a wealthy and well-connected Greenwich family, figures prominently in the unsolved murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley. They had lights. Published Steve Carroll: It was a maniacal attack that should have stopped but didn't. The guards know everyone and they stop and question outsiders venturing near the fabulous homes of Belle Havenites. Median income is more than $18,000, twice the national average, thanks to the multimillionaires and the executives. Tori Holland: Well, they're because they were very rambunctious. 5:32 PM EDT, Fri October 30, 2020. Before the killing, some families had felt so secure, they didnt bother locking their houses behind them. Larry Shoenbach: I am as certain as certain can be that neither had anything to do with this. It will remain until the case is solved. Richard Burns: You know, how can you kill someone like that? For Dorthy Moxley, time has done little to ease her loss. More than three hundred people were questioned, some half a dozen times or more, police say. In an enclave like Belle Haven, it is fact that Marthas playmates were not just another bunch of kids Doorbell Night rascals darting about hurling toilet paper in the trees, squirting shaving cream and toothpaste on mailboxes, ringing doorbells, and then disappearing. It is many of these people whom Evaristo represents in the working-class section of Greenwich called Chicka- hominy. But that confession came from an exhausted and confused Reilly after a long and at times merciless night of browbeating by state police interrogators. The Skakels, like most of their neighbors, are special peopleonly in some ways more so. He suffered a special kind of hell trial by an indifferent and unjust system before proven innocent. If the police went near that boy bam!wed put a stop to it. Skakel confirms what the police and the prosecutor would notthat his son is off-limits for questioning. Besides, he says, nobody would believe me because of the rumors that have surrounded him. If they had, they would have found what young Sheila McGuire, Marthas friend, found eight hours later when the kids started gathering at the home of the missing girl. Let's blame somebody else. MICHAEL SKAKEL (audio recording): I was like, "oh my God, did they see me last night?". Hours passed. And so, after almost half a century of questions, and two families shattered, all that remains is one terrible truth. Len Levitt (2003): Tommy is seen again shortly after 10 o'clock with Ken Littleton. Michael told police that after watching "Monty Python's Flying Circus" at his cousin Jimmy Terrien's house, he came home around 11:30 p.m. and went straight to bed, but he told his dad's investigators another story: MICHAEL SKAKEL (audio recording): And I remember thinking, oh my God, if I tell anybody that I was out that night, they're going to say I did it. of Emergency Services & Public Protection. Richard Burns: You know, Michael's going to walk around the rest of his life with that on his head No matter whether or not it's been vacated by the court, public opinion matters. Using Natural Predators Mr. Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, was charged on Jan. 19. On Mischief Night, Martha and two other friends met Michael at the Skakel house around 9 p.m. Martha Moxley's murder however was unusual, and in their attempts to uncover the murderer, the police would face some very unusual problems. Martha's friends told police that Tommy wanted to date her, but his advances may not have always been welcomed. On October 4, 1975, a little over three weeks before her murder, Martha wrote: "I went to a party Tom S. was being an ass. Like many of the more than fifty people Connecticut approached to discuss the Moxley murder and its after- math, this Belle Haven woman was reluctant to talk and would do so only if she were not named. TONY BRYANT: I knew who they were implying. After Michael Skakel was sent off to prison in August 2002, his cousin Robert Kennedy Jr. became his staunchest supporter. Richard Burns: She didn't. The announcement came exactly 45 years to the day Martha Moxley was killed in Greenwich, her body discovered under a pine tree on her family's estate. TONY BRYANT: I'm trying to remember at one of the mixers and he got jealous of other guys coming up to her and talking to her. Literally, it means beautiful shelter and Belle Haven is exactly that, a mile-square chunk of suburban paradise jutting out into Long Island Sound, graced by ninety-four of some of the largest, most beautiful homes in the state. Len Levitt (2003): He's got no motive to kill Martha. Father Richard Manus eulogized her as a bubbly girl who made more friends than most people make in a lifetime. Just recently, he noted, Martha Moxley had mused to a girlfriend that when she died she wanted her funeral to be happy, with friends remembering all the good times. Instead, as nine friends approached Marthas coffin with yellow roses, they burst into tears. Finding nothing, the police left and issued a routine alert for Martha Elizabeth Moxley, five-foot-five, 120 pounds, long blonde hair, blue eyes, last seen wearing a blue parka and dungarees. the two of them were fierce rivals for anything you know, from sports to affection. Len Levitt (2003): And now they announce a reward and a hotline. Listening to Thomas Skakel, one is reminded of another young man who was just about the same age when he was charged with murder. She wanted to meet everybody. This case of Martha Moxley's murder got worldwide publicity. The teenager was probably out partying with a boyfriend or sleeping it off or possibly even running away from the big, beautiful home her parents thought she loved. See the article in its original context from. I concur Michael is the murderer. In 2002 Michael Skakel was convicted for Moxley's murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison; that conviction was eventually overturned, reinstated, and overturned again in 2018. Lynne Tuohy: He moved to Nantucket, he drank heavily, did drugs committed crimes of petty larceny. The tree in the backyard where the murder took place is apparently still there. On the night of Martha's death, he was away on a hunting trip. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Lunney just wanted to remind him that he was still a suspect by telling him, I may have to be on this case for a hundred years, but Im gonna prove you did it or you didnt do it. Thomas Skakel says this incident led his attorney to consider going to court for a restraining order to prevent police from even approaching him. I hope to God nobody saw me j----- off.". J. David Moxley was in Atlanta on business, so Dorothy Moxley and her eighteen-year-old son, John, helped the police search the sparsely wooded grounds surrounding the three- story French manor house. On one side are the Moxleys, a tight-knit family of four who moved from Northern California to Connecticut's prestigious enclave of Belle Haven just a year before Martha's slaying. They are buying peace of mind from the nationwide crime epidemic that now claims a murder victim at the astounding rate of once every twenty-seven minutes, according to the FBI. A lot of people think whoever did it is still walking around, says former Greenwich First Selectman William Lewis, and it worries people. A friend of the Moxleys, Mrs. Thomas McGuire, says that underneath all the layers of time is the fear that the killer could live nearby and strike again. Surely she had no reason to run away from home. Developed by William Estler in the 1940s, this tomato is known for its large size, sweet flavor, and disease resistance. In 2003, Tony Bryant was videotaped by Michael Skakel's team. Every morning Martha laid out her fathers clothes for his daily commute to Manhattan, where he ran the office of Touche Ross, Inc., an international accounting firm. Updated on: June 2, 2022 / 10:08 AM They never . It was October 30, 1975, traditionally known as Doorbell Night, when youngsters roamed around pulling pranks the night before Halloween and giving the cops a headache. Fifteen-year-old Martha Moxley was murdered 46 years ago outside her home in Greenwich, Connecticut. HUBERT SANTOS: You knew that Tommy Skakel was the last person to see Martha Moxley alive? More than a year and hundreds of false leads later, two investigators, Detectives James Lunney and Stephen Carroll, remain assigned almost full-time to find out why Martha was killed and to hunt down her slayer. Girl, 15, Found Slain Near Plush Home, Girl, 15, Found Murdered At Her Greenwich Home, Police Say No Arrests Near In Martha Moxley Murder. then I woke up to Mrs. Moxley saying, "Michael have have you seen Martha?" And so, 46 years after her murder, Martha Moxley's case once again goes cold and her childhood friends have little hope that her killer will one day be brought to justice, unless somebody out there decides to reveal a secret they may have been keeping for all these years. Thomas Skakel says he answered police questions and kept answering until he thought he was done with it several weeks after the murder. Dorothy Moxley sensed that her daughters absence was not routine. She had a 9:30 p.m. curfew and she wouldnt stay away without calling. This has led Chief Baran to conclude now, It is unlikely it was a transient. It has led also to the assumption that whoever brought the iron club down on Martha Moxley probably lived in Belle Havenand still does. Tori Holland: I did not know she was spending the time that she was spending with them. During the final summer of her life, Martha had become friends with two of the Skakel brothers, Michael, who was 15 years old, and his older brother Tommy. But Schoenbach says there is no evidence that either one was in Belle Haven the night Martha was bludgeoned to death. What happened to Moxley has been a mystery that has gripped Belle Haven and the nation, aided by the fact that Moxley spent her last night alive with young members of the Skakel family, cousins of the Kennedys. People who can afford Greenwich (about $60,000 for an acre of land and $120,000 for the average home) are not just paying for the privilege of choosing between the towns twenty-four private beach and country clubs. MICKEY SHERMAN: He was going to invoke the Fifth Amendment no matter what we did. And and that was really the segment that everybody agrees ended up convicting Michael Skakel. His account is confirmed at least indirectly by Captain Keegan. They were a tightknit foursome, the Moxleys, playing doubles at the Belle Haven Beach Club, going out on the town, or on vacation together. The golf club she was struck with. Richard Burns: Well, it would be hard not to I know I did. Furthermore, she died in Greenwich, Connecticut, on October 30, 1975. I really have to stop going over there.". I tutored a Kennedy relative and wound up accused of murder, How the Skakel-Moxley Murder Case Unfolded Over Four Decades, Murder conviction of Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel overturned again, Court vacates Kennedy cousin Skakels murder conviction, Michael Skakel free: Supreme Court wont hear case, The Unrelenting Martha Moxley Murder Saga: Old Money, Cold Justice, the Kennedy Connection and Endless Twists, American Justice A&E A Murder In Greenwich, Michael Skakel vs. Commissioner of Correction (2016, behind LexisNexis paywall). When 15-year-old high school sophomore Martha Moxley didn't come home after a night out with friends, her mother, Dorthy, was anxious. Erin Moriarty: But it wasn't just Tommy who changed his story, was it? Former Hartford Courant reporter and "48 Hours" consultant Lynne Tuohy. Martha Moxley, shown at age 14, a year before she was murdered on Oct. 30, 1975. Adds Skakel, Even [Police Chief] Steve Baran cant talk to that boy. Len Levitt (2003): Tommy's story is that he last sees her at 9:30 and he goes inside home to write a paper on Abraham Lincoln. Reporter Len Levitt, now deceased, was interviewed in 2003. Whoever murdered Martha Moxley had up to fifteen hours to cover his (or her) tracks before the body was found; fifteen hours to dispose of the section of golf club, wash off the blood, wash or dispose of bloodied clothes, and compose an alibi. In 2018, the Connecticut Supreme Court vacated his murder conviction and ordered a new trial. On August 24, 2003, Tony Bryant, a former classmate of Michael Skakel's, told Michael's attorneys two of his friends who were visiting Belle Haven the night of Martha Moxley's murder had confessed to killing a girl. On April 16, 2013, Skakel was back in court with his attorney, Hubert Santos and a new argument that that media savvy defense attorney Mickey Sherman hired to defend Michael at his 2002 trial had botched the case. Authorities found no evidence to prove Littleton was involved. Over the years suspicion shifted from Thomas to his two-years-younger brother, Michael, as the killer. MICKEY SHERMAN [to reporters outside courthouse]: Michael's defense and his only defense is that he did not commit this crime. All fifteen detectives on the 150-member Greenwich police force were immediately thrown into the case, which would become the biggest investigation in the eighty-year history of the department. Perhaps most shocking, Sherman failed to call a critical witness who supported Michael's alibi that he was miles away the night Martha was murdered. Just six months later, George Skakels wife, Joan Patricia, died at thirty-nine when she choked on a piece of meat at the family dinner table. They made sure that Thomas exercised his rights including the Constitutional right to remain silent. And then of course there was Michael's own words from that tell-all book proposal. 'Across Walsh Lane from the Moxleys lives Helen lx. He told them on the night of the murder, he had taken two friends - Adolf Hasbrouck, also known as Al, and Burton Tinsley-to Belle Haven. She was right. When we pressed him about it, he got up from the interview chair. TONY BRYANT: and I'm going to go grab somebody and pull them by the hair and do what cavemans do.". Larry Shoenbach: To coin a phrase, it's Black versus White. Burton Tinsley and Al Hasbrouck don't deny that they had been to belle haven on several occasions. The autopsy by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Elliot Gross concluded that Martha Moxley died of multiple lacerations of the skull and contusions and lacerations of the brain. Martha was not just struck down, but was beaten repeatedlywith an iron golf club. You should also label each packet with the variety name, date, and a brief description (e.g. Len Levitt (2003): The report was devastating to the Skakel family. 5-7 oz Orange, mid season). Two years earlier, the seven Skakel siblings lost their mom Anne to cancer. Her dad is president of Cadbury-Schweppes, USA, the candy and soda manufacturers. Please enter valid email address to continue. Richard Burns and Tori Holland, childhood friends of Martha Moxley, speak out about the case for the first time since her murder to "48 Hours.". The golf club she was struck with shattered from the force of the blows. Around midnight, he's drunk and he goes out and he climbs the tree outside Martha's window and he masturbates in the tree. Now the people in Belle Haven really had to wonder, Is it my neighbor? Brownes highly unorthodox statement angered many people. The police were stymied because members of a family who certainly have information that could assist the investigation have apparently been advised not to assist in the probe, he announced. You've lost it all," Martha's childhood friend Tori Holland told "48 Hours" correspondent Erin Moriarty in "The Diary of Martha Moxley". Says Lapcevic: Either he was misquoted or he is a fool. Browne never said he was misquoted and today he refuses to discuss his statement. The prime suspect at the time was Moxley's neighbor, then-17-years-old Thomas Skakel, the scion of a well-connected family whose influence seemingly put Thomas beyond the reach of the law. After 11-and-a-half years in prison, Michael Skakel walked out of the courthouse no longer a convicted killer. GREENWICH An attempt to track down an old golf club handle, which defense lawyers hope might cast additional light on a longtime murder investigation into the 1975 death of Martha Moxley, is being tied up over procedural issues, the lawyers say. Len Levitt: Michael and Martha are in the front seat of the Skakel car . A police source who has seen his share of wounds describes it as the worst he has seen, a real crime of passion. Near the body, police found the bloodied head of the club, with only part of the shaft attached. I think it's a fair . Since then, its been unclear if a new trial would be held. That has changed. Please enter valid email address to continue. Dorthy Moxley (2000): I think Martha just rebuffed him. Email editor@connecticutmag.com. In 2000, Michael Skakel was charged with her murder. On Halloween 1975, Martha was found brutally murdered - bludgeoned and stabbed to death with a golf club - beneath a tree on her own front lawn in the exclusive community of Greenwich, Conn. According to Santos, although police did not have enough evidence to charge Tommy with the crime, "the weight of the evidence is that Tommy Skakel killed Martha Moxley. Martha Moxley's House (former) Greenwich, Connecticut (CT), US Like Tweet Share Pin This is the former site of the Moxley's modest bungalow, where lived a 15-year-old murder victim, in a case that attracted worldwide publicity in 1975. Tori Holland: I think it's they're trying to find a scapegoat. Police began taking a hard look at the Skakels and they would find what sounded like tantalizing clues left by Martha herself in her diary. There's no physical evidence to tie them to the crime. The Moxleys had moved to Belle Haven from California just a year before Martha's murder. Her body is found bludgeoned and stabbed, half-hidden beneath pine trees. . But the youth claims the cops have kept after him and, in their way, harrassed him until his family finally hired a lawyer for his protection. Everywhere I went, there was a cop following me, sometimes in an unmarked car, sometimes not. This treatment culminated on his eighteenth birthday last April 14, when, Thomas says, he went to Boodles, a local watering spot, for his first legal drink with some friends. For one thing, crime statistics show that between 75 and 90 percent of the nations homicide victims were acquainted with their slayers; random killings by strangers are rare. The most recent Skakel death was in 1973, when Rushtons wife Anne, Thomass and Michaels mother, died at forty-one after an extended illness. You have their best friend who says that they confessed to him. Armed with Tony Bryant's story, in 2005, Michael Skakel's attorneys filed an appeal asking for a new trial. There was a long blood trail clearly showing she was dragged. In 2020 the state of Connecticut announced it would not re-try Michael Skakel for Moxley's murder. Martha kept a diary which became evidence after her murder. It is the height of ridiculousness to suggest that a department this size is withholding evidence. Holland and Burns share their thoughts on the Skakel family, who have been at the heart of the investigation since the start. Lynne Tuohy: It was a Toney Penna 6-iron golf club. First published on November 5, 2021 / 8:24 AM. Lynne Tuohy: It was huge. Richard Burns: Years later, I ended up playing some golf with him a bunch of times. Martha Moxley's body had been dragged through the high grass in her family's backyard and left under a tree. Len Levitt (2003): What goes on between Martha and Tommy then is sort of playful, pushing back and forth with sexual overtones. 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. In December, 1966, Kathleen Skakel, his daughter, drove a convertible over a bump in a Greenwich road and a seven-year- old girl was thrown out of the back seat and killed. I think she would have been a great mother. But the judge wasn't persuaded and ruled against Michael Skakel. Lynne Tuohy: It came from a set owned by Anne Skakel, Michael's and Tommy's late mother. The deadline for sending in seeds was October 15th, but there are still plenty of ways to get involved. The editorial writer acknowledged that gossip was inevitable, but added: When a person is almost being tried and convicted by a rumor-mill-run-riot, it should cause us all grave concern.. Police initially swarmed all over the Skakel estate where Martha was last seen alive. STAMFORD, Conn. Since Michael C. Skakel's conviction in 2002 in the 1975 murder of his Greenwich neighbor Martha Moxley when they were both 15, Mr. Skakel and his family have . Larry Shoenbach: Nobody saw Al Hasbrouck, nobody they would've seen a young guy, a Black man in a very, very white community and a big guy. Steve Carroll: We didn't even know what color hair she had because it was all blood red and all of the blows or damage were all to her head. Since 1975, the tony neighborhood of Belle Haven, in Greenwich, Connecticut, has been haunted by the death of Martha Moxley, a 15-year-old girl who was bludgeoned with a golf club. He noticed nothing unusual about Tommy, and that's significant because Martha had been murdered violently. At least 12 dead after winter storm slams South, Midwest, The Saturday Six: Dental device controversy, scientist's bug find and more, Indonesia fuel depot fire kills 18; more than a dozen missing, 3 children killed, 2 others wounded at Texas home, Man charged for alleged involvement in 2 transformer explosions, Nikki Haley slams potential GOP contenders, and Trump and George W. 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